Relative UILabel in a game object - unity3d

I created a game object which acts as a repeating item for a UIGrid which I populate dynamically. The gameobject (RowItem) has couple of UILabel whose text can change on runtime depending on the content. The content of these UILabels overlap when the text is bigger. Can anybody help me in how to make UILabel expand relative to the adjacent UILabel when the text is more/less?

You can use transform.localScale property of the UILabel's property to scale it. Just make them bigger when the text is bigger than let's say 20 characters. Try with arbitrary values.
Also when you change the scale, run a re-align method, which aligns other labels so that they don't overlap.

you can get the text length in pixel by this:
UILabel label;
float width = label.relativeSize.x * label.transform.localScale.x;
float height = label.relativeSize.y * label.transform.localScale.y;
Let's say that you want to set you max length to 100, you can do this:
if (width > 100)
label.localScale = new Vector3(100 / label.relativeSize.x, 100/ label.relativeSize.x, 1);
the second param for Vector3 is also based on relativeSize.x is not a typo, that makes sure your text will not become thin.
Hope this works.


Curve UILabel dynamically?

Is there a way / subclass to create a curved UILabel , and change it's angle dynamically, while keeping all it's properties ? ( like bending it to fit a circle)
The only example I found was to create it once, and it didn't really understood how to put it to work as a regular UILabel with all it's properties :
Draw text along circular path in Swift for iOS
I was looking for something like :
let label = UILabel ....
label.bendAngle ...

Get the size of wrapped text in Label

If I create a Label in a 500x500 area with wordwrap, how can I find out the height of the wrapped text ? I'm looking for the yellow height, not the salmon height.
Answer of #idrise doesn't work for system font And here I give a more flexible answer.
Assume we want to create a text/label which has a fixed width, but dynamic height according to text's length. for that you can use below code:
Label *lbl = Label::createWithSystemFont("aaa aaa aaa aaa aaa aaa", "Arial", 50);
lbl->setDimensions(FIXED_WIDTH, 0); // "0" means we don't care about wrapping vertically, hence `getContentSize().height` give a dynamic height according to text's length
auto dynamicHeight = title->getContentSize().height; // According to text's length :)
And obviously for fixed height you can do similarly.
Hope Help someone :]
This may seem a little counter intuitive.
First you set the dimensions with an excessively large height.
Calling getLineHeight and getStringNumLines will calculate the height based on the width passed.
You send the width and height back to setDimensions.
Now your labels getContentSize() will return the actual size of the text.
label->setDimensions(width, 2000);
label->setDimensions(width,label->getStringNumLines() *
They added the functionality you want:
Added three overflow type to new label: CLAMP, SHRINK, RESIZE_HEIGHT.
Overflow type is used to control label overflow result, In SHRINK mode, the font size will change dynamically to adapt the content size. In CLAMP mode, when label content goes out of the bounding box, it will be clipped, In RESIZE_HEIGHT mode, you can only change the width of label and the height is changed automatically. For example:
//Change the label's Overflow type
mTexto=Label::createWithTTF(mTextoHelp.c_str(),CCGetFont(), 30);
mTexto->setDimensions(mSize.width*0.8f, 0.f);

iText -- How do I get the rendered dimensions of text?

