Installation errors when installing executables for EclipseFP - eclipse

I installed the EclipseFP 2.6.4 plugin under Eclipse Luna, then restarted. When it started to attempt to install the executables for the first time, nothing was installed successfully. I went through all of the log files that were generated and found two that contained errors: ansi-terminal- and unix-compat-
The log for unix-compat-
Configuring unix-compat-
setup-Cabal- Missing dependency on a
foreign library:
* Missing C library: msvcrt
This problem can usually be solved by installing the system package that
provides this library (you may need the "-dev" version). If the library is
already installed but in a non-standard location then you can use the flags
--extra-include-dirs= and --extra-lib-dirs= to specify where it is.
The log for ansi-terminal-
Configuring ansi-terminal-
setup-Cabal- Missing dependency on a
foreign library:
* Missing C library: kernel32
This problem can usually be solved by installing the system package that
provides this library (you may need the "-dev" version). If the library is
already installed but in a non-standard location then you can use the flags
--extra-include-dirs= and --extra-lib-dirs= to specify where it is.
I installed the Haskell Platform 2014.2.0.0 for Windows 64-bit. It is on my path. I read someplace about MinGW being necessary, and MinGW and MSYS are both installed and up-to-date as well and the bin and lib folders for them are on my path. I checked the locations on my path and found a libmsvctr.a and libkernel32.a in C:\MinGW\mingw32\lib (which is on my path).
I think I'm missing something, but I'm not seeing anything in the FAQ or on the support forum.

I'm not exactly sure why this works. I'm guessing it has to do with dependencies (perhaps down to a version), but the issue was in my PATH environment variables. Haskell Platform comes with MinGW. When I moved Haskell Platform's directories above my MinGW directories in my PATH environment variable, things started to work.
My MinGW is fully installed and up-to-date (at least as far as I can tell), so it may be the Haskell Platform has a dependency that's not a standard part of MinGW or has a dependency on specific versions of tools. Either way, moving the Haskell Platform directories (including the MinGW that comes with Haskell Platform) up first in my PATH variables resolved the issues.


ArUco in Eclipse Ubuntu

I want to compile the augmented reality ArUco library, but this library documentation on the internet is too scarce and I am facing some problems. Could someone give me a little tutorial about how to compile it in the Eclipse? (could be another IDE)
I'm using the Ubuntu 12.10, Eclipse Juno. Thanks!
Look at the README file of the library, you will probably have to use cmake. Open a terminal and install cmake and OpenCv (the requirements for the library) with apt-get. I don't know their exact package names in Ubuntu, but try the obvious cmake and opencv. Once that is done, cd to the directory where you unpackaged the aruco library, and do the following:
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
make all
make install
You can change the installation prefix by using cmake -i .. or ccmake if it got installed too. As for setting up the library in your IDE, just make a note of which directories the library files (binaries and headers) got installed to, and make sure those are in the compiler's search path.

How can I solve NetBeans plugin dependencies (user and not developer question)?

Within the context of upgrading plugins explain how to resolve plugin dependencies when NetBeans user interface's reports specific missing dependencies, yet these do not resolve with a google search or are unmentioned in the netbeans FAQ.
The practical example leading me to ask this question was when I attempted to install an in-development-plugin org-netbeans-modules-htmlprojects.nbm. It requires General Queries API v1.24 and I have v1.19.1.
Have a look at the bug report that mentions the nbm, it's for version 7. This also means that the mentioned version for GQA is also version 7 specific.
You best choice is probably to upgrade to version 7, it has some nice improvements over version 6.9 like HTML5 support. As a new install picks up the configuration of an installed previous version upgrading shouldn't be a lot of work.
EDIT based on restated question:
The short form: you cannot, it's not meant to work that way.
The long form: due to what happened here and the inner workings of Netbeans the error message was less clear than it could have been...
you downloaded a module for a higher version than the installed one
Netbeans' nbm deployment descriptor states dependencies on editor modules, not on editor versions - see inside the nbm which is actually a ZIP file Info/info.xml, manifest element, OpenIDE-Module-Module-Dependencies attribute.
Normally that error would not happen, as the version of the nbm will normally match the editor version, and the dependencies should either be satisfied or satisfiable by on-the-fly installation of the missing dependencies.

Setting up Eclipse for other programming languages

I have installed Eclipse (Helios) for the Java programming language, but I also want to use it for programming in C/C++, Python and Ruby. I've installed CDT and DLTK (for Python and Ruby).
I already had mingw-w64 (Windows platform) installed. How do I set up Eclipse so that it uses MinGW as the toolchain? It apparently detects MinGW as a toolchain, but when I create a project, two warnings already appear saying "error launching external scanner info generator". I'm assuming this is because it can't find the compiler program. Also, it doesn't detect any of the standard-library header files. Could these problems be because I'm using mingw-w64 rather than the standard MinGW?
I have Ruby working, but as for Python, it cannot find the interpreter nor the default system library. I have Python 2.7 already installed. I don't know how to tell Eclipse where to look for the files.
Note: I am on Windows 7 Professional 64-bit. I've heard of people on 64-bit versions of Vista having trouble getting mingw-w64 to work. I may be having the same problem. Ignoring Eclipse, when I try to compile a C file using gcc, it has trouble finding the libraries and includes.
Edit: If I set the path to /bin/ and /libexec/ via environmental variables, I don't get the initial errors when creating a project, but, what I want to know is, how could I set the paths via Eclipse? Also, even if I set the paths, the linker still can't find the libraries and includes. I went to Project > Properties > C/C++ Build > Settings and tried to set the libraries and includes that way, but it still couldn't find them (the libraries, at least)! Moreover, would I really have to do this for every project? This option isn't available in Window > Preferences.
As for the python part, I recommend using pydev:
It's the best eclipse plugin for python. From code completion, syntax highlighting, virtualenv support ( and so on...
If you are into web development,
from javascript, php, html, python, ruby... you also might want to take a look at aptana.
It's a eclipse based IDE with lots of goodies working out of thebox, like git and subversion plugins, pydev etc... aptana is (or was, I switched IDE) installable as a plugin in a regular eclipse)
Martin K. link looks good for mingw part.

