How do I change RRDTool graphs? - charts

I'm starting to use Ganglia, which uses rrdtool which are great tools!
I would like to change the way of charts, graphs are generated, 'cause I would like to generate charts with HighCharts. RRDTool generates an img which I can change the way it's generated.
Is that is possible ? How could I do that ?
Thank you.

Take a look at this page. It gives a pretty good description, and some example code.
Good Luck!


Need assistance with a footprint chart

For a project I am working on, I need to implement a linechart with barcharts on each individual node. an example of this can be seen on, anyone know if there's a library I can accomplish this with?
Footprint chart
Yes, you can use d3.js for this. It looks like uses it for their UI.

Export echarts graphs without a browser

I'm looking for generating png of echarts graphs without using a browser.
I plan to execute this in my crontab.
Any ideas ? I see solutions like Nightmare.js or Selenium+headless browser but I'm not a fan of this.
Thanks !
node-echarts (or, you can find something similarly) is a lib to run echarts on NodeJs. So hopefully you can use it to generate images of ECharts with crontab.

chart library which can edit graph by dragging points?

I'm looking for preferably javascript (but flash would do too) charting library which would be able to render time series as line chart and then allow to drag points in chart to change the underlying data.
I was said that Excel can do exactly the same thing, but I need it on web. No well-known charting library like Highcharts, amCharts, GoogleCharts or dygraphs cand apparently do that - I found some draggable graphs solutions like WireIt or but these are nodes and edges types of graphs not really-usable for chart drawing.
Do you know any ready for use solution to this problem? I don't care whether it's opensource or commercial.
Late response; I might help future visitors, though.
I'm looking for something similar. try:
Some other options (hopefully helpful to future visitors):
Chart.js (plugin):

What type of chart would be best for displaying this data?

I don't mean in terms of how to implement it. i mean i dont like how the date is displayed with the bars. what other type of chart would be more suitable. I know a threadhold line wouldnt work beacause the values of the capacity are different for each day. if they were all the same a threadhold line indicating capacity would work
I think a line graph would be an excellent way to show the data.
I made that using the chart wizard. Link: here. I used the data you provided above, so it should be accurate unless I mistyped.
On the chart wizard, you can import this chart using the link I gave you above if you want to clean it up, add axes, etc.
The best way is impossible to answer, depends on too many things specially since you didn't clarify almost anything in you question.
Anyway, Google's chart API would be ans "easy" way to do this.
Good luck, I you clarify further in your question, I'll try to be more specific and improve my answer!
It can do this quite easily:
See here.

How do I create graphs in Perl on Windows?

How do I use Perl to create graphs?
I'm running scheduled job that creates text reports. I'd like to move this to the next step (for the management) and also create some graphs that go along with this. Is this possible / feasible? It'd be great if I could do this using Office some how.
update: solutions i'm going to investigate in this order
Spreadsheet::WriteExcel (this seems to now have changed from the last time i investigated this .... wait, this was suggested by the author of the module. cool.)
GD Graph - this is now available for ActivePerl(wasn't last time i looked)
Open Charts look interesting.
GD and GD::Graph are probably your best bets, you can use them to create images that you can then embed into whatever you need.
All of the methods mentioned above are really good, but personally I like SVG::TT::Graph. I really like the power that SVG gives you to draw really nice-looking graphs.
Also you can take a look at Google Charts CPAN module
use Google::Chart;
my $chart = Google::Chart->new(
type => "Bar",
data => [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]
print $chart->as_uri, "\n"; # or simply print $chart, "\n"
$chart->render_to_file( filename => 'filename.png' );
At work we have used the excellent Chartdirector.
It's not free, but is very cheap (maybe 50 bucks or so). The cost is well worth it, as the API and docs are both excellent (way better than GD!), so easily saved more than that amount of my time.
There's also a free version, which includes a small yellow banner advertising the product on each chart - to be honest if this is for personal use, you can go for that as it's really not very intrusive at all.
Chartdirector is available for lots of platforms (Win, Linux, Solaris, BSD, OSX) and has an API for lots of languages, too (Perl, ASP, .NET, Java, PHP, Python, Ruby, C++).
The output is easy on the eye, as you can see at their examples page.
Sorry for blowing my own trumpet, but you might be interested to have a look some slides I did for a short presentation about Graphing With Perl.
It mentions some of the suggestions here, but also gives you some code snippets that you might be able to use to help you get the most of what you're doing.
Depending on the complexity of your graph, simply generating a command file for Gnuplot—or GraphViz/Dotty, depending on what kind of graph you are referring to—might do the trick?
The Perl module Spreadsheet::WriteExcel allows you to create Excel workbooks that include charts.
You first have to create the type of chart that you want in Excel and then extract it out using a utility called chartex which is installed with Spreadsheet::WriteExcel.
The chart template can then be added to a new workbook and made to reference new data.
The documentation is here and there are several examples in the charts directory of the distro.
The mechanism is a little inflexible however and the it is sometimes tricky to get the exact result that you want.
Haven't tried it yet but Chart::Clicker looks quite nifty.
I think it uses the Cairo graphic library (alternative to GD) but is actually built on top of Graphics::Primitive which is an "interesting" graphics agnostic package.
The author in question (GPHAT) seems to be putting together some integrated tools for producing reports...
On a side note... have used both ChartDirector and OFC and both are good (especially if web based).
You might need something like strawberry or vanilla Perl to get this to compile. Or PPM might have the module.
Tutorial link:
It won't work with Office, but I really like Chart::OFC which will create Open Flash Charts. Very slick looking and easy to use.
It depends to a great extent what sort of graphs (the look of them), and the data-source. I've had some good result by using the YUI Charts and feeding them some JSON style versions of the original source data. Rolling over a live chart for exact values is quite easy for example. There are plenty of examples on the developer pages.
If you're set on doing this in MS Office you can use the Win32::OLE module to control Excel via OLE. Be warned, that this tends to run slowly and it can be difficult to find documentation for Excel's API. On the plus side, it allows you to do pretty much everything that you can do manually.
Metaprograming of course! Output an R script that creates the graph.
PGPlot does great graphs. There are some examples here. It works fine with Perl 5.8.8 but is broken in 5.10.0
Spreadsheet::WriteExcel will let you just get the data into Excel, then write Excel equations for the graphs.