How to convert a mutable HashMap into an immutable equivalent in Scala? - scala

Inside a function of mine I construct a result set by filling a new mutable HashMap with data (if there is a better way - I'd appreciate comments). Then I'd like to return the result set as an immutable HashMap. How to derive an immutable from a mutable?

Discussion about returning immutable.Map vs. immutable.HashMap notwithstanding, what about simply using the toMap method:
scala> val m = collection.mutable.HashMap(1 -> 2, 3 -> 4)
m: scala.collection.mutable.HashMap[Int,Int] = Map(3 -> 4, 1 -> 2)
scala> m.toMap
res22: scala.collection.immutable.Map[Int,Int] = Map(3 -> 4, 1 -> 2)
As of 2.9, this uses the method toMap in TraversableOnce, which is implemented as follows:
def toMap[T, U](implicit ev: A <:< (T, U)): immutable.Map[T, U] = {
val b = immutable.Map.newBuilder[T, U]
for (x <- self)
b += x

scala> val m = collection.mutable.HashMap(1->2,3->4)
m: scala.collection.mutable.HashMap[Int,Int] = Map(3 -> 4, 1 -> 2)
scala> collection.immutable.HashMap() ++ m
res1: scala.collection.immutable.Map[Int,Int] = Map(1 -> 2, 3 -> 4)
scala> collection.immutable.HashMap(m.toSeq:_*)
res2: scala.collection.immutable.HashMap[Int,Int] = Map(1 -> 2, 3 -> 4)

If you have a map : logMap: Map[String, String]
just need to do : logMap.toMap()


How to set value in scala Map?

I am new to scala. I have a Map. I want to set a value in the Map with a particular key. Here is the code I am writing -
var mp: Map[Int, ParticipationStateTransition] = Map.empty[Int, ParticipationStateTransition]
val change: ParticipationStateTransition = new ParticipationStateTransition
mp(ri.userID) = change
The error it is showing me on the third line is -
application does not take parameters
What am I doing wrong? Thanks in advance.
Use .updated :
scala> val m = Map(1 -> 2)
m: scala.collection.immutable.Map[Int,Int] = Map(1 -> 2)
scala> val n = m.updated(1, 3)
n: scala.collection.immutable.Map[Int,Int] = Map(1 -> 3)
scala> m
res0: scala.collection.immutable.Map[Int,Int] = Map(1 -> 2)
scala> n
res1: scala.collection.immutable.Map[Int,Int] = Map(1 -> 3)
Note that scala's Map are immutable, so you need to assign the return value of .updated, it will not change the original map.
If you want to change the map in place, you can use collection.mutable.Map and then
scala> val m = collection.mutable.Map(1 -> 2)
m: scala.collection.mutable.Map[Int,Int] = Map(1 -> 2)
scala> m.update(1, 3)
scala> m
res3: scala.collection.mutable.Map[Int,Int] = Map(1 -> 3)
If you want to set multiple values at once, you can do :
scala> val m = Map(1 -> 2)
m: scala.collection.immutable.Map[Int,Int] = Map(1 -> 2)
scala> val n = m ++ List((1 -> 3), (2 -> 4)) // also accepts an Array, a Map, …
n: scala.collection.immutable.Map[Int,Int] = Map(1 -> 3, 2 -> 4)

Understanding Scala -> syntax

I am getting a taste of Scala through the artima "Programming in Scala" book.
While presenting the Map traits, the authors go to some lengths to describe the -> syntax as a method that can be applied to any type to get a tuple.
And indeed:
scala> (2->"two")
res1: (Int, String) = (2,two)
scala> (2,"two")
res2: (Int, String) = (2,two)
scala> (2->"two") == (2, "two")
res3: Boolean = true
But those are not equivalent:
scala> Map(1->"one") + (2->"two")
res4: scala.collection.immutable.Map[Int,String] = Map(1 -> one, 2 -> two)
scala> Map(1->"one") + (2, "two")
<console>:8: error: type mismatch;
found : Int(2)
required: (Int, ?)
Map(1->"one") + (2, "two")
Why is this so, since my first tests seem to show that both "pair" syntaxes build a tuple?
They are exactly the same, thanks to this class in Predef (only partly reproduced here):
final class ArrowAssoc[A](val __leftOfArrow: A) extends AnyVal {
#inline def -> [B](y: B): Tuple2[A, B] = Tuple2(__leftOfArrow, y)
#inline implicit def any2ArrowAssoc[A](x: A): ArrowAssoc[A] = new ArrowAssoc(x)
So now the question is when will (a,b) syntax be ambiguous where (a -> b) is not? And the answer is in function calls, especially when they're overloaded:
def f[A](a: A) = a.toString
def f[A,B](a: A, b: B) = a.hashCode + b.hashCode
f(1,2) // Int = 3
f(1 -> 2) // String = (1,2)
f((1, 2)) // String = (1,2)
Map + in particular gets confused because it's overloaded with a multiple-argument version, so you could
Map(1 -> 2) + (3 -> 4, 4 -> 5, 5 -> 6)
and it thus interprets
Map(1 -> 2) + (3, 4)
as trying to add both 3 to the map, and then 4 to the map. Which of course makes no sense, but it doesn't try the other interpretation.
With -> there is no such ambiguity.
However, you can't
Map(1 -> 2) + 3 -> 4
because + and - have the same precedence. Thus it is interpreted as
(Map(1 -> 2) + 3) -> 4
which again fails because you're trying to add 3 in place of a key-value pair.

