What type of chart would be best for displaying this data? - presentation

I don't mean in terms of how to implement it. i mean i dont like how the date is displayed with the bars. what other type of chart would be more suitable. I know a threadhold line wouldnt work beacause the values of the capacity are different for each day. if they were all the same a threadhold line indicating capacity would work

I think a line graph would be an excellent way to show the data.
I made that using the chart wizard. Link: here. I used the data you provided above, so it should be accurate unless I mistyped.
On the chart wizard, you can import this chart using the link I gave you above if you want to clean it up, add axes, etc.

The best way is impossible to answer, depends on too many things specially since you didn't clarify almost anything in you question.
Anyway, Google's chart API would be ans "easy" way to do this.
Good luck, I you clarify further in your question, I'll try to be more specific and improve my answer!
It can do this quite easily:
See here.


Is there any way to break up a PDFTable onto a different page?

First time poster here...but been using StackOverflow for solutions whenever I get stuck.. ton of great information here! I will try to describe the question as thoroughly as I can and hope someone can help me out with it. I need to generate a PDF in Swift and present it on an iPad, so i decided to use TPPDF for the PDF generation and then Apple's PDFKit to present it.
TPPDF has been working great for me, however, I ran into an issue where if I create a PDFTable with an enough amount of rows, it overflows into the next page without creating a new table. The last row gets cut off about 1/3 way and the other 2/3 is generated on the next page. This creates a weird visual effect which i'd rather not have if it's possible.
I've been reading through the documentation as well as sifting through the source code to try and figure out if there's a way but I can't find a decent workaround. The only workaround I can think of is splitting up the content and creating multiple PDFTables on new pages (using the createNewPage() method). This would take a good amount of rework in my code so I wanted to post it here to see if anyone has come across this and come up with a solution.
I appreciate any help!!
thanks for asking, this is actually an on-going issue which occured after adding the merge-cell feature. This is discussed in issue #243, so you take a closer look at what's going on there.

What kind of chart has a count of objects?

I was trying to figure out how to make a chart like this but can't seem to find any information. I can't even find a name for this type of chart to Google it.
Does anyone know what these type of charts are called?
This is actually a little different that what I normally see. This is more of a percentage while most represent a certain number of people (one person = 100,000 people)
Here's a better example. I want to try to make something like this programmatically so it can be populated by data.
This is less of a chart and more of an Infographic. It's used to visual display facts or statistics in a friendly and accessible manner. There are plenty of tools on-line that can help you make one of these, but generally they're made custom by graphic designers using image processing tools such as Adobe Illustrator or Inkscape (free).

How can I auto-modify an image?

The question I am asking is a little bit abstract, so I will try to make it more clear. There are websites where you sign up and get a signature in the format of an image. It has a general format, say a few boxes that are empty, and a logo in the middle. Now, say you gain the "Overachiever" badge, which looks like a pen. You signature is then updated, automatically, to include that pen badge in one of the blank boxes. I am completely clueless as to how to do this, and in what language to do this is, so can anyone help? I have been thinking about PHP as an option, but I do not know if that would work. Any suggestions?
You can do this with PHP (imagecreate) and for the updates in your images you can use cronjobs.
Is this for a forum? Depending on the platform, I know some hosts already have "addon's" that provide similar functionality to what you're after. (Karma addons etc.)
Maybe one of these will help? phpBB has some stuff like that.
If you can execute an external process, you can do this using Image Magick.

chart library which can edit graph by dragging points?

I'm looking for preferably javascript (but flash would do too) charting library which would be able to render time series as line chart and then allow to drag points in chart to change the underlying data.
I was said that Excel can do exactly the same thing, but I need it on web. No well-known charting library like Highcharts, amCharts, GoogleCharts or dygraphs cand apparently do that - I found some draggable graphs solutions like WireIt or http://radokirov.com/js-graph-editor/ but these are nodes and edges types of graphs not really-usable for chart drawing.
Do you know any ready for use solution to this problem? I don't care whether it's opensource or commercial.
Late response; I might help future visitors, though.
I'm looking for something similar. try: http://www.jqplot.com/deploy/dist/examples/customHighlighterCursorTrendline.html
Some other options (hopefully helpful to future visitors):
FusionCharts: https://www.fusioncharts.com/charts/visually-editable-charts/editable-line-chart
Chart.js (plugin): https://github.com/chrispahm/chartjs-plugin-dragData

Overlaying of charts

I want to know whether this is possible using Google Charts API: First, create a bar chart with the given input data. And then overlay a line chart (or a line) on top of it.
My use case here, is to show a student's performance in a test when compared to the rest of the crowd which is already available as a bar chart.
EDIT: Dug and found out about markers. Will explore and may be answer my own question :)
This is covered pretty explicitly in the current documentation, see compound charts
Yes, markers are probably what you are looking for. In particular, you may wish to look at a newer feature called "financial markers". This (little advertised) feature was added recently.