enabling scroll view scroll to top - iphone

I have a scrollview in a subview.How to enable setScrollsToTop on status bar click?
I have tried [DetailView.scrollView setScrollsToTop:YES]; and [scrollview setScrollsToTop:YES];
Still doesn't work. DetailView is my subView.Any ideas??

iOS automatically decides what to do on status bar click based on several factors - like currently active scroll view to position onscreen to position in the view hierarchy.
Setting scrollsToTop only tells iOS that you are OK with this behavior.


Make Area Page-able

How Can I make the green area of the screen shot of my app be able to scroll with the paging animation and page indicators?I would like for me to add more icon-buttons to it with keeping the header the same size.
First you need a scroll view and your view has to be inside of the scroll view.
Then you need to enable paging on the scroll view
[scrollView setPagingEnabled:YES];
If the value of this property is YES, the scroll view stops on multiples of the scroll view’s bounds when the user scrolls. The default value is NO.
If you want to have page indicators you need to use UIPageControlwhich you will have to manage yourself as far as I know. You could always check after scrolling (see UIScrollViewDelegate ) which page you are on based on the contentOffset property of the scroll view.

Display a control in both orientations

I've got a button designed on Portrait Orientattion, when I switch to Landscape it doesn't appear, what should I do so that it stays all the time?
Make sure you set the proper AutoresizingMasks for your UIViews. For example, it might be that your button has a y-coordinate that is larger than the device's width and has a fixed top resizing mask, so if you turn the device to landscape mode it gets clipped. Doing this...
button.autoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleTopMargin;
...will cause the button to shrink its top margin, moving on screen.
In your comment you mentioned that this is a split-view app, if your button is in the root view controller of the split view, you should probably add support for restoring the root view controller as a popover.

Iphone View Rotation not functioning properly

I have a simple 1 screen app, with 1 View.. the view contains
a button, an textbox and a button across the top
A segmented controller across the bottom
and a MapView in between.
In portrait mode all is right with the world.. So I decided to begin to allow Orientation change...
in IB all views and elements and even the root window have autoResizeSubviews set
in My AppDelegate and my viewController I have also programatically added SetAutoResizeSubviews to yes explicitely I have set the autoResizingMask in the Root Window and the View Controller to FlexibleWidht | Flexibile Height
I have added the shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation in my ViewController to always return true.
Yet, it doesn't work.. Or should I say it doesn't rotate properly.. in both portrait modes everything looks great, but both landscape modes, things don't get laid out or resized properly.. Basically all I see is the mapview, and its size gets slightly wider, but not much than the portrait mode, and it doesn't fill up the screen top to bottom.. all other interface elements with the exception of one button are invisible and it appears on TOP of the mapview.. as thought it just happened to be layed out over the view by coincidence than any design.
Anyone have any ideas what I am missing, or why?
Thanks in advance
You say "I have set the autoResizingMask in the Root Window and the View Controller" but that is a red herring. It is the buttons, the text box, the segmented controller, and the map view that have to have the correct autoresizingMask. If this view is being designed in the nib, you can set the values there and then turn the orientation right there in the nib and see what happens.
If you are unable to work out good autoresizingMask values for all those interface elements, implement didRotateFromInterfaceOrientation and perform the layout alterations in code when called upon to do so.

Is it possible to cover UIStatusBar with a view while maintaining scrollsToTop functionality?

I want to display a message to the users of my app in the UIStatusBar, but I'd like to maintain the scrollsToTop functionality so a user can tap on the statusbar and scroll a tableView up to the top.
I've looked into adding a UIWindow on top of the current status bar as in this question: Add UIView Above All Other Views, Including StatusBar
But it disables the touches to the status bar.
Note: I've seen several apps that use the statusBar area to display messages such as the "Evernote" app.
Thanks for the help!
Have a look at https://github.com/myell0w/MTStatusBarOverlay. By pressing it it can be toggled to not cover the whole status bar and then you can toch the status bar and get back the scroll-to-top feature.
Here is a screenshot, the left side shows the expanded version, the right side the shrinked one:
Are you hiding the statusBar ? It's unwise to keep it there but draw into its position, because in different countries, with different mobile operators, the statusBar's elements have a little different positions. I've seen app drawing there over status icons. Ugly!
So I guess you want to add a subview at the position of statusBar. Why don't you intercept touch events in that view and send your tableView a message to scroll to the top ?

Tab views on iPad not resizing

My view doesn't stretch to fit the current orientation!
I am creating a tab bar application. I replicated the sample one that you create when you "create a new tab bar application". Everything works except when I change the orientation of the iPad it rotates the view, the tab bar stretches out on the bottom, but the view doesn't resize. Basically if you start in landscape then rotate to portrait, it rotates but the view is still landscape shape even though it rotates.
My tab bar has two tabs (just like the sample application) and so I compared mine against the sample which works property by property. One difference is I noticed my FirstView in IB under the resizing area doesn't show the resize arrows left/right up/down. In other words it isn't marked to auto fill its container. The sample's FirstView and SecondView DO have these arrows. But I can't turn them on!
I even tried creating a fresh new view but I still can't press these arrows on. what am I doing wrong here?'
Thanks a lot.
The solution is this:
self.view.autoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleWidth | UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleHeight;
Do this in viewDidLoad. There must be a bug in IB.
Another answer is turning off any simulated tabbars, nav bars, or status bars on the view in Interface Builder. Go into the autosizing area and turn on the auto grow arrows. Then turn back on the simulated user elements.