how to use scala.concurrent.Future on the client side? - scala

I need to make some consuming calculations on the server side (such as DB querying and data analisys). And the results need to be printed in browser. For these purpose I send Future result from server to client (to load web page immediately and gradually print future results from server). For example, on the server side
import scala.concurrent.Future
def futureResult = Future {
val cc = ConsumingCalculations();
"some result"
on the client side
#futureResult.onSuccess{ case res =>
#println("This line is printed in console: "+res);
<div>Any html code is NOT printed in browser</div>
Future result is NOT posted
In server consol we have: "This line is printed in console: some result"
But in the browser we have only: "Future result is NOT posted"
Play 2.1, scala 2.10 are currently used. What's may be wrong, are there any idea?

A future cannot be sent on client side, it must be resolved on server side before displaying to the client.
The classic exemple is to map the result of your future in your controller
def myAction = Action {
Async { =>
And in your template, use the result, not the future.


Play framework action response delayed when creating multiple futures

In the following action it should return response immediately after hitting URL but instead it waits till all the Future blocks are started and then only sends response. It waits till "Starting for group 10" is logged in console even though "Returning from action" is logged immediately after hitting URL.
def test = Action { implicit request =>
Future.successful(0 to 150).foreach { items =>
items.grouped(15).zipWithIndex.foreach{ itemGroupWithIndex =>
val (itemGroup, index) = itemGroupWithIndex
Future {"************** Starting for group " + index)
itemGroup.foreach { item =>
Thread.sleep(1000)"Completed for item " + item)
}"************** Returning from action **************")
Ok(views.html.test("test page"))
I am not able to understand reason behind this delay and how can i make this action send response immediately.
Play framework version 2.5.9
Your Action is not Async. You have a synchronous endpoint which is why you see the Returning from action printed immediately on the console. You should probably use the Action.async as your processing type. Using async Actions will drastically improve the overall performance of your application and is highly recommended when building high throughput and responsive web applications.
Two points in your code needs to change
Asynchronous Action: Because you are using Future, the action should be asynchronous: Action.async{...}.
No Blocking Code: The whole point of using Future and asynchronous programming is not to have a code that "blocks" the execution. So I suggest to remove the Thread.sleep(1000) part of the code.
Note that if you write your code non-blocking way; whenever the action method get the result; it will perform the required action(s), such as logging or providing the view.
This is because there are race conditions in your Futures.
You need to ensure that you are returning a single Future[T] and not a Future[Future[T]] (or any layered variances).
If the Futures are independent of each other, use Future.sequence
def future: Future[String] = Future.successful("hi")
def action = Action.async { _ =>
val futures: Seq[Future[String]] = (1 to 50).map(_ => future()).toSeq
val oneFuture = Future.sequence(futures)
This will avoid race conditions
FYI, this has nothing to do with the Play framework. This is concurrent programming in scala.

Play framework Scala run job in background

Is there any way I can trigger a job from the controller (to not to wait for its completion) and display the message to the user that job will be running in the background?
I have one controller method which takes quite long time to run. So I want to make that run offline and display the message to the user that it will be running in the background.
I tried Action.async as shown below. But the processing of the Future object is still taking more time and getting timed out.
def submit(id: Int) = Action.async(parse.multipartFormData) { implicit request =>
val result = Future {
//process the data
result map {
res =>
Redirect(routes.testController.list()).flashing(("success", s"Job(s) will be ruuning in background."))
You can also return a result without waiting for the result of the future in a "fire and forget" way
def submit(id: Int) = Action(parse.multipartFormData) { implicit request =>
Future {
//process the data
Redirect(routes.testController.list()).flashing(("success", s"Job(s) will be running in background."))
The docs state:
By giving a Future[Result] instead of a normal Result, we are able to quickly generate the result without blocking. Play will then serve the result as soon as the promise is redeemed.
The web client will be blocked while waiting for the response, but nothing will be blocked on the server, and server resources can be used to serve other clients.
You can configure your client code to use ajax request and display a Waiting for data message for some part of the page without blocking the rest of the web page from loading.
I also tried the "Futures.timeout" option. It seems to work fine. But I'm not sure its correct way to do it or not.
result.withTimeout(20.seconds)(futures).map { res =>
Redirect(routes.testController.list()).flashing(("success", s"Job(s) will be updated in background."))
}.recover {
case e: scala.concurrent.TimeoutException =>
Redirect(routes.testController.list()).flashing(("success", s"Job(s) will be updated in background."))

