Why Scala REPL shows tuple type for Map expression? - scala

Scala REPL gives the same type for both expressions - (tuple? -- strange!). Yet ("a" ->1) which is a Map I can add to map and ("a", 1)can not. Why Scala REPL shows tuple type type for Map expression?
scala> :t ("a" -> 1)
(String, Int)
scala> :t ("a",1)
(String, Int)
scala> val m = Map.empty[String, Int]
m: scala.collection.immutable.Map[String,Int] = Map()
scala> m + ("a",1)
<console>:9: error: type mismatch;
found : String("a")
required: (String, ?)
m + ("a",1)
scala> m + ("a" ->1)
res19: scala.collection.immutable.Map[String,Int] = Map(a -> 1)

Scala thinks a + (b,c) means you are trying to call the + method with two arguments, which is a real possibility since maps do have a multi-argument addition method so you can do things like
m + (("a" -> 1), ("b" -> 2))
the solution is simple: just add an extra set of parentheses so it's clear that (b,c) is in fact a tuple being passed as a single argument.
m + (("a", 1))

Actually, the reason for this is that Predef: http://www.scala-lang.org/api/current/index.html#scala.Predef$ (which is always in scope in Scala) contains an implicit conversion from Any to ArrowAssoc (the method implicit def any2ArrowAssoc[A](x: A): ArrowAssoc[A])
ArrowAssoc contains the method -> which converts it to a tuple.
So basically you are doing any2ArrowAssoc("a").->(1) which returns ("a",1).
From repl:
res1: (java.lang.String, Int) = (a,1)
Furthermore, you can work on immutable hashmaps like this:
val x = HashMap[Int,String](1 -> "One")
x: scala.collection.immutable.HashMap[Int,String] = Map((1,One))
val y = x ++ HashMap[Int,String](2 -> "Two")
y: scala.collection.immutable.Map[Int,String] = Map((1,One), (2,Two))
val z = x + (3 -> "Three")
z: scala.collection.immutable.HashMap[Int,String] = Map((1,One), (3,Three))


Defining a Map[Int, String] with long strings as right value

I'm trying to use a concatenation of string litterals
as value in a Map[Int, String] definition:
scala> val m: Map[Int, String] = Map(1 -> "a" + "b")
but I get the following error from sbt console
<console>:7: error: type mismatch;
found : String
required: (Int, String)
val m: Map[Int, String] = Map(1 -> "a" + "b")
The reason I would want to do such a thing is because I want to define maps from an id to some code like so:
Map(1 -> s"""SELECT year, COUNT(*) FROM""" +
s""" (SELECT id, YEAR(pb_date) AS year FROM Publications) AS Res1""" +
s"""GROUP BY year;""")
without having to define a string for each of the code snippets present as Map right value.
Is there a way to achieve this?
You are just missing some parentheses:
scala> val m: Map[Int, String] = Map(1 -> ("a" + "b"))
m: Map[Int,String] = Map(1 -> ab)
The reason why you are getting that error specifically is because -> takes precedence over +, meaning that you actually get (1 -> "a") + b, as you can see below:
scala> 1 -> "a" + "b"
res4: String = (1,a)b

Cannot prove that Unit <:< (T, U)

When trying to remove all Unit - () from a list, I tried to call toMap.
scala> List((), ()).filter(_ != ()).toMap
<console>:8: error: Cannot prove that Unit <:< (T, U).
List((), ()).filter(_ != ()).toMap
What does this error mean?
For a List, I'd like to create a map of all tuples (String, String) for non-Unit elements, but some of the values can be null.
scala> val x = List((), (), (3,4)).filter(_ != ()).toMap
<console>:7: error: Cannot prove that Any <:< (T, U).
val x = List((), (), (3,4)).filter(_ != ()).toMap
scala> val x = List((), (), (3,4)).filter(_ != ())
x: List[Any] = List((3,4))
scala> x.toMap
<console>:9: error: Cannot prove that Any <:< (T, U).
Ah! Now your other question makes a little more sense. Still not sure what you're doing to produce this mixed Unit/Tuple2 list though.
This should work:
List((), (), (3,4)).collect { case t#(_: Int, _: Int) => t }.toMap
Note that I'm using variable binding here (binding the match to t) to return the same Tuple2 instance we matched rather than creating a new one.
By using collect you convert the type of your list from List[Any] to List[(Int, Int)], which is what toMap wants since it's expecting some List[(A,B)].
Note: Although this answer should work for you, I still think your design is flawed. You'd be better off fixing the underlying design flaw rather than treating the symptoms like this.
It looks like this would be a good fit for using Scala's Option type. In this case, your sample list would become List(None, None, Some((3,4))), or you could write it as List(None, None, Some(3->4)) for readability (nested parenthesis like that can get confusing).
If you use Option then the type of your list becomes List[Option[(Int, Int)]], which should be much nicer to deal with than a List[Any]. To get rid of the None entries and get the desired List[(Int,Int)] you can just call flatten:
List(None, None, Some(3->4)).flatten
// res0: List[(Int, Int)] = List((3,4))
List(None, None, Some(3->4)).flatten.toMap
// res1: scala.collection.immutable.Map[Int,Int] = Map(3 -> 4)
However, it would be even better if you can avoid putting the None entries in your list in the first place. If you're producing this list using a Scala for comprehension, you could use a guard in your for expression to remove the invalid elements from the output.
It means that the type of an element in the list can't be viewed as a tuple which is required to build a Map. A Map in a sense is a collection of tuples (and more).
scala> List(1).toMap
<console>:8: error: Cannot prove that Int <:< (T, U).
scala> List(1 -> 2).toMap
res1: scala.collection.immutable.Map[Int,Int] = Map(1 -> 2)
I can build a map from a list of tuples, but not from a list of single cardinality elements.
Maybe you mean to say .map instead of .toMap? ;)
All in one go:
scala> val l2 = List(1 -> 3, (), 4 -> 4, (), 9 -> 4, (), 16 -> 7)
l2: List[Any] = List((1,3), (), (4,4), (), (9,4), (), (16,7))
scala> (l2 collect { case (a, b) => (a, b) }).toMap
res4: scala.collection.immutable.Map[Any,Any] = Map(1 -> 3, 4 -> 4, 9 -> 4, 16 -> 7)
Better typed:
scala> (l2 collect { case (i: Int, j: Int) => (i, j) }).toMap
res5: scala.collection.immutable.Map[Int,Int] = Map(1 -> 3, 4 -> 4, 9 -> 4, 16 -> 7)

Understanding Scala -> syntax

I am getting a taste of Scala through the artima "Programming in Scala" book.
While presenting the Map traits, the authors go to some lengths to describe the -> syntax as a method that can be applied to any type to get a tuple.
And indeed:
scala> (2->"two")
res1: (Int, String) = (2,two)
scala> (2,"two")
res2: (Int, String) = (2,two)
scala> (2->"two") == (2, "two")
res3: Boolean = true
But those are not equivalent:
scala> Map(1->"one") + (2->"two")
res4: scala.collection.immutable.Map[Int,String] = Map(1 -> one, 2 -> two)
scala> Map(1->"one") + (2, "two")
<console>:8: error: type mismatch;
found : Int(2)
required: (Int, ?)
Map(1->"one") + (2, "two")
Why is this so, since my first tests seem to show that both "pair" syntaxes build a tuple?
They are exactly the same, thanks to this class in Predef (only partly reproduced here):
final class ArrowAssoc[A](val __leftOfArrow: A) extends AnyVal {
#inline def -> [B](y: B): Tuple2[A, B] = Tuple2(__leftOfArrow, y)
#inline implicit def any2ArrowAssoc[A](x: A): ArrowAssoc[A] = new ArrowAssoc(x)
So now the question is when will (a,b) syntax be ambiguous where (a -> b) is not? And the answer is in function calls, especially when they're overloaded:
def f[A](a: A) = a.toString
def f[A,B](a: A, b: B) = a.hashCode + b.hashCode
f(1,2) // Int = 3
f(1 -> 2) // String = (1,2)
f((1, 2)) // String = (1,2)
Map + in particular gets confused because it's overloaded with a multiple-argument version, so you could
Map(1 -> 2) + (3 -> 4, 4 -> 5, 5 -> 6)
and it thus interprets
Map(1 -> 2) + (3, 4)
as trying to add both 3 to the map, and then 4 to the map. Which of course makes no sense, but it doesn't try the other interpretation.
With -> there is no such ambiguity.
However, you can't
Map(1 -> 2) + 3 -> 4
because + and - have the same precedence. Thus it is interpreted as
(Map(1 -> 2) + 3) -> 4
which again fails because you're trying to add 3 in place of a key-value pair.

