Ionic 3 Error - fullscreen and ion-refresher don't work together - ionic-framework

After adding fullscreen to my ion-content, my ion-refresher is no longer visible. Changing CSS is every way possible doesn't help. I've found this post, which seems to indicate that this is a genuine Ionic bug, but it's been almost a year and so far I couldn't find anything else on this:
Does anyone know a workaround? Or any advice will be highly appreciated.


Progress bar (b-progress-bar) not animating

I added a simple b-progress-bar to my code in order to show some percentages. I followed the official documentation step by step, and everything is showing nicely, except for the animation part. Here is the component html:
<b-progress max="100" :animated="true" :striped="true" show-progress>
<b-progress-bar :value="balance" variant="danger"
:label-html="(balance/100) * 100 + '%'" />
When the component displays, it doesn't move, stripes are there alongside everything else, but the animation is missing. Another thing I noted is that even the progress bar in the documentation isn't being animated for me. Could it be a browser problem?
Thanks in advance.
If anyone stumbles upon such a dumb issue, please check your Windows/Browser settings to see whether you have disabled animations.
I personally disabled animation on my whole PC to speed it up, and that was blocking the from doing anything visual.

roundslider UI is malfunction due to ionic.bundles.js file in ionic android app

I searched alot about this topic but couldnt find any answer. I am ionic to build a android app. I used roundslider component from Though whole roundslider fully works but the text input right in middle of roundslider does not work in ionic. I figured out that ionic.bundles.js script in ionic app is causing problem. If I remove this script, roundslider works fine.
Any advice why this script causing problem?
I had the same issue. You have to disable the tap functionality.
"In some cases, third-party libraries may also be working with touch events which can interfere with the tap system. For example, mapping libraries like Google or Leaflet Maps often implement a touch detection system which conflicts with Ionic’s tap system."
<div data-tap-disabled="true">
//Your Round Slider here...
I hope it helps.
there is a conflict between files of roundsliderui and ionic
read this article thats will help you
The problem is that the modal is not fully loaded at the time the circular-slider is rendered. This article states correctly that the offsetPosition is null if the document (in this case, the modal) is not finished loading

Ionic app sidemenus don't work after closing $ionicPopup

The Ionic app I'm working on displays a $ionicPopup when it starts and after closing the popup, the two sidemenus the app contains don't work at all. If I remove the popup from the code, the sidemenus work well.
Does anyone have an idea what the problem could be?
Add the following code to the controller that contains the slidebox:
$scope.$on('$ionicView.enter', function(){
I had the same problem than you. I resolved with this.
I was facing this same problem.
In my case, this was happening because, the enable-menu-with-back-views="true" option in ion-side-menu was set false.
It got back to work when setting it to true. =)

using breakpoints for the first time

Hi all I am using breakpoints for the first time and I had them working fine, but now my site adapts to the mobile layout but not the screen-size for mobile! I can't see any unclosed tags or css erros, any clue what could be causing this?
Try putting your css through a validator. This usually shows up errors that are hard to spot normally:

Iphone style on button not overwriting

i have some styling on the more button ( for faster typing) here, on all browsers and phones it looks how i want.
However on the iPhone its still seems to be pulling default styles (which are internalally set up styles) through and looks like this and for the life of my i cant figure out why it is overwriting. Hope someone can shed some light on it.
Thanks in advance
You will need this is your CSS for the button.
-webkit-appearance: none;
Think vitamin has a great article on this topic. Cheers