ArUco in Eclipse Ubuntu - eclipse

I want to compile the augmented reality ArUco library, but this library documentation on the internet is too scarce and I am facing some problems. Could someone give me a little tutorial about how to compile it in the Eclipse? (could be another IDE)
I'm using the Ubuntu 12.10, Eclipse Juno. Thanks!

Look at the README file of the library, you will probably have to use cmake. Open a terminal and install cmake and OpenCv (the requirements for the library) with apt-get. I don't know their exact package names in Ubuntu, but try the obvious cmake and opencv. Once that is done, cd to the directory where you unpackaged the aruco library, and do the following:
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
make all
make install
You can change the installation prefix by using cmake -i .. or ccmake if it got installed too. As for setting up the library in your IDE, just make a note of which directories the library files (binaries and headers) got installed to, and make sure those are in the compiler's search path.


Failing at NetBeans Java Native Packaging for Linux

Doing Linux Native Package builds I'm running into problems with both RPM and DEB. In the case of RPMs, it's saying that rpmbuild cannot be found. Then for DEBs it reports the dpkg cannot be found.
Both dpkg and rpmbuild are installed and are in /usr/bin. Both are in my path and execute fine from CLI. Failure is the same whether I start NetBeans from GUI or CLI. I've even symlinked rpmbuild and dpkg into my NetBeans bin directory. No luck.
How does one go about getting NetBeans to find dpkg and rpmbuild so that it can complete native builds from the GUI? Currently working with SuSE LEAP 15.
For whatever reason, the "Package All Artifacts" option is currently generating .deb and .rpms, but I can't generate them individually. I'm OK with this. I think the most likely change to make that option work was symlinking the binaries from user bin into my netbeans bin.

Import CrossCompile CMake project to Eclipse

I' struggling with importing a CMake project to Eclipse...
I have a CMake project imported from SVN; this works fine on the Raspi (after adapting some pathes in the CMakeCache.txt file. I do have no real experience with CMake, so I guess this is already a wrong approach :-).
What I actually want to do is compiling it on my linux machine with Eclipse because it is a little bit more comfortable. Cross compiling for the Raspi works fine with a simple C-project, but now I have severe problems in setting up a CMake project in Eclipse.
What I have done until now: I just imported the whole project from SVN into Eclipse and adapted the existing CMakeCache.txt file (adapted the pathes to the project and to the compiler etc...). Compiling stops with an error telling me that the library udev is not found. Hahaha, obviously CMake is looking for the libraries on my machine and not in the libraries for the Raspi.
So how do I tell CMake where to look for the "correct" libraries? Or more general: how do I set up a CMake project in Eclipse imported via SVN (no Eclipse project!)? As far as I experienced until now is that CMake is quite allmighty, but everything else than intuitive ;-). Especially in combination with Eclipse...and with SVN...
Thanks a lot!!

Installation errors when installing executables for EclipseFP

I installed the EclipseFP 2.6.4 plugin under Eclipse Luna, then restarted. When it started to attempt to install the executables for the first time, nothing was installed successfully. I went through all of the log files that were generated and found two that contained errors: ansi-terminal- and unix-compat-
The log for unix-compat-
Configuring unix-compat-
setup-Cabal- Missing dependency on a
foreign library:
* Missing C library: msvcrt
This problem can usually be solved by installing the system package that
provides this library (you may need the "-dev" version). If the library is
already installed but in a non-standard location then you can use the flags
--extra-include-dirs= and --extra-lib-dirs= to specify where it is.
The log for ansi-terminal-
Configuring ansi-terminal-
setup-Cabal- Missing dependency on a
foreign library:
* Missing C library: kernel32
This problem can usually be solved by installing the system package that
provides this library (you may need the "-dev" version). If the library is
already installed but in a non-standard location then you can use the flags
--extra-include-dirs= and --extra-lib-dirs= to specify where it is.
I installed the Haskell Platform 2014.2.0.0 for Windows 64-bit. It is on my path. I read someplace about MinGW being necessary, and MinGW and MSYS are both installed and up-to-date as well and the bin and lib folders for them are on my path. I checked the locations on my path and found a libmsvctr.a and libkernel32.a in C:\MinGW\mingw32\lib (which is on my path).
I think I'm missing something, but I'm not seeing anything in the FAQ or on the support forum.
I'm not exactly sure why this works. I'm guessing it has to do with dependencies (perhaps down to a version), but the issue was in my PATH environment variables. Haskell Platform comes with MinGW. When I moved Haskell Platform's directories above my MinGW directories in my PATH environment variable, things started to work.
My MinGW is fully installed and up-to-date (at least as far as I can tell), so it may be the Haskell Platform has a dependency that's not a standard part of MinGW or has a dependency on specific versions of tools. Either way, moving the Haskell Platform directories (including the MinGW that comes with Haskell Platform) up first in my PATH variables resolved the issues.

How do I build and install a plugin for KDevelop?

In particular, I am trying to install kdev-control-flow-graph
I have managed to clone the source from git, cmake the source to build a installed to /usr/local/lib, but when I restart kdevelop, I can find no sign of the plugin!
Under the Loaded Plugins window, it doesn't show up, and I can't seem to find a way to tell it about the existence of the new plug-in.
I am running KDevelop Version 4.2.3 using KDE Development Platform 4.7.2 on Ubuntu 11.10 64-bit.
Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Make sure that "/usr/local/lib" is in your KDEDIRS var, and run "kbuildsyscocoa4 --noincremental"
If that doesn't work, perhaps the plugin's .desktop file needs to have its version modified.
Also note that you aren't running KDE Development Platform 4.7.2 because that doesn't exist (you probably mean KDE 4.7.2), you should be running KDevplatform 1.2.3.

How can I compile gVim under Ubuntu?

I am trying to install the codecheck plugin for gVim, but to do so I must compile gVim with the plugin.
On apt, every apt-get source to a gVim package downloads the normal Vim source, so I guess compiling the GUI must be a configure option. However, I can install the plugin on Vim but I can't compile gVim (since when I make there appears no gVim executable).
Any help compiling gVim?
I'm pretty sure you can just add --enable-gui=gtk2 when configureing. At least, that's how I remember doing it.
apt-get build-dep vim to install the build dependencies for Vim.
Read src/INSTALL, as explained in the README.txt in the top-level directory of the source, to see how to configure and compile it.
After you've got your dependencies installed and you can't find the gvim executable, then try vim -g from the terminal - that's the flag for starting in GUI mode. It's always worth a shot.
It seems this is a more updated version: