is it possible to do in ssrs report [closed] - ssrs-2008

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Name age sons
ram 22 5 (i want a drop down menu to enter age and number of sons in ssrs end user need to select)
kri 26 3
Total 8
is it possible to create in ssrs report

SSRS is NOT meant for users to input forms, it is meant for reporting out not input in. You may be better served with ASP.NET or something similar. SSRS is meant for reporting only as one direction from a database, not to it. It is not set up to be an input method for data entry. It is very limited in scope with event controls and even if you could manage to do some updates to a database it would be very clunky and cumbersome to do. However ASP.NET and other technologies have predefined forms built around this very thing. They take a little bit longer to set up though.


Acumatica Field Services - Linking the CSAnswer information to the FSAppointment Table [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I've currently created four Attributes on the Field Services Appointment (FS300200) form to show manually entered start and finish kilometres. This field will then flow into Forms and be the basis of reports throughout the system.
My problem is, how do I link the CSAnswers to the FSAppointment Table. There doesn't seem to be a logical join. The last time I used this area the RefNoteID and Attribute provided the link. I know that this changed so that most major tables show attributes e.g. STYLE_Attribute. Unfortunately this isn't the case for FSAppointments, FSAppointmentDets (my next guess)
Perhaps I'm misunderstanding, but I just checked this with 2020R1 and FSAppointment.NoteID joined correctly to CSAnswers.REfNoteID

Possible to populate a Google Form's Questions with a Spreadsheet / CSV? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I have scoured the internet, and although I am fairly sure this just isn't possible yet due to the design of forms by google, but if anyone has a way to do it, be it through running a script or just a clever work around, it would help me so much!
Allow me to break down kind of what I am trying to get done:
I have a spread sheet, with about 600+ entries in it.
I need to take, and populate a form with each question being a row form the spreadsheet, and each question having a blank short-text answer.
I am trying to populate the questions with English phrases, so a third party can easily fill in the spanish translation in the Answer spaces.
I can only find way to populate the Answer with spreadsheet data (by copy pasting a column into multiple choice answer, for example), but I need it to populate the Question, leaving blank answers.
TL:DR I want to be able to make a 600 question form, with each question being populated from a row in my .csv/spreadsheet.
Is this possible? I do feel like I could've worded this question better, if anyone is confused as to what I'm asking please let me know and i will revise!

I want to know the difference between 'Form Created automatically' and 'Existed Form' [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Thanks a lot , I want to know the difference between 'Form Created automatically' and 'Existed Form'
in Delphi XE3. (Tools->Options->Forms)
An "auto-created" Form is created automatically for you at program startup. The IDE inserts a call to TApplication.CreateForm() into your project's main source file to accomplish that. The first auto-created Form becomes the TApplication.MainForm.
An "available" Form has to be created manually in your own code, which allows you to choose when/how it is created.
The biggest difference is the forms, all get created whether needed or not, and all stay in memory until the application is closed (or they are explicitly destroyed).
My delphi experience suggests that using auto create nearly always leads to poor lifetime management and encourages monolithic code, and in general should be avoided at all costs.

Can pgadmin manage large objects? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Is pgadmin aware of PostgreSQL large objects?
pgAdmin does not appear to have any special large object support. You can however use the standard sql language functions available on any client interface to manage them. See as a reference of these functions.
This leads to a number of important limitations. You would get an escaped string when you pull a large object from the database. You cannot, say, pull a file and display it as an image or the like.

In a system for moderating offensive user content, how do you decide on a threshold for automatic removal? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm writing a forum application and want to automatically moderate offensive posts using a flagging system similar to the one on StackOverflow in which users are given the ability to report problematic posts as falling into one of three categories:
* Abusive speech
* Off topic
* Spam
If a particular post receives a certain number of flags, I would like the system to automatically delete the post.
How should I decide what this threshold should be?
By 'delete', I would assume you mean 'deactivate and make invisible to normal users', so that you can still access the post and make determinations as to whether the flagging system is being used appropriately.
I would say, decide what the threshold should be by picking a number between three and five depending on how large and active a user base you have, and adjusting the number upward or downward based on how you see it playing out in practice.
I'd make it some percentage of the views after a certain number of views.
Views > 5
Greater than 1/5 ratio of offensive
flags to views