How to convert a mutable HashMap into an immutable equivalent in Scala?

Inside a function of mine I construct a result set by filling a new mutable HashMap with data (if there is a better way - I'd appreciate comments). Then I'd like to return the result set as an immutable HashMap. How to derive an immutable from a mutable?
Discussion about returning immutable.Map vs. immutable.HashMap notwithstanding, what about simply using the toMap method:
scala> val m = collection.mutable.HashMap(1 -> 2, 3 -> 4)
m: scala.collection.mutable.HashMap[Int,Int] = Map(3 -> 4, 1 -> 2)
scala> m.toMap
res22: scala.collection.immutable.Map[Int,Int] = Map(3 -> 4, 1 -> 2)
As of 2.9, this uses the method toMap in TraversableOnce, which is implemented as follows:
def toMap[T, U](implicit ev: A <:< (T, U)): immutable.Map[T, U] = {
val b = immutable.Map.newBuilder[T, U]
for (x <- self)
b += x
scala> val m = collection.mutable.HashMap(1->2,3->4)
m: scala.collection.mutable.HashMap[Int,Int] = Map(3 -> 4, 1 -> 2)
scala> collection.immutable.HashMap() ++ m
res1: scala.collection.immutable.Map[Int,Int] = Map(1 -> 2, 3 -> 4)
scala> collection.immutable.HashMap(m.toSeq:_*)
res2: scala.collection.immutable.HashMap[Int,Int] = Map(1 -> 2, 3 -> 4)
If you have a map : logMap: Map[String, String]
just need to do : logMap.toMap()

Scala Map from tuple iterable

Constructing scala.collection.Map from other collections, I constantly find myself writing:
val map = Map(foo.map(x=>(x, f(x)))
However, this doesn't really work since Map.apply takes variable arguments only - so I have to write:
val map = Map(foo.map(x=>(x, f(x)) toSeq :_*)
to get what I want, but that seems painful. Is there a prettier way to construct a Map from an Iterable of tuples?
Use TraversableOnce.toMap which is defined if the elements of a Traversable/Iterable are of type Tuple2. (API)
val map = foo.map(x=>(x, f(x)).toMap
Alternatively you can use use collection.breakOut as the implicit CanBuildFrom argument to the map call; this will pick a result builder based on the expected type.
scala> val x: Map[Int, String] = (1 to 5).map(x => (x, "-" * x))(collection.breakOut)
x: Map[Int,String] = Map(5 -> -----, 1 -> -, 2 -> --, 3 -> ---, 4 -> ----)
It will perform better than the .toMap version, as it only iterates the collection once.
It's not so obvious, but this also works with a for-comprehension.
scala> val x: Map[Int, String] = (for (i <- (1 to 5)) yield (i, "-" * i))(collection.breakOut)
x: Map[Int,String] = Map(5 -> -----, 1 -> -, 2 -> --, 3 -> ---, 4 -> ----)
val map = foo zip (foo map f) toMap