#Finally equivalent in play 2.0.x? - scala

I'd like to be able to send back a response to the client before I do my logging/cleanup for a request.
In play 1.x this was possible with the #Finally annotation. I've read through some posts that say that those annotations were replaced by action composition, but I'm unclear how to emulate the #Finally annotation using it.
It seems to me that the response will only be returned after all the logic in my custom actions has completed.
Have I missed something, or is there no way to do this in Play 2.0?
In other words, I want to be able to run logic after I receive a request and send a response. So I'd like to be able to construct a timeline of the form:
Client sends a request to my server
Server sends back a 200 response, which the client receives
The server does additional processing, logging, etc
In play 1.x I believe I could annote my additional processing logic with a #Finally and have it work like I want it to.

Action composition is not sufficient to do the job, but Action composition + Future, or Action composition + Actors are good ways to achieve this.
Action Composition + Future
Generate your Response, launch your logging/processing in an async context and, in parallel, send the result.
def LoggedAction(f: Request[AnyContent] => Result) = Action { request =>
val result = f(request)
concurrent.future(myLogAction(request, result))
Action composition + Actors
It's a cleaner way to achieve that. As in the previous case, generate your response, send logging/processing event to your(s) actor(s), and in parallel, send the result.
import play.api._
import play.api.mvc._
import play.libs._
import akka.actor._
object Application extends Controller with Finally {
def index = LoggedAction { r =>
Ok(views.html.index("Your new application is ready."))
trait Finally {
self: Controller =>
lazy val logActor = Akka.system.actorOf(Props(new LogActor), name = "logActor")
def LoggedAction(f: Request[AnyContent] => Result) = Action { request =>
val result = f(request) // Generate response
logActor ! LogRequest(request) // Send log event to LogActor
println("-> now send page to client")
case class LogRequest(request: Request[AnyContent])
class LogActor extends Actor {
def receive = {
case LogRequest(req) => {
// ....
// Console
-> now send page to client


Consuming a service using WS in Play

I was hoping someone can briefly go over the various ways of consuming a service (this one just returns a string, normally it would be JSON but I just want to understand the concepts here).
My service:
def ping = Action {
Now in my Play (2.3.x) application, I want to call my client and display the response.
When working with Futures, I want to display the value.
I am a bit confused, what are all the ways I could call this method i.e. there are some ways I see that use Success/Failure,
val futureResponse: Future[String] = WS.url(url + "/ping").get().map { response =>
var resp = ""
futureResponse.onComplete {
case Success(str) => {
Logger.trace(s"future success $str")
resp = str
case Failure(ex) => {
Logger.trace(s"future failed")
resp = ex.toString
I can see the trace in STDOUT for success/failure, but my controller action just returns "" to my browser.
I understand that this is because it returns a FUTURE and my action finishes before the future returns.
How can I force it to wait?
What options do I have with error handling?
If you really want to block until feature is completed look at the Future.ready() and Future.result() methods. But you shouldn't.
The point about Future is that you can tell it how to use the result once it arrived, and then go on, no blocks required.
Future can be the result of an Action, in this case framework takes care of it:
def index = Action.async {
WS.url(url + "/ping").get()
.map(response => Ok("Got result: " + response.body))
Look at the documentation, it describes the topic very well.
As for the error-handling, you can use Future.recover() method. You should tell it what to return in case of error and it gives you new Future that you should return from your action.
def index = Action.async {
WS.url(url + "/ping").get()
.map(response => Ok("Got result: " + response.body))
.recover{ case e: Exception => InternalServerError(e.getMessage) }
So the basic way you consume service is to get result Future, transform it in the way you want by using monadic methods(the methods that return new transformed Future, like map, recover, etc..) and return it as a result of an Action.
You may want to look at Play 2.2 -Scala - How to chain Futures in Controller Action and Dealing with failed futures questions.

Execute some logic asynchronously in spray routing

Here is my simple routing application:
object Main extends App with SimpleRoutingApp {
implicit val system = ActorSystem("my-system")
startServer(interface = "", port = System.getenv("PORT").toInt) {
import format.UsageJsonFormat._
import spray.httpx.SprayJsonSupport._
path("") {
get {
} ~
path("meter" / JavaUUID) {
meterUUID => pathEnd {
post {
entity(as[Usage]) {
usage =>
// execute some logic asynchronously
// do not wait for the result
What I want to achieve is to execute some logic asynchronously in my path directive, do not wait for the result and return immediately HTTP 200 OK.
I am quite new to Scala and spray and wondering if there is any spray way to solve this specific problem. Otherwise I would go into direction of creating Actor for every request and letting it to do the job. Please advice.
There's no special way of handling this in spray: simply fire your async action (a method returning a Future, a message sent to an actor, whatever) and call complete right after.
def doStuffAsync = Future {
// literally anything
path("meter" / JavaUUID) { meterUUID =>
pathEnd {
post {
entity(as[Usage]) { usage =>
Conversely, if you need to wait for an async action to complete before sending the response, you can use spray-specific directives for working with Futures or Actors.

Not able to return messages to Spray HttpService Actor

I am learning Spray and Akka. Have built a simple Spray routing App with one of the route stubs as -
path("blog" / LongNumber) {
blogId =>
respondWithMediaType(MediaTypes.`application/json`) {
get {
request => BlogFetchActor ! Get(blogId)
In the above code I dispatch a message in my spray route definition (in a class implementing HttpService) to another Actor with an ID (blogId) in the request. The BlogFetchActor is supposed to fetch the data from database and respond to the sender. This I have coded as below -
def receive: Receive = LoggingReceive {
case Get(id: Long) => {
log.debug("Retrieving blog with id %d".format(id))
sender ! ReturnBlog(get(id))
The Actor message from the route is getting to my BlogFetchActor. My BlogFetchActor completes the job of getting the data from the database too. But when I try to send the response back to the sender HttpService, the ReturnBlog message, it does not work. The message ends up in DeadLetters and I see the below in my logs -
Message [in.bharathwrites.BlogFetchActor$ReturnBlog] from Actor[akka://on-spray-can/user/blog-service/blog#1301907662] to Actor[akka://on-spray-can/deadLetters] was not delivered.
Why does the response back to the sender not work? What am I doing wrong? How else can I achieve this? I tried reading the Spray docs and ScalaDoc but could not figure out the problem. Am not proficient enough to read the Spray code and fathom the reasons... Thanks in advance
If you want to ask another actor before completing a request, you should use Akka's ask pattern (? in the example below).
You may also consider returning an Option[ReturnBlog] instead of ReturnBlog to allow Spray to generate 404 status response automatically if such a blog does not exists.
path("blog" / LongNumber) {
blogId =>
respondWithMediaType(MediaTypes.`application/json`) {
get {
complete { (BlogFetchActor ? Get(blogId)).mapTo[ReturnBlog] }

Play framework 2.0: Store values in Http.Context

I'm trying to implement "request based" sessions in scalaquery in the play framework. I create a session using scalaquery and attempt to store it in the current http context, as follows:
def withTransaction[A](bp: BodyParser[A])(f: Request[A] => Result): Action[A] = {
Action(bp) {
request =>
val context = Http.Context.current()
val session = createSession()
context.args.put("scalaquery.session", session)
try {
val result = f(request)
catch {
case t: Throwable =>
throw t
finally {
then i wrap my actions in my controllers like:
withTransaction(parse.anyContent) {
Action {
//code that produces a result here
However, it crashes in the following line saying:
val context = Http.Context.current()
[RuntimeException: There is no HTTP Context available from here.]
So, why is the context not available? This code is called directly by the framework, so shouldn't the context be set by the time this code executes? Or am i using the wrong way for accessing the context?
EDIT: The "session" is of type org.scalaquery.session.Session. The reason why i want to set it in the HttpContext is so that the wrapped actions can access it in an "http scoped" fashion, i.e. That each request stores their session separately, yet all services that need a session can find it in a public scope that is separated per request.
I think the problem is you're using the Java API with the Scala controller. Http.Context is only set if you're using the Java controller. Have you considered using the Scala Session API?
Also, another question is, why do you need to store the session in the context? I see you just remove it at the end anyway. If what you need is for the sub-actions to be able to access the session, you could just pass it in the function.
I'm just going to assume session is of type Session
def withTransaction[A](bp: BodyParser[A])(f: Session => Request[A] => Result): Action[A] = {
Action(bp) {
request =>
val session = createSession()
try {
val result = f(session)(request)
catch {
case t: Throwable =>
throw t
finally {
and your sub-actions would be
withTransaction(parse.anyContent) { session => request =>
//code that produces a result here
you don't need to wrap this in Action anymore since it's already wrapped by withTransaction

Possible to make a producer/consumer obj in Scala using actors 'threadless' (no receive...)?

So I want to write some network code that appears to be blocking, without actually blocking a thread. I'm going to send some data out on the wire, and have a 'queue' of responses that will come back over the network. I wrote up a very simple proof of concept, inspired by the producer/consumer example on the actor tutorial found here: http://www.scala-lang.org/node/242
The thing is, using receive appears to take up a thread, and so I'm wondering if theres anyway to not take up a thread and still get the 'blocking feel'. Heres my code sample:
import scala.actors.Actor._;
import scala.actors.Actor;
case class Request(val s:String);
case class Message(val s:String);
class Connection {
private val act:Actor = actor {
loop {
react {
case m:Message => receive { case r:Request => reply { m } }
def getNextResponse(): Message = {
return (act !? new Request("get")).asInstanceOf[Message];
//this would call the network layer and send something over the wire
def doSomething() {
//this is simulating the network layer getting some data back
//and sending it to the appropriate Connection object
private def generateResponse() {
act ! new Message("someData");
act ! new Message("moreData");
act ! new Message("even more data");
object runner extends Application {
val conn = new Connection();
println( conn.getNextResponse());
Is there a way to do this without using the receive, and thereby making it threadless?
You could directly rely on react which should block and release the thread:
class Connection {
private val act:Actor = actor {
loop {
react {
case r:Request => reply { r }
I expect that you can use react rather than receive and not have actors take up threads like receive does. There is thread on this issue at receive vs react.