Move Plugins between different Eclipse versions

I need to install several plugins to an eclipse that is running on a remote 64bit Linux machine.
I tried copying the neccesary plugins to the plugins and feature folder on the remote machine but it did not seem to work.
The approach I wanted to try out now was setting up a new Eclipse installation with all plugins and replacing the whole eclipse folder.
But as I am doing this I realized that I have to use a 32 bit Linux and Eclipse. Is it possible to install 32bit Eclipse and just move the plugins and features to the remote machine?
Do I need to consider other things?
Can you recommend any other approach that would help me?
The problem is that I cannot just start eclipse on the remote machine. I can access it via ssh but not run eclipse and install plugins via the wizards.
I also have no 64bit linux to prepare a complete eclipse that I can simply copy.
So what I meant is that I have to prepare either an eclipse installation or maybe just plugin folder and move that from my 32bit architecture to the 64bit one.
I can download the current eclipse folder but I cannot run it. When I try to start it with ubuntu nothing happens. I believe it is because its a 64bit version and I got 32 bit architecture.
Don't do this. Not only are there are a number of plugins with native-compiled fragments (different for 32-bit vs 64-bit), but in recent versions, Eclipse will not even register features and plugins that are simply dropped in. You should install plugins explicitly unless you are moving the entire installation between machines with compatible architectures.
You can't run a 64bit binary on a 32bit system without some kind of virtualization software that does a complete CPU emulation. VMWare, VirtualPC, etc... don't do this. They virtualize the system, but not the CPU.
The other way around: a 32bit binary on a 64bit cpu, is generally possible, if the OS (and processor) supports such things.
I think this is feasible.
The architecture should not be the problem. Unless the plugins contain DLLs or .so libraries invoked through JNI but there are very few examples (swt is one example but there are very few of them).
As a matter of fact, the reason why you have OS/arch/GUI specific versions of eclipse is not the java code but the native launcher (eclipse.exe on windows and SWT), all the rest can go bck and forth from one machine to the other, regardless of the arch, the os or the wondows manager.
However, dropping jars in the plugin directory of eclipse is not the recommended way of installing plugins any more (since 3.3 ?). It might work but there is no guarantee.
To install the missing plugins you should download them from eclipse itself (help => install new software...). If you tell us the specific plugins you have problem with, we might be able to help you more precisely.
The best way to go forward is to list all the plugins on the source machine (either from eclipse (help => about) and look at names having specific hints at arch/os/gui. All these cannot be copied over. All the rest should be safe.
As I said, beware of swt. Subclipse has a JNI dependent configuration if you decide to use JavaHL. And there are also "false" plugins such as xmlSpy etc who are noting more than JNI adapters but these are not mainstream.

Java compiler in Ubuntu

I've set up Eclipse in Ubuntu 10.04. I currently have the OpenJDK JRE installed but don't have the JDK needed to compile.
However, the code written Eclipse still compiles. Is this a standard compiler included in Eclipse? I've searched through the package manager and don't seem to have any of the JDKs installed...
Note: running 'javac' in the terminal doesn't work.
If you download Eclipse from, it will bring everything it needs to work with it.
Eclipse is designed to be a standalone package which only minimally uses the components of the system on which it runs. This helps to provide the same experience everywhere.
On the down side, it makes Eclipse larger and more RAM-hungry, and also makes keeping Eclipse up-to-date a separate chore from keeping the rest of your system current.
You can see what Eclipse is using by going into your project build settings. It may be using its built-in compiler, which lets it easily highlight errors, rapidly do incremental builds, and such.
For what it's worth, the Java compiler included in Eclipse is a derivative of IBM's jikes compiler. It's not really so important what brand it is; what's important is that it is an incremental compiler; it sort of keeps your whole program inside itself and if you change a class (maybe even just a method) it will re-compile just the bit of code you've changed.
If you look at NetBeans, when you save a changed file it will call up an ant task to re-compile (via the JDK) at least the class you changed, maybe more. When your classes start to get bigger, you'll find (or at least I did) that this takes up a lot of time; I'm very happy with Eclipse (and IBM) for doing things the way they do. Without the external compilation step, code changes take place a lot more quickly.
Yes, the compiler has some differences compared to the "standard" compilers by Sun Oracle and OpenJDK. But I've never experienced a problem as a result. Still, for production use I'd recommend formally compiling using ant or maven and the JDK. Just to be on the safe side.
Eclipse, like unfortunately most substantial applications that require a JRE/JDK to run include it in the distribution.
For a good time on Lucid Lynx:
$ locate javac
You'll need to another source to the repository. Run the following commands.
sudo add-apt-repository "deb lucid partner"
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk
There's a package for eclipse called eclipse and the java compiler (javac) is in sun-java6-jdk
Install it with sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk or sudo apt-get install eclipse
Eclipse does come with its own compiler, but I wouldn't recommend using it for distribution of source code. I'm not intimately familiar with it, but I've been told that it doesn't perform optimizations as well as other compilers and there are some known bugs in it. I can't dig up anything that supports this, but I do like the idea of building using the same JDK/compiler and running on the same JVM that your users are.
I would suggest obtaining the Sun JDK for Linux. You should be able to get it from the Synaptic Package Manager if you open the universe repositories.