multiple responses from server using

I am working with the spray api. I have the following code:
import spray.routing.SimpleRoutingApp
import spray.json.DefaultJsonProtocol._
object Server1 extends App with SimpleRoutingApp{
implicit val actorSystem = ActorSystem()
startServer(interface="localhost",port = 8080){
"in the complete block"
It is giving a single response on api. It will print "in the complete block" when i call from web browser. Can I make it iterative means that i use a variable and send its value in complete block then I can change the value of that variable and then send its new value in complete block.
You mean something like this:
var state = 0
state = state + 1
s"in the complete block ${state}"

Push message to websocket client without a request

I am making a Play web-socket app. When a client connects, I want to send a welcome message.
The code I use is below:
package controllers
import play.api._
import play.api.mvc._
import play.api.libs.iteratee.Concurrent
import play.api.libs.iteratee.Iteratee
import play.api.libs.concurrent.Execution.Implicits.defaultContext
object Test extends Controller {
def index = WebSocket.using[String] { _ =>
val (out,channel) = Concurrent.broadcast[String]
channel.push("Welcome to MyWebSocket")
val in = Iteratee.foreach[String] {
_ match {
case any => channel.push(any)
(in, out)
The code works fine when a client sends a message and the server has to respond to it. However, the initial welcome message Welcome to MyWebSocket is not sent. How can I fix this code?
I kind of figured out the problem, but not a solution yet. The problem probably occurs because the websocket is not yet initialized when the welcome message is being pushed. I modified the code and replaced:
channel.push("Welcome to MyWebSocket")
val a = scala.concurrent.Future {
channel.push("Welcome to MyWebSocket")
After this I get the expected results (welcome message received by client). I think using the above approach (Thread.sleep and Future) is not the right way to solve this problem, so other solutions are welcome. It could also be a problem with the client side code which takes a while to initialize the socket. I used Firefox and echo web-socket test for the client.
You can use WebSocket.acceptWithActor helper method (have a look at this) and in actor body make something like
out ! "Welcome to MyWebSocket"
It works nicely.

#Finally equivalent in play 2.0.x?

I'd like to be able to send back a response to the client before I do my logging/cleanup for a request.
In play 1.x this was possible with the #Finally annotation. I've read through some posts that say that those annotations were replaced by action composition, but I'm unclear how to emulate the #Finally annotation using it.
It seems to me that the response will only be returned after all the logic in my custom actions has completed.
Have I missed something, or is there no way to do this in Play 2.0?
In other words, I want to be able to run logic after I receive a request and send a response. So I'd like to be able to construct a timeline of the form:
Client sends a request to my server
Server sends back a 200 response, which the client receives
The server does additional processing, logging, etc
In play 1.x I believe I could annote my additional processing logic with a #Finally and have it work like I want it to.
Action composition is not sufficient to do the job, but Action composition + Future, or Action composition + Actors are good ways to achieve this.
Action Composition + Future
Generate your Response, launch your logging/processing in an async context and, in parallel, send the result.
def LoggedAction(f: Request[AnyContent] => Result) = Action { request =>
val result = f(request)
concurrent.future(myLogAction(request, result))
Action composition + Actors
It's a cleaner way to achieve that. As in the previous case, generate your response, send logging/processing event to your(s) actor(s), and in parallel, send the result.
import play.api._
import play.api.mvc._
import play.libs._
object Application extends Controller with Finally {
def index = LoggedAction { r =>
Ok(views.html.index("Your new application is ready."))
trait Finally {
self: Controller =>
lazy val logActor = Akka.system.actorOf(Props(new LogActor), name = "logActor")
def LoggedAction(f: Request[AnyContent] => Result) = Action { request =>
val result = f(request) // Generate response
logActor ! LogRequest(request) // Send log event to LogActor
println("-> now send page to client")
case class LogRequest(request: Request[AnyContent])
class LogActor extends Actor {
def receive = {
case LogRequest(req) => {
// ....
// Console
-> now send page to client