I would like to find out information about the layout of text in a PdfPCell. I'm aware of BaseFont.getWidthPointKerned(), but I'm looking for more detailed information like:
How many lines would a string need if rendered in a cell of a given width (say, 30pt)? What would the height in points of the PdfPCell be?
Give me the prefix or suffix of a string that fits in a cell of a given width and height. That is, if I have to render the text "Today is a good day to die" in a specific font in a PdfPCell of width 12pt and height 20pt, what portion of the string would fit in the available space?
Where does iText break a given string when asked to render it in a cell of a given width?
This is with regard to iText 2.1.6. Thanks.
iText uses the ColumnText class to render content to a cell. This is explained in my book on page 98-99. This means that, just like with ColumnText, you need to make the distinction between text mode and composite mode.
In any case, ColumnText measures the width of the characters and tests if they fit the available width. If not, the text is split. You can change the split behavior in different ways: by introducing hyphenation or by defining a custom split character.
I've written a small proof of concept to show how you could implement custom "truncation" behavior. See the TruncateTextInCell example.
Instead of adding the content to the cell, I have an empty cell for which I define a cell event. I pass the long text "D2 is a cell with more content than we can fit into the cell." to this event.
In the event, I use a fancy algorithm: I want the text to be truncated in the middle and insert "..." at the place where I truncated the text.
BaseFont bf = BaseFont.createFont();
Font font = new Font(bf, 12);
float availableWidth = position.getWidth();
int contentLength = content.length();
int leftChar = 0;
int rightChar = contentLength - 1;
availableWidth -= bf.getWidthPoint("...", 12);
while (leftChar < contentLength && rightChar != leftChar) {
availableWidth -= bf.getWidthPoint(content.charAt(leftChar), 12);
if (availableWidth > 0)
availableWidth -= bf.getWidthPoint(content.charAt(rightChar), 12);
if (availableWidth > 0)
String newContent = content.substring(0, leftChar) + "..." + content.substring(rightChar);
PdfContentByte canvas = canvases[PdfPTable.TEXTCANVAS];
ColumnText ct = new ColumnText(canvas);
ct.addElement(new Paragraph(newContent, font));
As you can see, we get the available width from the position parameter and we check how many characters match, alternating between a character at the start and a character at the end of the content.
The result is shown in the resulting PDF: the content is truncated like this: "D2 is a c... the cell."
Your question about "how many lines" can be solved in a similar way. The ColumnText class has a getLinesWritten() method that gives you that information. You can find more info about positioning a ColumnText object in my answer to your other question: Can I tell iText how to clip text to fit in a cell

vb6 Inner Form Resize

Are it's possible to resize vb6 inner form, because if i use Form1.Height or Form1.Width it's including window border height and width, so i just can use this code in one window theme (ex. it's work best in WinXP with XP theme, but not work in WinXP with Classic theme, it's seen too long), any suggestion?
What you can do is compare the Width (the outside size) to the ScaleWidth (which is the inside size) to get the size on the non-client border. Likewise, you can compare the Height to the ScaleHeight to get the non-client size at the top and bottom. From that you can set your final height and width based on the inner (client area) size you want plus the non-client size.
Something like this could go in your Form_Load:
Const DesiredClientHeight as Single = 3435
Const DesiredClientWidth as Single = 3345
Dim fNonClientHoriz As Single, fNonClientVert As Single
fNonClientHoriz = Me.Width - Me.ScaleWidth
fNonClientVert = Me.Height- Me.ScaleHeight
Me.Width = DesiredClientWidth + fNonClientHoriz
Me.Height = DesiredClientHeight + fNonClientVert
Be aware that the form width and height are always in Twips, so if you change your scale mode to something other than twips you will need to account for that.

Split String at specific line for NSString

Hello ist there a way to split a String for UITableView at a specific line to put the "rest" (the second part of the data) in an own cell
NSString *data;
CGsize *size = [data sizeOfStringWithFont:[UIFont systemFontOfSize:14] constrainToWidth:280.0];
if the size.height e.g. is greater than 1500 i want to split the string at this line position!
thank you
Use "constrainedToSize" (instead of just to width) and render as much as you can.
If you really want to take exactly the text that would not fit, you're going to have to do essentially a search, adding a word at a time and then doing the size check to see how high you have gotten. You could start out with a rough estimate by doing the whole string constrained to something only one line high with boundless width (say 999999) and then divide up the width into however many rows you are wishing to allow to get a rough starting point for adding/removing words from the string (it will not be exact because of word wrapping).
Fundamentally though it seems wierd to take the leftover text and put it in another cell. Are you really sure you don't simply want to change the height of the cell with the text to allow it to fit the whole thing?
I think Kendall has the right idea, but the constrained sizes should be reversed to get the exact height based on word wrapping. Take a sample CGSize that is the same width as your cell, but with a height larger than the max height you expect. In the sample code below, textSize will contain the height of your string as it would appear in your cell with an unbounded height.
CGSize sz = CGSizeMake (
999999.0f );
CGSize textSize = [yourString sizeWithFont:yourCellfont
If the height is greater than 1500, you could start picking off substrings (substringWithRange) from the end and measuring them like above until you get something >= the remainder above 1500 that was returned by textSize.