Why VideoPlayerViewController can be presented from iPad but not from iPhone? - iphone

I have a universal app and 2 storyboards(for iPad and iPhone). In a view controller, when I tap a button, a video is starting to play. I am doing that with:
-(void)playMoviesForItems:(NSArray *)shopItems{
VideoPlayerViewController* moviePlayer = [self.storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:#"videoPlayerController"];
[self presentViewController:moviePlayer animated:NO completion:nil];
[moviePlayer playMoviesForItems:shopItems];
In iPad, everything works fine. But in iPhone, i can hear the sound of the movie, but there is no view. It is not presented like it does in iPad.
So where am I wrong? Is it the good way to present a video controller?

I think your frame for the video player is not setted properly.You have to use proper class or like present modal view controller.I am able to play the video in iphone using video player.How come it will not work for you?Is apple making junk changes i hope not so..


MPMoviePlayerController dismisses my UIImagePickerController

I have an iPhone app where I load an UIImagePickerController onto a UIViewController. I then have a custom view on top of the camera. Now when the user takes a photo it is loaded onto a UIImageView which presents it to the user asking if you want to use that photo or take another (removing the image from the UIImageView). This works perfectly.
Now If the user has just recorded a video I wanted to take a snapshot preview somewhere in the video and present it as a static image in the same UIImageView. I do this with the following code:
MPMoviePlayerController *videoPlayer = [[MPMoviePlayerController alloc] init];
videoPlayer.shouldAutoplay = NO;
[videoPlayer setContentURL:[info valueForKey:UIImagePickerControllerMediaURL]];
UIImage *videoScreenShot = [videoPlayer thumbnailImageAtTime:(videoPlayer.duration/2.0) timeOption:MPMovieTimeOptionNearestKeyFrame];
photoPreview.image = videoScreenShot;
[videoPlayer release]
This works as intended. The problem is if I want to take another video. When I call:
[videoPlayer setContentURL:[info valueForKey:UIImagePickerControllerMediaURL]];
The camera shutter closes and the camera is seemingly dismissed. Trying to take a picture or recording video gives me:
UIImagePickerController: ignoring request to take picture; camera is not yet ready.
UIImagePickerController: ignoring request to start video capture; camera is not yet ready.
I've tried calling the following after, which has no effect:
myImagePicker.mediaTypes = [UIImagePickerController availableMediaTypesForSourceType: UIImagePickerControllerSourceTypeCamera];
[myImagePicker setSourceType:UIImagePickerControllerSourceTypeCamera];
I tried adding the UIImagePickerController to the UIIViewController again, which caused some fantastic freeze-ups.
Finally I tried commenting out the UIViewController's [super didReceivedMemoryWarning] line of didReceivedMemoryWarning. Which also had no effect.
I'm guessing MPMoviePlayerController takes over something UIImagePicker also needs. How do I give it back?
I would suggest setting your MPMoviePlayerController to nil before showing the UIImagePickerController, or maybe taking its view out of the interface temporarily. Both of these contain a movie player view, but there can be only one movie player view at a time in your application's interface. Thus they can interfere with each other, and that might be what's happening to you.

Playing videos on iPad with a specific style

i have some mp4 files which are to be played in my iPad app.. I am able to do that quite well. right now i have a play button on blank black space in my app and the video plays after i tap the play button. The user will only come to know the content of the video after playing it.. But, i want the user to know about the video before playing itself . instead of the default black screen i want to show the video starting screen to make the video more interesting. To put it in simple words, i want my video space to be similar to youtube... IS there any way i which this can be done?? Thanks
Subclass MPMoviePlayerController (or however you're playing your video.. if you already use a custom class just add the code in there) and in viewDidAppear initialise a UIImageView with frame size equal to self.view.bounds using whatever background image you want for the loading screen. Add the UIImageView as a subview of self.view and call sendSubviewToBack: on it. When the player is ready to play, it will start drawing video frames on top of your subview, and you should not see it again.
- (void)viewDidAppear
UIImageView *loadingImage = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage:myImage];
[loadingImage setFrame:self.view.bounds];
[self.view addSubview:loadingImage];
[self.view sendSubviewToBack:loadingImage];
[super viewDidAppear];

Stop iPad MoviePlayer video when a view is changed

I'm writing my first iPad app that plays a video on a portion of the screen. My problem is that if the user changes to another view while the video is playing, the audio keeps playing in the background. I assume I have to add something to the "viewDidUnload" method but I'm not sure what to do. Any ideas? Thanks for any info.
You can try adding
[myMoviePlayer pause]; // assume myMoviePlayer is an instance variable
[myMoviePlayer stop];
myMoviePlayer = nil;
to your viewWillDisappear method.

how do I play fullscreen landscape movie on iOS4 in a portrait application?

