zend add checkbox to multi checkbox - zend-framework

I'm looking to do the equivalent of
$element->addMultiOption('value', 'text');
which works for multi select dropdowns.
I can't seem to figure the equivalent is fro multi checkboxes.

try something like this:
$multichekboxElement = new Zend_Form_Element_MultiCheckbox("name_for_your_multicheckbox");
Then you just have to add the *"multicheckboxElement" variable to your Form as normal.

Their is no difference between
$element->addMultiOption('value', 'text');
For multiCheckbox elements and multiselect elements.
Error was cause elsewhere


Dojo codependent filteringselects in dgrid

I would like to implement a codependent filteringselect layout in a dojo dgrid.
I tried to follow this tutorial:
My problem is, that I can not access the value of the first filteringselect to set the second one in the dgrid like in the example, because the selects don't have an id.
How can I cross-reference the values?
Did you try inspecting the element with Firebug (right click->inspect element)? You can see the id that Dojo assigns to elements that way.

How to make three dropdown in same line,Using zend form

I have a page , where i need to show 3 drop down in same line.
Iam generating these drop downs using zend form.
Now the drop down is coming one line after one line.
How can we make it in same line
Zend form comes with decorators. If decorators are set (which is used for template theming purpose) with '' or any other Html tag then there is a possibility that the element will be displayed in new line. Try with removing decorators.
Or you can generate select element dyanamicly on .phtml (view file) by using code
$this->formSelect("ID", "default value", array('style' => 'width:60px', 'class' => 'progDiv'), $options);
Where $options is an array of select box options like `$options = array(''=>'', 1=>'option1', 2=>'option2');`
If this does not solve your query please try to post your code

Extjs 4 :Disable all the input elemets in an Extjs form at once

I have created a extjs form which is divided into 2 parts using column layout and have almost 10-15 input elements in it. How can i disable all these input elements at a time depending on a condition. Currently i have created a function which fetchs all the components in a form and using ext.each loop through each element to disable them
Here is the function that i use
function prepare_form_view(form){
var f=Ext.getCmp(form);
var els=f.query('component');
var xtype=o.getXType();
Is there any alternative way so that I can disable all elements without looping through each and every elements. I want to use this function with other forms too. I looking for something like 'setFieldDefult' function.
If you are using FormPanel in ExtJs 4.x this is what you are looking for -
The getForm() method returns the Ext.form.Basic object, with this class, you also could access to all the fields on this form with getFields(), then you could iterator all the fields to do anything.
Hope this helps and good luck:-)
What about panel's disable/enable method? This seems much easier.
Here is a suggestion.. Since, you say your form is divided into two parts why don't you put them in a FieldSet ? You can disable the fieldset as a whole with one method ie, setDisabled.
This will avoid the looping of components and disabling / enabling them one after the another.
You could use the cascade function of the form panel which is the ExtJs way to to do it but if you check the source code of the cascade function you will see that it uses a for loop also. The only benifit of using the cascade function is that it will work also for forms with nested panels. I think that your implementation will not work properly a case like that.

How do I get a regular Checkbox in a Zend Form?

I have a form in Zend_Form that needs some checkboxes and I'd like them to be regular old checkboxes. You know, you give em a name and a value. If they are checked your post data contains name=>value.
Zend_Form is generating two inputs fields. One, the checkbox with a value=1 and the second a hidden input with a value=2. Both have the same name. I understand in theory how Zend expects the checkbox to work, but that's not how I expect it to work and it's not how I want it to work. How do I get my old fashion HTML checkbox back?
I have tried using $this->createElement, $this->addElement and creating a Zend_Form_Element_Checkbox manually. None allow me to set the checkbox's value and all generate the hidden input.
The final and REALLY correct answer is to add an option to the element :
$this->addElement('checkbox', 'my_element', array(
'label' => 'My Element Label',
'name' => 'my_element_name',
'disableHidden' => true
Zend_Form_Element_MultiCheckbox is what you're looking for.
The standard Checkbox element is meant to represent "yes/no" scenarios.
You could extend Zend library and add your own custom form element to render it just like you expect it. I did it for having a date field and it worked just fine.
I wonder why that does not work for you. You can set the values to anything you want (setCheckedValue() and setUncheckedValue()). So the only difference to normal checkbox is
if (null == $this->_getParam('checkbox', null)) {
if ($unchecked == $this->_getParam('checkbox')) {
What exactly are you trying to do?

Disable translation of Zend_Navigation elements

Is there any easy way to disable translation of some of the Zend Navigation elements?
e.g. in this case
$page = new Zend_Navigation_Page_Mvc(
'label' => $blogPost->alreadyTranslatedTitleFromDb
// ...
Now, when I use:
the label is translated twice. The same for breadcrumbs, sitemaps etc.
I wrote a patch with unit tests for this:
If you want only some specific elements to be disabled, i think that only way is to use a partial view script and create your own logic for the menu.
You may add custom properties to the pages. Example: add a property doNotTranslate and in your view script check for this property to know if element should be translated or not.
More info about partial view script is available at http://framework.zend.com/manual/en/zend.view.helpers.html#zend.view.helpers.initial.navigation.menu