Showing Revmob full screen ad above nextpeer multiplayer screen - iphone

I am using Nextpeer to add multiplayer facility in my game. Now i want to show ad when user start the game so I show ad when user press start button. but the problem is the the Revmob full screen goes under that screen. I want to that ad should appear above that Nextpeer screen.
Any guide or help

It is allowed to show an ad when user start the game and on Nextpeer screens as long as you don't block Nextpeer ads.
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How to add Native Full Screen Video Ads in my flutter app?

I'm trying to make an app where I want full screen video ads to display but not like the typical ones with white background and a video holder in between, I want to make something like the ads that pop up in between Youtube Shorts that are full screen, I found Facebook Native Ads but they too have that white background with ad holder in between, Is there any other Ad Network that I can use if it's not possible with Facebook Ad Network? I've just tried Facebook Native Ads as of now

Interstitial google Admob Ad showing behind canvas

I have 2 canvas in my game.One is background and one shows items in the front.Now when i implemented Admob ads,all my ads are showing in background canvas.Why is that and how can i set them to show on the front canvas.
How can I achieve it.
I am calling ads from Gameobject in front canvas.

Swift Interstitial Making a Banner Ad?

I recently put Admob interstitial ads in my game. They appear when the player dies and then can be dismissed.
For some reason when the interstitial is dismissed, it creates an admob banner at the bottom of the screen which I can not ever hide. This is a big problem because it covers up the game when the player hits the replay button, and it can also cover up the UI in the store.
I do have an Admob banner, but it only appears on the menu scene.
There are 3 scenes, the menu, the game, and the store. In the store and the game's func Update, the admob banner is set to hidden = true. So there is absolutely no way it is the same banner, surely?
If I put in the func update of store or game print(googlebannerview.hidden) it always says hidden = true, even though I can see an ad on the bottom of the screen.
What is causing this? From what I can see the interstitial is either spawning its own banner when it is dismissed, or it is somehow setting the menu banner to be hidden = false and telling it to lie in the console and not be able to be changed.
I don't think showing any code would help so.. please if you have any ideas!
EDIT: if the explanation wasn't that good you can see for yourself, this bug is on the live version of my app. Search Frog Leap on the app store, it's the first one. When you die and then press replay you will notice it makes a banner ad. It also happens if you hit the menu button and go to the store. It never goes away.

iAds show when using UnityAds

I implemented Unity Ads in my game, I would like to display video ads on game over screen. I use this code to do it:
The problem is that when I check my game on iOS for some reason iAds banners display on the top of the page!
I went to monetization settings (advanced) of UnityAds and turned off picture placement. I also disabled "Allow picture ads when no video ads are available (Highly Recommended)" in default video placement options but I still see those iAds banners (saying "You are connected to iAds"). I am not sure if they are debug banners and will disappear in release build.
Any ideas?

Is there a way to open the add in full screen programmatically?

Is it possible to run full screen iAds in App.
In the Words with Friends app there seems to be a random timer which when it goes off it acts like the user clicked on the iAd.
Is there a way to open the add in full screen programmatically?
Words with Friends uses ads by Greystripe. This isn't possible with iAds ads.