How can we able to check whether any application, which uses Port 80 in Windows XP ?
Use netstat -aon and look for the address ending in :80 and note the corresponding PID in the same row. Then go to task manager (CTRL-ALT-DEL), click Processes tab and under View click Select Columns then check PID (Process Identifier). The PID in Processes that matches PID from netstat -aon is listening on your port.
Skype, which is a very common app running in the background, is a common cause of port 80 being occupied.
I am using vs code as a code editor for PHP. To view live time update I use vs code live server extension for chrome. Using Xampp(apache) for the PHP server. But suddenly I notice that some apps blocked my port 80 of windows 10 so I change the port for apache as 8080. Then my live server stopped working.
Can anyone tell me why this happened?
I want to add that if I change other ports like 8000 it works perfectly, what's wrong with 8080? is there any other limited ports for the liver server?
It's highly possible that vscode live server use port 8080 internally
When Xampp is set to another port than 8080 and live server is started, use the following command in cmd to display a list of process using that port:
netstat -an | find /i "8080"
The PID of the process using that port is at the end of the line , then do the next command by replacing with that number to find out which process opened it, you can also look in your task manager for that.
C:\ tasklist /svc /FI "PID eq <PID>"
Error received while starting the server
Launching the server failed:
Location service deamon port 9000 is in use
Change each used port number to another unused port on the Ports page of
the server configuration editor.
I already tried to restart the computer and the result still the same.
What else i try to resolve this issue??
You have 2 options:
Stop the service/process which is using 9000 port or change its value
Change that 9000 port in WebSphere configuration. Since you cannot start your server you have to do it manually, editing xml config files:
I'm assuming you have standalone single server, in case deployment mananger and multiple servers you need to find the correct one.
Go to the PROFILE_ROOT\config\cells\YOUR_CELL_NAME\nodes\YOUR_NODE_NAME\serverindex.xml and look for 9000 it should be ORB_LISTENER_ADDRESS. Change that port to free one. You can check ports that are already taken in system using for example netstat -an
I have a windows server 2008 machine on which I am unable to bind to a socket at a particular high-port range without getting an error 10013 (WSAEACCES). In particular, I can't bind to ports 62788-64764, which is rather inconvenient since I'm trying to start up a service that is configured to run on ports in that range, and I can't change that configuration. The process is launched from a cmd window having Administrator privileges.-a
Why can't I bind to these port numbers?
I've tried all the obvious things:
Netstat -a does not show any processes listening on those ports.
Using netsh int ipv4 show excludedportrange protocol=tcp, I verified that there aren't any excluded ports in this range:
Start Port End Port
---------- --------
80 80
443 443
8172 8172
47001 47001
The machine was running a DNS server, so I set the DNS SocketPoolSize to zero, but that didn't work. (I even shut the server down, but that didn't help either).
I've rebooted (and kicked) the machine several times, and I've reset the winsock catalog (netsh winsock reset).
There's got to be some other configuration setting I am missing; any ideas?
UPDATE: I discovered that shutting down the Windows service "Internet Connection Sharing" makes the problem go away, although why that service was locking up these specific ports is still unclear to me.
I'd guess with ICS enabled, Hide NAT is also enabled (internal IPs hiding behind a single - or multiple - external IPs). That means the Server will need to rewrite source IP and source port of clients going to the internet to avoid source port collisions.
Hiding NAT gateways thus usually reserve a port range in the higher area (>port 50000) for that. So ICS may block a whole range of high ports for NAT porposes.
And this is why server applications should stay in the low / privileged range of ports (i.e. <1024)
I started two jgroup process in single machine using JChannel channel=new JChannel();
It will use default XML configuration file in jgroups-all.jar called udp.xml.
Then I viewed port usage by executing netstat command.
The result is following.
C:\Documents and Settings\xxxxxx\Desktop>netstat -ano | find "45588"
UDP *:* 9304
UDP *:* 2492
The number 9304 and 2492 is the JVM process id and 45588 is port id.
What I want to know is why the two processes can use the same port 45588 in one host, and what does the IP stand for?
Thanks a lot.
This might give your last question's answer:
When IP is shown means they are not connected to a TCP/IP network. Having this address, a computer cannot be reached or communicate with any other devices over IP.
I need to scan the open ports of my server.
I tried nmap by: nmap *** from within my local network.
It gave me:
Starting Nmap 5.21 ( ) at 2011-04-09 16:05 JST
Nmap scan report for *** (***.***.***.39)
Host is up (0.00097s latency).
rDNS record for ***.***.***.39: ************
Not shown: 994 closed ports
23/tcp open telnet
53/tcp open domain
80/tcp open http
Then I tried the open ports tool provided by by specifying a specific port like:
global ip address 23
global ip address 53
global ip address 80
For each of those tests, it gave me "timed out" as a result, which is contradictory with the nmap results.
I know that depending on the way that nmap performs the tests, it may turn out that the result is "open".
So, I think the best way to test the ports of a given server is from outside, like the dyndns open ports tool.
But I'd like to test all ports at once, as opposed to one by one.
Is there any reliable tool for that, especially that I can use in command line?
I am on ubuntu 10.10.
Try Gibson Research Corporation ShieldsUP. It will test your firewall.
Note that whether or not a port is 'open' is also a function of the requesting source host and port; it is pretty easy to configure a firewall system to open a port for a specific set of source IP and port ranges. So there's no sure-fire way to tell if a port is open or not from the outside; netstat -an or similar tools will more reliably tell you which ports are open. (Except in the case of a rootkit, but any respectable rootkit would probably limit access to the open ports to a handful of netblocks as well, just to keep their property theirs.)
It'd be a piece of cake to buy a VPS slice from your favorite hosting provider for $10 for a month and portscan your own machine; nmap's default -T3 scanning option already parallelizes the scan, which is useful, but if your network connection is decent, -T4 may go more quickly.