How to call Web service Continuously in ios - iphone

I have an ios app.
In which i have multi user account.So multiple user can Login.
When one user see other user profile and if that user is also online i want to notify him.
I can't get how to implement it.
If i have to continuously check some flag value on server if someone has checked their profile or how can i handle it?

Remote notifications is the way to do it. The logic on when and who has to be notified can be handled at the server.
You may have seen lots of apps asking for permissions to send notification. The downside being if the user denies that permission.
Polling from client side can also be one of the methods which can be used and but would require the client to do most of the computation.
So all in all, its a call you got to take considering what you are building.


Call status change web-service when my App is deleted

In my application , i works with web-services and when user log in into my app my app is sending a request with status 1 means loged in and when on log out button click sending a request with status 0.
Now problem is , when user removes app from devices , status in my server is remain 1(log in) , hence other user can see him available while his app is not in device. so is there any way by which i can send request when my app removes from device (i don't think it is possible) or is there any other way that i can do in my backend side ?
Thanks in advance.
It is not possible to call a web service when the user deleting the app from an ios device. There are three methods to came to know that whether your application is there in user's ios device. But there are few limitations also.
Activate Push notification: By doing this, device will get registered with Apple's push notification service. When user delete the app from device, the registration will be revoked from APNS server and through the APNS feedback service, you can get to know whether the application is existing. (Limitation: If the user did not agree with receiving push notifications, then the app will not be registered with APNS and you never came to know that whether application is existing or not)
Activate Location Based service: If your application enables location based service, then your application will get periodic location updates in a location delegate method. In this delegate, you can call a webservice and keep update the status of user even the application is in background. (Limitation: If user disables the location update, then your server will not get info about user status)
Periodically Call a Webservice From you app: This is possible only if your app is active. (Limitation: When you application pushed in to background, your application will be in suspended mode, so it will not possible to call webservice)
Sorry Unfortunately Apple not provide any method that user Uninstall app from user's device, There is no such method.
When user delete any application device does give the alert "Do you want to delete this application" with option "Delete" and "Cancel". You don't have to write any specific code for this.
I just assume that There is one method in which you can find out when user is about to delete your app. That is you need to implement push notification Apple server will inform you when you try to push to an uninstalled instance. Other than that there's no way to detect it but i am not sure its helpful or not.
You can't do this from within the app. You would want to do something like have a periodic task which runs on the backend, checking the last activity date of logged in users and setting them to 'not available' after some configured period of inactivity. This will probably require some changes to the backend to record last activity date and a change to the app so that while it's open it sends a periodic 'heartbeat' to the backend. You probably want to make the timeout quite big (say 15 minutes, big enough to not have a large impact on performance).

how to use the iphone auto renew subscription without a server

So all the documentation and posts I see about auto-renew subscription are using the server side model to deliver products. Is there a particular reason why one couldn't use the Built-in model.
I am creating a audio player app that will provide new original music every month. With service side verification I understand that it checks to see if the receipt is valid before allowing the user to download the audios from my server.
However, couldn't I just program my app to ping the app store to see if their subscription is active. If their subscription isn't active have the app sit on the home screen saying "Please renew your subscription before regaining access to the audio player"
It's my understanding that the server side model is there to prevent pirates from gaining access to my servers resources. Is there any other reason I should use it?
It depends on whether you want your application to be hacked or not.
Main reason for all the validation routine is that once application is available to user, he can modify it in any way he likes which can be seen on all the hacked iPhone apps out there.
So in your case they would delete all checks from your code and set "active" to true.