Composing two maps

Is there a function in Scala to compose two maps or is flatMap a sensible approach?
scala> val caps: Map[String, Int] = Map(("A", 1), ("B", 2))
caps: Map[String,Int] = Map(A -> 1, B -> 2)
scala> val lower: Map[Int, String] = Map((1, "a"), (2, "b"))
lower: Map[Int,String] = Map(1 -> a, 2 -> b)
scala> caps.flatMap {
| case (cap, idx) => Map((cap, lower(idx)))
| }
res1: scala.collection.immutable.Map[String,String] = Map(A -> a, B -> b)
Some syntactic sugar would be great!
If you know lower will contain keys for all the values in caps, you can use mapValues:
scala> caps mapValues lower
res0: scala.collection.immutable.Map[String,String] = Map(A -> a, B -> b)
If you don't want or need a new collection, just a mapping, it's a little more idiomatic to use andThen:
scala> val composed = caps andThen lower
composed: PartialFunction[String,String] = <function1>
scala> composed("A")
res1: String = a
This also assumes there aren't values in caps that aren't mapped in lower.

How to map 2 maps with a function in Scala?

When c map equals a function of a map I can calculate it as
val a: Map[T, U] = ...
def f(aValue: U): V = ...
val c: Map[T, V] =
but what if c map equals a function of both a and b as arguments? For example if a, b and c are Map[String, Int] and a c values are to equal corresponding a values raised to powers specified by corresponding b values?
Something like this?
val a: Map[String, Int] = Map("a" -> 10, "b" -> 20)
val b: Map[String, Int] = Map("a" -> 2, "b" -> 3)
def f(a: Int, b: Int): Int = math.pow(a,b).toInt // math.pow returns a Double
val c = for {
(ak, av) <- a // for all key-value pairs from a
bv <- b.get(ak) // for any matching value from b
} yield (ak, f(av,bv)) // yield a new key-value pair that results from applying f
// c: scala.collection.immutable.Map[String,Int] = Map(a -> 100, b -> 8000)
Is this what you're after?
val a = Map('a -> 2, 'b -> 3)
val b = Map('a -> 4, 'b -> 5){ case (k, aVal) => (k, aVal + b(k)) } // Map('a -> 6, 'b -> 8)

Map a single entry of a Map

I want to achieve something like the following:
(_ : Map[K,Int]).mapKey(k, _ + 1)
And the mapKey function applies its second argument (Int => Int) only to the value stored under k. Is there something inside the standard lib? If not I bet there's something in Scalaz.
Of course I can write this function myself (m.updated(k,f(m(k))) and its simple to do so. But I've come over this problem several times, so maybe its already done?
For Scalaz I imagine something along the following code:
(m: Map[A,B]).project(k: A).map(f: B => B): Map[A,B]
You could of course add
def changeForKey[A,B](a: A, fun: B => B): Tuple2[A, B] => Tuple2[A, B] = { kv =>
kv match {
case (`a`, b) => (a, fun(b))
case x => x
val theMap = Map('a -> 1, 'b -> 2)
theMap map changeForKey('a, (_: Int) + 1)
res0: scala.collection.immutable.Map[Symbol,Int] = Map('a -> 2, 'b -> 2)
But this would circumvent any optimisation regarding memory re-use and access.
I came also up with a rather verbose and inefficient scalaz solution using a zipper for your proposed project method:
theMap.toStream.toZipper.flatMap(_.findZ(_._1 == 'a).flatMap(elem =>, fun(elem.focus._2)))))).map(_.toStream.toMap)
(for {
z <- theMap.toStream.toZipper
elem <- z.findZ(_._1 == 'a)
z2 <- elem.delete
} yield z2.insert((elem.focus._1, fun(elem.focus._2)))).map(_.toStream.toMap)
Probably of little use. I’m just posting for reference.
Here is one way:
scala> val m = Map(2 -> 3, 5 -> 11)
m: scala.collection.immutable.Map[Int,Int] = Map(2 -> 3, 5 -> 11)
scala> m ++ (2, m.get(2).map(1 +)).sequence
res53: scala.collection.immutable.Map[Int,Int] = Map(2 -> 4, 5 -> 11)
scala> m ++ (9, m.get(9).map(1 +)).sequence
res54: scala.collection.immutable.Map[Int,Int] = Map(2 -> 3, 5 -> 11)
This works because (A, Option[B]).sequence gives Option[(A, B)]. (sequence in general turns types inside out. i.e. F[G[A]] => [G[F[A]], given F : Traverse and G : Applicative.)
You can pimp it with this so that it creates a new map based on the old one:
class MapUtils[A, B](map: Map[A, B]) {
def mapValueAt(a: A)(f: (B) => B) = map.get(a) match {
case Some(b) => map + (a -> f(b))
case None => map
implicit def toMapUtils[A, B](map: Map[A, B]) = new MapUtils(map)
val m = Map(1 -> 1)
m.mapValueAt(1)(_ + 1)
// Map(1 -> 2)
m.mapValueAt(2)(_ + 1)
// Map(1 -> 1)