Canadian Payment Pro Sandbox Account [closed] - paypal

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Since the new developer site has been put online, it is no more possible to create payment Pro Account on the sandbox, since Canadian users can't either use the REST options, what can we do to test our Pro solutions ? When importing my test accounts, pro are automatically switched to basic business, and cleared my credentials infos.

We are currently working towards resolving the issue. As of right now, it is a hit or miss depending on the box that you hit. You might try creating a US PRO account a couple of different times. You may hit one of the boxes that are not currently experiencing the issues with account creation. If you do hit one of the working boxes, you should get a pro account created with API credentials.


Does the Botium-Box automates Account Link flow for Alexa Skill? [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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We have Alexa Skill for our application which needs account linking.
exploring the botium box for automating conversations, it is working fine.
but I am looking for adding account linking process in it
Is this possible with botium box.. if not, any workaround?
You cant link an account using Botium.
The maximum you can do is test your flow using a linked, or not linked account. But you have to link that account on your own, using the Simulator of Actions console for example.
You can read about it here:

One device for multiple IOS Developer Program Accounts [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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If i register device(in my Developer Account), that belongs to my company and registered in their iOS Developer Account, do they have possibility to know about that (and cut my head:)?
No, there's no way for them to find out what third-party programs or provisioning profiles a device is registered with.
If they go to Settings > General > Profiles on the device, they will see your developer account profile in there if you don't delete it every time.
But other than that, they can't discover this information from their developer account.

Remain on my site or transfer to paypal? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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Generally, which would customers prefer? To remain on my site or be transferred to paypal to complete a purchase?
Do customers prefer the security of a paypal branded page? or would users prefer to remain on my site and process payments through the api?
In all honesty it's probably worth sending them off to paypal. Most 'buyers' online wont have a preference as they don't quite understand it. Yet, some will be re-assured that they're interacting with a familiar brand.
I've had this with some sites that I've written. Some people wont even register on the site for fear of people stealing their information. The funny thing is, these people will then phone the store and happily give all important information over the phone. It's madness! :)
I guess it all comes down to the individual, but redirecting to Paypal and having them complete it there is probably the easiest option. HTH!

Unusually low cap on number of test users in Facebook [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm trying to set up test users using the "roles" tab in the facebook developer app but it is capping the number of test users I can add at 6 even though this link says that you can add up to 500! When I try to add more by selecting 10 on the drop down menu it seems to be doing some processing but when it finishes nothing has been added.
Does anyone know why I am being capped at this number?
Facebook's interface for creating and managing test users is hell. Get the free FacebookTestUserManager (Windows only) and save yourself the headache. It's less buggy than Facebook's web interface.
If you're on a mac, google around there are other standalone test user managers out there.

I bought a domain name that had previously registered for Google Apps for your Domain. Is there any way to use Google Apps for this new account? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I bought a domain name without realizing it was from a business that dropped it in 2010. When I tried to sign up for Google Apps for your Domain, it wouldn't let me since they had previously signed up. Is there a procedure by which I could get Google to give me service?
According to Google you can go reset the admin password for purchased domains that have previously used Google Apps: