Postgres COPY FROM csv file- No such file or directory - postgresql

I'm trying to import a (rather large) .txt file into a table geonames in PostgreSQL 9.1. I'm in the /~ directory of my server, with a file named US.txt placed in that directory. I set the search_path variable to geochat, the name of the database I'm working in. I then enter this query:
COPY geonames
FROM 'US.txt',
I then receive this error:
ERROR: could not open file "US.txt" for reading: No such file or directory.
Do I have to type in \i US.txt or something similar first, or should it just get it from the present working directory?

Maybe a bit late, but hopefully useful:
Use \copy instead

A couple of misconceptions:
I'm in the /~ directory of my server
There is no directory /~. It's either / (root directory) or ~ (home directory of current user). It's also irrelevant to the problem.
I set the search_path variable to geochat, the name of the database I'm working in
The search_path has nothing to do with the name of the database. It's for schemas inside the current database. You probably need to reset this.
You are required to use the absolute path for your file. As documented in the manual here:
The absolute path name of the input or output file.
DELIMITER: just noise.
The default is a tab character in text format
NULL: It's rather uncommon to use the actual string 'NULL' for a NULL value. Are you sure?
The default is \N (backslash-N) in text format, and an unquoted empty string in CSV format.
My guess (after resetting search_path - or you schema-qualify the table name):
COPY geonames FROM '/path/to/file/US.txt';

The paths are relative to the PostgreSQL server, not the psql client.
Assuming you are running PostgreSQL 9.4, you can put US.txt in the directory /var/lib/postgresql/9.4/main/.

Another option is to pipe it in from stdin:
cat US.txt | psql -c "copy geonames from STDIN WITH (FORMAT csv);"

if you're running your COPY command from a script, you can have a step in the script that creates the COPY command with the correct absolute path.
echo "COPY geonames FROM '$MYPWD/US.txt', DELIMITER E'\t';"
you can then run this portion into a file and execute it
./ >COPY_abs_path.sql
psql -f COPY_abs_path.sql -d your_db_name


Postgresql copy command not finding file

when running:
~/fidelity/releases/20220907033831$ ls -a
the presence of a file is confirmed.
However, when launching a postgresql command
psql fidelity_development
COPY users (id,migrated_id,[...]) FROM '~/fidelity/releases/20220907033831/221005_users_all.csv' DELIMITER ';' CSV HEADER;
The response is unexpected:
ERROR: could not open file "~/fidelity/releases/20220907033831/221005_users_all.csv" for reading: No such file or directory
What am I missing to determine why postgresql cannot see this file?
note this directory was also simlinked as fidelity/current and the same result was obtained when referring to that directory for the file, whereas bash sees it.
Use \COPY command as this one is client based and handles the local path correctly.
While COPY is server based and this could cause issues finding your file.

Export to CSV from postgresql

I want to export a postgresql table to a csv file.
I have tried two ways, however both are unsuccessful for different reasons.
In the first case, you can see what I run and what I get bellow:
COPY demand.das_april18_pathprocess TO '/home/katerina/das_april18_pathprocess.csv' DELIMITER ',' CSV HEADER;
No such file or directory
SQL state: 58P01
I need to mention that in the location /home/katerina/ I have created an empty file named das_april18_pathprocess.csv, for which I modified the Permission settings to allow Read and Write.
In my second try, the query is executed without any errors but I cannot see the csv file. The command that I run is the following:
COPY demand.das_april18_pathprocess TO '/tmp/das_april18_pathprocess.csv' DELIMITER ',' CSV HEADER;
In the /tmp directory there is no cvs file.
Any advice on how to export the table to csv file with any way is really appreciated!
Ah, you run into a common problem -- you're creating a file on the server's filesystem, not your local filesystem. That can be a pain.
You can, however, COPY TO STDOUT, then redirect the result.
If you're using linux or another unix, the easiest way to do this is from the command line:
$ psql <connection options> -c "COPY demand.das_april18_pathprocess TO STDOUT (FORMAT CSV)" > das_april18_pathprocess.csv
copy ( select * from demand.das_april18_pathprocess) to '/home/katerina/das_april18_pathprocess.csv' with CSV header ;

how to pass variable to copy command in Postgresql

I tried to make a variable in SQL statement in Postgresql, but it did not work.
There are many csv files stored under the path. I want to set path in Postgresql that can tell copy command where can find csv files.
SQL statement sample:
\set outpath '/home/clients/ats-dev/'
\COPY licenses (_id, name,number_seats ) FROM :outpath + 'licenses.csv' CSV HEADER DELIMITER ',';
\COPY uploaded_files (_id, added_date ) FROM :outpath + 'files.csv' CSV HEADER DELIMITER ',';
It did not work. I got error: no such files. The two files licneses.csv and files.csv are stored under /home/cilents/ats-dev on Ubuntu. I found some sultion that use "\set file 'license.csv'". It did not work for me becacuse I have many csv files. also I tried to use "from : outpath || 'licenses.csv'". it did not work ether. Appreciate for any helps.
Using 9.3.
It looks like psql does not support :variable substitution withinpsql backslash commands.
test=> \set somevar fred
test=> \copy z from :somevar
:somevar: No such file or directory
so you will need to do this via an external tool like the unix shell. e.g.
for f in *.sql; do
psql -c "\\copy $(basename $f) FROM '$f'"
You can try COPY command
\set outpath '\'/home/clients/ats-dev/'
COPY licenses (_id, name,number_seats ) FROM :outpath/licenses.csv' WITH CSV HEADER DELIMITER ',';
COPY uploaded_files (_id, added_date ) FROM :outpath/files.csv' WITH CSV HEADER DELIMITER ',';
Note: Files named in a COPY command are read or written directly by the server, not by the client application. Therefore, they must reside on or be accessible to the database server machine, not the client. They must be accessible to and readable or writable by the PostgreSQL user (the user ID the server runs as), not the client. Similarly, the command specified with PROGRAM is executed directly by the server, not by the client application, must be executable by the PostgreSQL user. COPY naming a file or command is only allowed to database superusers, since it allows reading or writing any file that the server has privileges to access.
Documentation: Postgresql 9.3 COPY
It may have been true when this was originally asked, that psql backslash commands didn't support variable interpolation, but in my PostgreSQL 14 instance that's no longer the case. However, the psql manpage is clear that \copy specifically does not support variable interpolation.

Postgresql cannot find file name specified in copy command

I try this:
COPY gemeenten
FROM 'D:\CBS_woningcijfers_2014.csv'
and get this:
ERROR: could not open file "D:\CBS_woningcijfers_2014.csv" for reading: No such file or directory
I doubled the backslashes, tried an E string, replaced \ by /, used " instead of ' but now I've run out of options. I am sure the file exists. Anybody any idea?
If the file and the PostgreSQL database are on the same machine, then the path and/or name of the file are not correct.
If the file is on your local machine and the database is on another, you cannot use the COPY command in SQL. You have two main choices to make this work:
1) Use psql \copy from your local machine. The syntax is similar, but it will transfer from your local to the remote. The docs are pretty helpful:
2) Upload the file to the remote machine and then execute your command. Just make sure you are referencing the correct path and filename.

PostgreSQL: export resulting data from SQL query to Excel/CSV

I need to export the resulting data from a query in PostgreSQL to Excel/CSV.
I use PostgreSQL 8.2.11.
SQL error:
ERROR: relative path not allowed for COPY to file
In statement:
COPY (select distinct(m_price) from m_product)TO '"c:\auto_new.txt"';
Example with Unix-style file name:
COPY (SELECT * FROM tbl) TO '/var/lib/postgres/myfile1.csv' format csv;
Read the manual about COPY (link to version 8.2).
You have to use an absolute path for the target file. Be sure to double quote file names with spaces. Example for MS Windows:
TO E'"C:\\Documents and Settings\\Tech\Desktop\\myfile1.csv"' format csv;
In PostgreSQL 8.2, with standard_conforming_strings = off per default, you need to double backslashes, because \ is a special character and interpreted by PostgreSQL. Works in any version. It's all in the fine manual:
 The absolute path name of the input or output file. Windows users might need to use an E'' string and double backslashes used as path separators.
Or the modern syntax with standard_conforming_strings = on (default since Postgres 9.1):
COPY tbl -- short for (SELECT * FROM tbl)
TO '"C:\Documents and Settings\Tech\Desktop\myfile1.csv"' (format csv);
Or you can also use forward slashes for filenames under Windows.
An alternative is to use the meta-command \copy of the default terminal client psql.
You can also use a GUI like pgadmin and copy / paste from the result grid to Excel for small queries.
Closely related answer:
Copy results from a PostgreSQL view in one DB to a table in another
Similar solution for MySQL:
Exporting MYSQL data into Excel/CSV via php
In PostgreSQL 9.4 to create to file CSV with the header in Ubuntu:
COPY (SELECT * FROM tbl) TO '/home/user/Desktop/result_sql.csv' WITH CSV HEADER;
Note: The folder must be writable.
This worked for me:
TO E'C:\\Program Files (x86)\\PostgreSQL\\8.4\\data\\try.csv';
In my case the problem was with the writing permission to a special folder (though I work as administrator), after changing the path to the original data folder under PostgreSQL I had success.
Several GUI tools like Squirrel, SQL Workbench/J, AnySQL, ExecuteQuery can export to Excel files.
Most of those tools are listed in the PostgreSQL wiki:
If you have error like "ERROR: could not open server file "/file": Permission denied" you can fix it that:
Ran through the same problem, and this is the solution I found:
Create a new folder (for instance, tmp) under /home
$ cd /home
make postgres the owner of that folder
$ chown -R postgres:postgres tmp
copy in tmp the files you want to write into the database, and make sure they also are owned by postgres.
That's it. You should be in business after that.
The correct script for postgres (Ubuntu) is:
COPY (SELECT * FROM tbl) TO '/var/lib/postgres/myfile1.csv';