Remove external file from postgresql - postgresql

I added a file to postgres using \i /path/to/some/file.sql but there was a typo in the file.
Here's what I had in the file:
SELECT event_id AS holiday_id, title AS name, starts AS date
FROM events
WHERE title LIKE '%Day%' AND venue_id IS NULL;
In the original version I had %DAY%. When running \i /path/to/some/file.sql again, I receive this error:
ERROR: relation "holidays" already exists
How do I undo this relation to get the code to run again?

The \i command does not "add a file" that can later be removed. It simply runs the SQL within the file, as if you had typed it at the psql command prompt. If you want to undo what you did, it will depend on what exactly the SQL was.


Creating Batch Files with PostgreSQL \copy Command in Jetbrains Datagrip

I'm familiarizing myself with the standalone version of Datagrip and having a bit of trouble understanding the different approaches to composing SQL via console, external files, scratch files, etc.
I'm managing, referencing the documentation, and am happy to figure things out as such.
However, I'm trying to ingest CSV data into tables via batch files using the Postgres \copy command. Datagrip will execute this command without error but no data is being populated.
This is my syntax, composed and ran in the console view:
\copy tablename from 'C:\Users\username\data_file.txt' WITH DELIMITER E'\t' csv;
Note that the data is tab-separated and stored in a .txt file.
I'm able to use the import functions of Datagrip (via context menu) just fine but I'd like to understand how to issue commands to do similarly.
\copy is a command of the command-line PostgreSQL client psql.
I doubt that Datagrip invokes psql, so it won't be able to use \copy or any other “backslash command”.
You probably have to use Datagrip's import facilities. Or you start using psql.
Ok, but what about the SQL COPY command ?
How can I run something like that with datagrip ?
SELECT values->>'aJsonField' as f
FROM (select values::json AS values FROM temp_json) AS a;
I try to replace 'MY_FILE.JSON' with full path, parameter (?), I put it in sql directory etc.
The data grip answer is :
[2021-05-05 10:30:45] [58P01] ERROR: could not open file '...' for reading : No such file or directory
I know why. RTFM! -_-
COPY with a file name instructs the PostgreSQL server to directly read from or write to a file. The file must be accessible by the PostgreSQL user (the user ID the server runs as) and the name must be specified from the viewpoint of the server.

Run .sql file with PSQL [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Running SQL script through psql gives syntax errors that don't occur in PgAdmin
(4 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
I have a .sql file that has several commands in it like this:
alter table mytable add codecolumn varchar(10);
update mytable set codecolumn = 'code';
alter table mytable set anothercolumn = 'anothervalue';
This is a PostgreSQL database and I'm trying to use psql to execute the file like so:
psql -h hostname -d dbname -w -f "C:\filepath\filename.sql"
The problem I'm noticing is that it's not executing the commands in the same order as it would if I opened up a query window and ran it that way - from top to bottom. I know this because it's saying that codecolumn doesn't exist.
My goal is to turn this into a batch file to run periodically without having to open up the database. Is there a better way to run this or tell it to run the commands in order?
specs: PostgreSQL 9.5.1, Windows 10 64 bit
I noticed this strange character is being added to the beginning of the first statement:
LINE 1: alter table "mytable" add codecolumn varchar (10);
I believe it's skipping this initial statement as a result.
I found a workaround to this here:
The solution was to add an additional line to the file with a semicolon so that the encoding error get tripped up on that.

Export to CSV file with windows path [duplicate]

I use PostgreSQL 9.4.1
My query:
copy(select * from city) to 'C:\\temp\\city.csv'
copy(select * from city) to E'C:\\temp\\city.csv'
ERROR: relative path not allowed for COPY to file
********** Error **********
ERROR: relative path not allowed for COPY to file SQL state: 42602
As with this case, it seems likely that you are attempting to use copy from a computer other than the one which hosts your database. copy does I/O from the database host machine's local file system only. If you have access to that filesystem, you can adjust your attempt accordingly. Otherwise, you can use the \copy command in psql.
I am using pgAdmin v1.5 . The first query is
select table_name from information_schema.tables where table_catalog = 'ofbiz' order by table_name
Then I press button download, pgAdmin will return a csv file, is result set of first query.
It could be late but i think it can be helpful.
On Windows, make sure the output directory has gain the read/write right for Everyone (or you can specific user name).
Using slash(/) instead of backslash(), example
TLDR: Make sure you also have write permissions in your copy-to location!
I had the exact same first error, ERROR: relative path not allowed for COPY to file, even though I used '/tmp/db.csv' (which is not a relative path).
In my case, the error message was quite misleading, since I was on the host machine, had an absolute filepath and the location existed. My problem was that I used the bitnami postgres:12 docker image, and the tmp folder in the container belongs to root there, while postgres and psql use the postgres user. My solution was to create an export folder there and transform the ownership to the postgres user:
mkdir /tmp/export
chown postgres:postgres /tmp/export
Then I was able to use COPY tablename TO '/tmp/export/db.csv'; successfully.

How to disallow psql command history duplicates

How to disallow psql command history duplicates?
Is this possible to make psql command history delete all duplicate history commands upon enter of new commands?
You can try setting in the psql prompt
\set HISTCONTROL ignoredups
you can also set it in a file called .psqlrc in the user home directory
example from my .psqlrc file
\set HISTCONTROL ignoredups
Set internal variable HISTCONTROL
This is from PostreSQL 9.4 manual:
If this variable is set to ignorespace, lines which begin with a space
are not entered into the history list. If set to a value of
ignoredups, lines matching the previous history line are not entered.
A value of ignoreboth combines the two options. If unset, or if set to
any other value than those above, all lines read in interactive mode
are saved on the history list.

Postgres COPY FROM csv file- No such file or directory

I'm trying to import a (rather large) .txt file into a table geonames in PostgreSQL 9.1. I'm in the /~ directory of my server, with a file named US.txt placed in that directory. I set the search_path variable to geochat, the name of the database I'm working in. I then enter this query:
COPY geonames
FROM 'US.txt',
I then receive this error:
ERROR: could not open file "US.txt" for reading: No such file or directory.
Do I have to type in \i US.txt or something similar first, or should it just get it from the present working directory?
Maybe a bit late, but hopefully useful:
Use \copy instead
A couple of misconceptions:
I'm in the /~ directory of my server
There is no directory /~. It's either / (root directory) or ~ (home directory of current user). It's also irrelevant to the problem.
I set the search_path variable to geochat, the name of the database I'm working in
The search_path has nothing to do with the name of the database. It's for schemas inside the current database. You probably need to reset this.
You are required to use the absolute path for your file. As documented in the manual here:
The absolute path name of the input or output file.
DELIMITER: just noise.
The default is a tab character in text format
NULL: It's rather uncommon to use the actual string 'NULL' for a NULL value. Are you sure?
The default is \N (backslash-N) in text format, and an unquoted empty string in CSV format.
My guess (after resetting search_path - or you schema-qualify the table name):
COPY geonames FROM '/path/to/file/US.txt';
The paths are relative to the PostgreSQL server, not the psql client.
Assuming you are running PostgreSQL 9.4, you can put US.txt in the directory /var/lib/postgresql/9.4/main/.
Another option is to pipe it in from stdin:
cat US.txt | psql -c "copy geonames from STDIN WITH (FORMAT csv);"
if you're running your COPY command from a script, you can have a step in the script that creates the COPY command with the correct absolute path.
echo "COPY geonames FROM '$MYPWD/US.txt', DELIMITER E'\t';"
you can then run this portion into a file and execute it
./ >COPY_abs_path.sql
psql -f COPY_abs_path.sql -d your_db_name