I created a SVN repository on the VisualSVN Server. I use this repository from my desktop computer in Eclipse IDE over the Internet using HTTPS protocol. Everything was working fine until now.
SUDDENLY, I have to change the server's domain name,for example previously it was domain.org and now I have to make it domain.info for some reason.
So how would I update the repository URL which was previously assigned to some of the project in Eclipse IDE so it will point to the new target server?
EDIT (because of Survivor of SO and so called experts)
i tried the solution as suggested in comments those users give me who themselves treat them superior to other users on SO and treat themselves as an survivor of SO, it gives me following error shown in screen shot
so what do i do now ?
those users who voted to close this question can answer my question ?
i think those who can not answer the question have no rights to edit some one's question nor have rights to close the question.
Thank You
Mihir Parekh
The error on the screenshot means that you enter incorrect repository URL to relocate to. The URL https://190dev.no-ip.info:8443/svn/ points to a repositories list, not a repository.
I suppose that you want to enter something like this: https://190dev.no-ip.info:8443/svn/<repository-name>.
While I was editing README.md in one of my repositories, the process blocked somehow.
Since then, when I access that repository, status stays in 'Fetching latest commit… ' and I am not able to upload any files or edit them on the web.
The other repositories work. I do not have this repository on my computer (i have the files obviously), and the system does not allow me to clone it, not even delete it.
What can I do to regain access?
THOUGH DEFINITELY it does not the answer your question, but I want to post a solution for whom have the same problem but because of different reason.
For Forecomers having the issue
I had the same issue(just reached this question by googling), and I remembered disabling the javascript of my browser. Why don't you enable the javascript of your browser and refreshing the page? In my case the problem was solved after enabling javascript.
I have recently contributed some files to my github account. You can find it under here. The contributions are correctly displayed in the contribution activity under the graph. However, the graph does not update (the squares don't become green). I have read all the helps from Github, checked out dozens of webpages, but I simply can't find a solution. Can you guys do?
Thank you so much for your help!
Can you try another web browser, or clean your browser cache?
I see the green square on graph for 3 contributions from "Sep 18, 2016".
It will probably be something with caching in your web browser.
There isn't quite enough to go off here so I'm going to go out on a limb.
My guess is that you had the repo and everything was fine. Then you got a new computer, downloaded the files, are able to change and push but (as you mentioned) no credit the work you did. If that's the case, what is likely is that you have a config problem. Github is crediting someone or something else, just not you.
How to fix it:
git config --global user.name "<your github user name>"
git config --global user.email "<the email account you have for github>"
How to tell:
I put this last because the fix is simply easier to do.
On your computer and in the repo that isn't getting credit type
git blame <file you've made recent changes>. Look for two different names. Unfortunately, it doesn't show email but use this as a first go. If you don't see any differences and there is a chance (hence the reason to simply do the fix first) no email is configured or the two emails differ.
git blame --line-porcelain <file you've made recent changes>
From there carefully look at the first two lines (author and author-mail) and look for discrepancies.
We have been using Domino on a large project for years without any real source-control (other-than server backups). So, I was rather pleased when I noted the latest Designer 8.5.3 has potential integration with SVN.
I was unable get SVN working just by following the original instructions for as already noted on Stackoverflow the update sites have moved. The solution posted on OpenNTF, only half worked, with Domino still croaking at GEF, Mylyn and some other missing plugins. After finding and installing them, I still do not seem to have source-control integration.
What I have now is the ability to create on-disk projects but I do not seem to have any source-control features. I was expecting to see menu items for commit, update, revert …etc – is this how it works in Domino?
I can of course create a repository to commit the on-disk project to but I was hoping for integration inside of Domino. Whilst having years of experience in programming I’m a novice with Eclipse. I assume that I’ve done something wrong with installing the plugins? it was certainly a complicated process trying track down missing plugins.
Has anyone tried this recently and succeeded? What files do I need to install, setting tweak, …etc, to ensure this works? I’m happy to install my Designer fresh and follow a list of instructions.
Also, am I understanding how the integration works? Will I get command integration within Designer or do I have to work separately with the on-disk projects? I was really hoping for this be easy to integrate into normal workflow so I can convert the team to using it (adding too many extra or complicated steps is unlikely to create a conversion).
I posted a screenshot of my installed plugins in case this is helpful.
Mercurial? As an aside, has anyone used Mercurial instead of SVN with Designer? I would rather use Hg as I’m using this for related Dojo projects and will be easier for the team to use one system. However, I will settle for SVN as any source-control is better than non.
Update: This is answer is now out-of-date. It is useful in that it should point users in the right direction but it isn't really a working answer anymore. I no-longer develop on Lotus Notes so I cannot update it to a current solution.
I managed to figure this out eventually but will post the solution, just in case anyone else has the same trouble.
