Why isn't IE8 finding these attributes? - jquery-selectors

I get the alerts and expected behavior in IE 9 and everything else, but no such luck in IE 8. What could be the cause of this?
// do stuff
Example Fiddle

My solution was to use a more generic selector.


How to find a button within <ul> and <li> via Proctractor?

I am new to automation, and my previous experiences were with non-Angular apps, thus i start to use Protractor.
I want to navigate throught the website, though cannot find the right selector.
The button is highlighted in red on the bottom of the screen:
I've tried below code among many:
maybe you should target the <a> or <nb-icon> element instead?
Try the following locators:
using a:
or nb-icon:
Additionally, if you need to target the <span> element:
element(by.css('.ng-tns-c11-16.ng-star-inserted.active span'));
I suggest
by.css("a[title='Flota']") //if this is the button you are looking for
Since the shorter is locator - the better
your help was much appreciated!
Unfortunately, i tried all options you provided and didn't work, though i made additional trial and error runs.
The code i worked out is below, maybe it will help another newbie like me:
element.all(by.css('#menu-item ng-tns-c11-4 ng-star-inserted li')).click()

Ionic 3 Error - fullscreen and ion-refresher don't work together

After adding fullscreen to my ion-content, my ion-refresher is no longer visible. Changing CSS is every way possible doesn't help. I've found this post https://github.com/ionic-team/ionic/issues/10490, which seems to indicate that this is a genuine Ionic bug, but it's been almost a year and so far I couldn't find anything else on this: https://github.com/ionic-team/ionic/issues/10490
Does anyone know a workaround? Or any advice will be highly appreciated.

using breakpoints for the first time

Hi all I am using breakpoints for the first time and I had them working fine, but now my site adapts to the mobile layout but not the screen-size for mobile! I can't see any unclosed tags or css erros, any clue what could be causing this?
Try putting your css through a validator. This usually shows up errors that are hard to spot normally:

JToolBarHelper won't work on IE8 and IE9 Browsers?

I'm working on joomla 1.5 and I have this form and it has a Save and Close button but it is not working on IE browsers. The conflict on MooTools.js and jQuery.js is resolved but still the buttons don't work. What is the possible cause of this?
Steps to trace the bug.
1. form name should be "adminForm"
all hidden variable present in the form like option, task, view, controller. whatever you are using in your component.

Why doesn't my <select> work in IE8?

So I have a <select> element on my page, and it worked fine in all browsers until IE8 came along. I've seen all the literature about the IE7 compatibility view and how to use <meta> to force the browser into that mode. But the question still remains: why the heck does IE8 fail to display a simple <select> properly? Has anyone figured this out yet? Here are two URLs that demonstrate the problem. The first one displays properly in IE8, but only because I'm using the <meta> tag to force it into IE7 compatibility mode. The second one is identical to the first, except that I'm not forcing IE7 compatibility.
Anyone have any ideas?
Apparently, IE8 doesn't like one of your CSS styles.
SELECT { display: table }
Removing the above style displays the drop down list.
Update: more information from W3School, the value of "table" is not supported by IE.
You have a css property setting display: table on select elements. This seems to be the problem.
I ha d the same problem, not solved with the display:table thing, but it was an issue with the font-family...seems that you have to use standard font only (i used fontface for my site...)
so change the font family to a standard one and should be ok(i don't know why but it worked for me)