Push Notifications for iPhone - accepted methodolgy

I’m looking at the designing and developing a service for Push notifications, and am trying to understand the order of processing in the Apple App when it comes to Registering for Push Notifications and storage of the Token.
What I’m developing currently is a service that allows subscription to individual changes that happen to particular processing on our server.
When they happen, the phone user may receive a message of type “A”, “B”, or “C”.
The phone user has to “subscribe” to each of these types individually if they want them. Otherwise they can ignore it and not subscribe.
So User Fred, on Phone #4, starts our App, logs in, and then has the ability to turn on or off subscriptions to events that are sent as Push Notifications.
So I need to tie details from Fred’s login, to Phone #4’s device Token, with particular subscriptions.
So my particularly important questions are.
When the Phone connects to the APNS server to get its device token, is this automatic on app start? Or can this be initiated at a later step? Ie, after going through a loging screen on our app.
Can we (are we allowed to) store the device token on the phone in the App's data store?. Or, should the App be connecting to the APNS server every time the app is run?
How does the App know if it as already called the APNS server and retrieved a token, or as above, should it call the APNS server time the app is run?
Can we (are we allowed to) store the token in the App’s memory as it runs, so we can properly subscribe and unsubscribe for particular messages?
We need also to be able to list all the subscriptions that a particular user may have across all their devices so the user can remove old devices (if they change phones). Or can we rely upon data back from calls to the APNS – when we attempt to push a notification - to inform us that a device token is no longer valid?
Or is there some better way of tying this all together?
When the Phone connects to the APNS server to get its device token, is
this automatic on app start? Or can this be initiated at a later step?
Ie, after logging into our app.
After the app has started, the app gets the token by calling registerForRemoteNotificationTypes. This will prompt the user for permission, and call a callback with the device token if permission is granted.
Can we (are we allowed to) store the device token on the phone in the
Apps data store?. Or, should the App be connecting to the APNS server
every time the app is run?
You'll need to build an APN provider, which is a web server that calls apple to send the pushes. The thing to do with the token is post it to your server that uses the APN provider. The app doesn't connect to APNS, your provider does, and it does it when it has pushes to send.
Can we (are we allowed to) store the token in the App’s memory as it
runs, so we can properly subscribe and unsubscribe for particular
You can keep the token on the client, but you don't really need to. It's your web service that calls APN, so it needs to be kept aware of your users' subscription prefs.
We need also to be able to list all the subscriptions that a
particular user may have across all their devices so the user can
remove old devices (if they change phones). Or can we rely upon data
back from calls to the APNS – when we attempt to push a notification -
to inform us that a device token is no longer valid?
APN also provides a feedback service that you call in batch which returns the device tokens that are no longer valid. Not only can you use this service, but you must. Apple will get mad at apps that repeatedly send to no longer valid devices.
Or is there some better way of tying this all together?
Yes! provides a nice wrapper on the client code, does the provider and feedback service, abstracts the idea of single devices to the idea of a "channel" which sounds like just what you need for multiple notification types A, B, C, provides a super-easy step by step setup, and loads of other useful cloud services for iOS. (I'm not affiliated, but a big fan).

Is it possible to save a custom variable for each user on their account?

I just got starte with programming a Facebook app. I already wrote an app for the VZ-Network, and there they have something called 'Persistant Storage'. Basically its an environment where you can save custom data on each user account. With your app you can read this data from the current user as well as from the users friends. Now I want to port my app to Facebook and my problem is that I didn't find such functionality here yet.
For now I would like to finish and launch this as soon as possible, so it would be nice if I could c&p as much of the code as possible.
Since the data is contains information about participation, at some point I would like to use the Facebook event object. But I was wondering if that could cause problems since it would require to create those events publically in order to use them in my app. Couldn't that lead to legal problems when I create such events with those who actually host the events in the real world? Would I have to ask the hosts to create those events, could I automate this process, or in case they don't have a Facebook account ask them to approve that the app creates the event for them?
I also need to know in what events the users friends participate, so I can't simply save the information on my server, since I don't have the friend info there.
In any case, it seems much easier to me to simply use a list of EventIDs on each user account to check whether or not the user participates in an event.

How to check if a person in your iPhone contact list has an app installed?

I want to allow people to privately share data with each other using their contacts list to select people to share with. I'm planning on using Push Notifications to notify others that they have been shared with, but how can I handle those that do not have the app installed?
The cases are that I have their phone # and/or email. I can simply send them a message saying "X wants to share Y with you", but how can I determine if I need to send a Push Notification or an email/text?
If you're looking for API then you're out of luck. You can always collect this personal data server-side with agreement of your users. There you can also manage groups and other community relations.
Check here:
The crux of it though will be that you will need to store a token when the device is registered anyway to be able to send notifications to them, so you can use that.
And using The Feedback Service alluded to in the documentation, you can remove the token, should it fail too often.
But, as rokjarc said, if you're expecting a third-party API to exist, you're pretty much out of luck. Apple ahs done most of the work for you already anyway.
When the app registeres for push notifications you need to pass additional data to your server. The user could input their own email/phone which will be sent to the server so that users can find each other. The email/phone can be stored alongside with the push token. When someone wants to share something, you would search the corresponding push token in the database and send the notification through APNS. Note there can be multiple push tokens for one email or phone i.e. when a user has multiple devices.
The users of your app should be aware of the data which is stored on your server and should have the option to delete it. Also use the APNS feedback service to detect and remove invalid push tokens.