The answer by Per Henrik Lausten was very helpful as it showed me the route to follow through the menus. The main problem is that I'm not used to how Eclipse works so I didn't realise you had to go to the "Team" menu and "Share Project" after creating the on-disk project. When I did this I discovered that both SVN and CVS were already available.
I found that SVN did not like the file:// protocol (perhaps a windows issue?) Since, I could not arrange for an SVN server on our network, I decided to go down the Mercurial route. This was better for us as our other projects are stored in Mercurial.
Setting-up Mercurial with Lotus Designer 8.5.3:
In Domino preference (File -> Preferences), set: Enable Eclipse Plugins in the Domino Designer section to ticked.
Also in the preferences set: Use Binary DXL for source control operations to unticked (File -> Preferences, Domino Designer -> Source Control). Without this ticked I was not getting text for my Lotusscript agents and it would be difficult to compare changes.
Go to File -> Application -> Install:
Select Search for new features to install and click Next.
Click Add Remote Location button
Add the url: http://mercurialeclipse.eclipselabs.org.codespot.com/hg.wiki/update_site/stable/ and give it a suitable name
Once you've added this, ensure it is ticked in the location list and click Finish
Design will then search for updates and give you a list. Untick "Only show latest version of a feature per update site"
Tick MercurialEclipse 1.6 from MercurialEclipse Stable Releaes. I found that the latest version does not work, however a previous Stackoverflow conversation indicates that version 1.6 does work.
Click finish and allow it to install.
You will be asked to approve various plugins and then to restart.
MercurialEclipse, should now be installed!
To start using Mercurial with a Domino Application:
Right-click the application in the Applications tab, select: Team Development -> Set Up Source Control for this Application.
Give the project a name and choose a location for the project to be stored.
Designer will then do a DXL export of the database to your chosen location. A Navigator tab will appear next to Applications.
Right-click your new disk-project in the Navigator and select: Team -> Share Project...
Select Mercurial from the Repository types and allow Designer to create the repository.
You should now have access to various Mercurial functions via the Team menu. (You need to make your first commit.
When you make changes you want to commit to source-control, you need to:
Right-click the application and choose: Team Development -> Sync with on disk project...
Go to the Navigator tab and right-click your on-disk project, selecting team.
Most of the above steps should be obvious but decided to post full details in case anyone struggled like I did with Eclipse and how to use it properly. Once I figured it out, it really was quite easy.
Keith Strickland has created a series of blog posts on using source control with DDE. They might help you:
Keith Strickland: source control in DDE part
1: http://www.keithstric.com/A55BAC/keithstric.nsf/default.xsp?documentId=B236F39DEAF6C52F85257A72001157BF
Keith Strickland: source control in DDE part
2: http://www.keithstric.com/A55BAC/keithstric.nsf/default.xsp?documentId=B5D76A6DA163DCB585257A7C004802B6
Keith Strickland: source control in DDE part
3: http://www.keithstric.com/A55BAC/keithstric.nsf/default.xsp?documentId=C2C46D278948A24985257A7D0055D25E
I try to clone a repository from github, and every time, it makes the folder with the project name, it makes the .git folder, and then nothing happens, it just freezes.
Running Windows 7 32-bit
I can download a zip using https, but I want to use git.
I've set up git globals and so on. I suspect it may be an authentication problem, but I have no way of knowing. Does anyone have any ideas?
"Freezes" sounds definitely like a bug.
Indeed, keeping the UI responsive was one of the first design goal of GitHub for Windows (We've mashed up the elegant Caliburn.Micro with ReactiveUI to provide a responsive interface and to allow for greater testability.)
Short version:
send an email to support#github.com
Long version:
As stated by the GitHub for Windows launch blog post:
If you find a bug, submit it to support#github.com. Every email is read by a real person
More recently, xpaulbettsx, a GitHubber, even tweeted about this :
Support# is good for Anything you want to tell GitHub - bugs, features, high 5s; everything but security which go to security#
How to disable source tab in Google Code? I don't want any random users to look at my code.
Before you say that this can't be done, that Google Code is by default open source. Someone managed to do it, somehow.
Edit: Before you downvote me further, take a look at the link I provided. It's possible to do it, despite whatever you want to say. And I want to know how.
I don't want any random users to look at my code.
You can't prevent people from downloading the source code. Google's SVN repositories are open to anonymous browsing and checkout. For example, in the project you cited (the StackOverflow clone), notice that
svn checkout http://cnprog.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ cnprog-read-only
works just fine for downloading the source.
If you don't want people looking at your source code, don't use a free public-hosting service. Setting up a local svn repository is very easy, in any case: here's how you'd go about setting one up and adding stuff to it.
In your GC page Administer|Tabs then check the hide checkbox next to Source. Your code will still be available via SVN though.
The whole point of Google Code is that it is for open source. That means everyone is allowed to see it. If you don't want people looking at your code, use some closed source hosting site.
You can replace tabs with Wiki pages (for example, to point to your GitHub repository), but you can't prevent access to the Google SVN server.