The problem is the following:
I have an application in which all viewcontrollers are portrait only 9typical tabbar/navigation app), but I would like to play a move in fullscreen landscape mode. This seems impossible in iOS4 ...
The best I could come up with was to add the mpmoviecontroller view to my parent view and rotate it by hand, but then there are 2 issues, the first being that i dont have the "Done" button, and that the user still has the possibility to press the "fullscreen" button making the view go portrait and completely wrong.
When using the [moviePlayer setFullscreen:YES animated:YES]; method it automatically sets the view in portrait and there is no way of rotating it.
any suggestions?
I don't remember where I found this, but you can subclass MPMoviePlayerViewController so its only support landscape orientations:
#interface CustomMPMovie : MPMoviePlayerViewController
#implementation CustomMPMovie
return UIInterfaceOrientationIsLandscape(toInterfaceOrientation);
Hope it helps..
For full screen playback use MPMoviePlayerViewController and then to make it launch and play in landscape format use the "shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation" method on the MPMoviePlayerViewController class.
It looks like this:
[yourInstanceOfMPMoviePlayerViewController shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation: UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeRight];

iPad rotation bug when using MPMoviePlayerViewController

Issue summary
Changing the orientation of an iPad device or simulator while playing a video using MPMoviePlayerViewController results in an inconsistent rotation state upon dismissal of the video player. This is a known bug in iPad SDK 3.2, documented at http://www.openradar.me/8012810
Sample project
I have prepared a minimal sample project using the View-based Application template from Xcode 3.2.2, using the following code to launch the player
NSURL *movieUrl = [NSURL URLWithString:#"http://devimages.apple.com/iphone/samples/bipbop/bipbopall.m3u8"];
MPMoviePlayerViewController *player = [[MPMoviePlayerViewController alloc] initWithContentURL:movieUrl];
[self presentMoviePlayerViewControllerAnimated:player];
[player release];
The code is available on GitHub at http://github.com/adamalex/FullScreenMovie or direct download using http://github.com/adamalex/FullScreenMovie/zipball/master
Steps to reproduce
Obtain the project using the information above
Launch the project with the iPad simulator or device
Tap the button to begin playing the video
Rotate the iPad by 90 degrees
Dismiss the video
Note the UIStatusBar is out of sync with the application UI
I have contacted Apple and they have confirmed this is a bug that is being investigated. I would like to discuss temporary workarounds that use public APIs safe for submission to the App Store. I am going to open a developer support case with Apple as well and will report back with my own progress.
Successful response from Apple Developer Technical Support!
This is a known bug and a we're received a number of duplicate bug reports and so iOS engineering is aware of the issue and we do have a temporary workaround as suggested by iOS engineering.
You will need to implement this in the view controller which presents the movie player.
- (void)didRotateFromInterfaceOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientation)fromInterfaceOrientation {
[super didRotateFromInterfaceOrientation:fromInterfaceOrientation];
[self performSelector:#selector(fixStatusBar) withObject:nil afterDelay:0];
- (void)fixStatusBar {
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] setStatusBarOrientation:[self interfaceOrientation] animated:NO];
While this is somewhat ugly, it should fix the issue for now. It would be recommended to remove this code once the bug is fixed in the system.
This took care of the issue completely for me, and you can revisit http://github.com/adamalex/FullScreenMovie for the code with the fix applied.
This also solves an iPhone/iPodTouch rotation issue that I was struggling with. I am developing a universal app in which each view displays a different image depending on whether the device is in portrait or landscape orientation. Buttons are used to navigate between views.
If the app is running on the device and a portrait view is rotated to landscape, my image switching takes place. If the device is then placed flat on a table top and the button is tapped to display the next view, the view appears in landscape but shows the portrait image instead. I solved the problem by forcing a portrait view to appear by detecting for face up and down, but Apple's code solved this problem (as well as the similar movie problem I was also experiencing).
Many thanks for reporting the bug - I assumed it was just my bad coding...