How do I get a regular Checkbox in a Zend Form? - zend-framework

I have a form in Zend_Form that needs some checkboxes and I'd like them to be regular old checkboxes. You know, you give em a name and a value. If they are checked your post data contains name=>value.
Zend_Form is generating two inputs fields. One, the checkbox with a value=1 and the second a hidden input with a value=2. Both have the same name. I understand in theory how Zend expects the checkbox to work, but that's not how I expect it to work and it's not how I want it to work. How do I get my old fashion HTML checkbox back?
I have tried using $this->createElement, $this->addElement and creating a Zend_Form_Element_Checkbox manually. None allow me to set the checkbox's value and all generate the hidden input.

The final and REALLY correct answer is to add an option to the element :
$this->addElement('checkbox', 'my_element', array(
'label' => 'My Element Label',
'name' => 'my_element_name',
'disableHidden' => true

Zend_Form_Element_MultiCheckbox is what you're looking for.
The standard Checkbox element is meant to represent "yes/no" scenarios.

You could extend Zend library and add your own custom form element to render it just like you expect it. I did it for having a date field and it worked just fine.

I wonder why that does not work for you. You can set the values to anything you want (setCheckedValue() and setUncheckedValue()). So the only difference to normal checkbox is
if (null == $this->_getParam('checkbox', null)) {
if ($unchecked == $this->_getParam('checkbox')) {
What exactly are you trying to do?


HTML::FormHandler validate select

I'm using HTML::FormHandler to create some forms, and I'd like to be able to validate any select fields on the form by making sure that whatever value submitted was actually a value given to the user. Right now this is how I have my select field set up:
has_field 'choice' => (
type => 'Select',
label => 'Choice',
options => [{value=>"1",label=>"One"},{value=>"2"=>label=>"Two"}],
empty_select => '---Choose an Option---',
apply => [{
check => ['1','2'],
message => 'Must be a value in the list.',
Right now this works, but I was wondering if there was a more elegant way to do it? Since HTML::FormHandler already knows what options it has for the field, is there any way to just tell HTML::FormHandler to validate that the what the user choice is in fact one of those options? I've looked through the documentation and can't seem to find it anywhere, but it seems like something that would make sense to have for a field with predefined values. Thanks!
According to the code for HTML::FormHandler::Field::Select this check is already done. Have you tried it?

Symfony2 rendering checkbox choice field unchecked

I'm displaying a choice field in Symfony 2.0.4 with multiple checkboxes. Symfony always displays the first checkbox as checked and I would like to disable this behavior. I've tried setting the underlying entity's field to an empty array before building the form but this didn't have any effect. Is this a glitch in the Symfony version or is there a special way of achieving this?
By choice field with multiple checkboxes I mean a choice field having the expanded and multiple options set to true.
It seems that this was my stupid mistake. I was overriding the form theme and in the choice_widget_expanded block I was adding the checked flag for the first element of the choice array.
You need to add in your form class :
$builder->add('yourField', 'choice', array(
'choices' => $choices
'required' => false,
You can find more information in the ChoiceField type documentation
Also check that you don't have any JavaScript which is checking the first value.

drupal 7 form validate add class?

In my form I create a checkbox
$form['existing_customer'] = array(
'#type' => 'checkbox',
'#title' => t('Are you an existing customer?')
When I validate it using hook_validate I would like to add a class to the label? Any ideas how to achieve this?
I can't imagine why you'd want to do this in a validation function, and I think there's a far easier way to accomplish what you're trying to do.
Each element in a Drupal form is wrapped with a container (which has an ID). Inside this container there will only ever be one label.
So if you need to target the element in CSS or JS you just need to do something like this:
#existing-customer-edit label {
// The rule
$('#existing-customer-edit label').something();
If you really need to edit the label manually then you're going to have to provide a custom theme for that element, have a look at this example for more information (it's for Drupal 6 but the concept is the same in Drupal 7).
thanks Clive did a fairly nasty work around in the form validation function
$form_state['complete form']['myselectbox']['#title'] = '<span class="privacy-error">you did not check me</span>';
It ain't pretty but it works!
You can add a class in hook_validate():
$form_state['complete form']['submitted']['existing_customer']['#attributes']['class'][] = 'class_name';

Zend: ViewScript decorator and array notation

I have a matrix of checkboxes which I am laying out in a table. I need to pull this matrix into a number of forms, and sometimes multiple times on one form, so I have set it up as a subform.
After much research and deliberation, I decided the best way to decorate the subform was using the viewScript decorator. The code for adding the subform to the form looks something like this:
$this->addSubForm(new Test_Form_Connection_Config_Base(), 'user');
array('viewScript', array('viewScript' => '_forms/userConfig.phtml')),
For the most part this works fine however the one problem I have is that I can't get array notation to work. Obviously this becomes a problem when I include the matrix more than once on a particular form.
I tried using setIsArray(true) however this had no effefct. It seems that I need to run the FormElements decorator to get the array notation, but this then gives me a duplicate set of fields on the page (rendered once by FormElements, and once by viewScript).
I could manually construct the name of each element to reflect array notation, but this seems like the long way around. Are there any other options that I'm missing?
Before using the ViewScript decorator, you should always use the PrepareElements decorator to normalize names.

How to add a custom field button to a field in SugarCRM

I looked through the developer blogs and I can only find ways to create a custom global form button or to replace a field with custom code. I don't want to replace the field, I want to add a button beside a field.
Here's what I have in mind:
[Date Field][date_picker_button] [time field][time_is_now]
The button I want to add is the time_is_now, allowing the user to populate the time field with the current time.
I have tried updating custom/modules/Notes/metadata/quickcreatedefs.php with:
array (
'name' => 'billable_start_c',
'label' => 'LBL_BILLABLE_START',
'customCode' => '<button</button>',
But this replaces the input field with the custom code. I could just put in the stock code and then my custom code, but date fields use yui and a widget, so I'd prefer not to.
Is there anyway to do something like:
'customCode' => '{default} <button></button>',
so that the default code gets output and then the custom code?
You could create a new SugarField template, which will essentially allow you to create the markup for your field. If you named your SugarField TimeIsNow, you could create a field with that type (instead of text,int, date or whatever). You should take a look at some of the other SugarFields to see how they are formatted, but it's really just HTML. When the field is set to that type, it pulls in that HTML template. You can tie your JS to the onclick function. Sugar is very easy to customize, so I definitely wouldn't get in the habit of solving all your customization needs this way...It's another way to look at it though.
Don't use custom code if you can help it. Either copy over the tpl to custom/modules/[yourmodule]/tpls/[yourtemplate] and code the bitton in there or use an after_ui_frame hook and some js to insert you custom button into the DOM.