GitHub for Windows - Not Getting Any Project Files, Freezes - github-for-windows

I try to clone a repository from github, and every time, it makes the folder with the project name, it makes the .git folder, and then nothing happens, it just freezes.
Running Windows 7 32-bit
I can download a zip using https, but I want to use git.
I've set up git globals and so on. I suspect it may be an authentication problem, but I have no way of knowing. Does anyone have any ideas?

"Freezes" sounds definitely like a bug.
Indeed, keeping the UI responsive was one of the first design goal of GitHub for Windows (We've mashed up the elegant Caliburn.Micro with ReactiveUI to provide a responsive interface and to allow for greater testability.)
Short version:
send an email to
Long version:
As stated by the GitHub for Windows launch blog post:
If you find a bug, submit it to Every email is read by a real person
More recently, xpaulbettsx, a GitHubber, even tweeted about this :
Support# is good for Anything you want to tell GitHub - bugs, features, high 5s; everything but security which go to security#


Use versions w/ github remote repositories (in this case w/ platformio)

This might be a basic github question, but I'm having trouble finding the right keywords to google because I don't know the terminology. Apologies and thanks in advance.
I've noticed with library dependencies in library.json, under "dependencies", there is often a github remote repo link with a version number after the #
For example"
What is that exactly after the #? A branch? A release?
More importantly, how do I make my github repo expose these. Like, I want to make a 1.0.0 one now for htcw_ili9341.git but later I may want to make 1.0.1
Using the github website, and/or the command line, how do I go about this?
It would be really helpful if you explained as you went as well.
So you know where I'm coming from with this, I've been using github for awhile but only for the most basic things, and driving it all through VS Code for the most part, sometimes resorting to the web interface and only occasionally dropping to the command line, which I've done a handful of times to resolve merge conflicts. I'm not an expert, but not completely new to it either.
anything after # is never posted to the server. It's basically a comment in this specific instance.

How make github to ignore whitespaces/newlines

I'm running a team of developers on a project and I constantly see this kind of commits:
Whenever I get about 5000 lines of code like this, i get quite frustrated
Is there any way to make github not show added whitespaces/newlines?
Set the URL parameter w=1 in the github url which enables the ignore whitepsace feature
Take a look at the difference between
But I guess the main problem is that the developers work on different OS and do not configure core.autocrlf.

Github and Dropbox conflict risk?

I have a dev folder with all my projects. Some of these are on github and some are not. I also use Dropbox (with symlinks) to keep my data synchronised across several computers.
For example if I add something to my Documents folder on one PC I can then see it in the corresponding folder on another PC.
My question is: If I do the same with my dev folder (so the dev folder is synced by Dropbox on both PCs) will it cause problems with my pushing to github?
You don't ever want to mix code versioning strategies. Either all of your code lives in git (which is a good idea), or it all lives in Dropbox (which doesn't give you any history, hence a very bad idea).
When you add a source file to git, you should be forced to push it to Github so it can be pulled at a later date.
I get the feeling that you will run into issues when pushing the code - you'll be adding new files in through one source, but pulling through another - it'd turn into a headache more than a benefit.
I'm not sure exactly how you could "prove" that is ok. But, I have used exactly this development model with no issues. I personally, don't use symlinks in my dropbox but that shouldn't affect anything. All of my git repos are on my Dropbox. I've been working this way for over a year across OXS, Windows, and Ubuntu. All of my commits and pushes have worked just fine.
Also, this may be a repeat of this question: Using Git and Dropbox together effectively?
Actually one thing was recently brought to my attention is that you might run into an issue with line endings across systems. This post from GitHub (with a link back to an SO question) explains how to deal with line endings.
I had the same question and now my answer is "simply move your repository out of Dropbox".
As you can see, Using Git and Dropbox together effectively? is not the same question, but if you just search the key word "GitHub", you will see the debate about your confusing. And maybe you will make your own desition.

How do I do source code management without version control tools?

I work on a software project which has a suite of source code that undergoes periodic change. The code is typically promoted to a production environment, and development continues in a development environment. Emergency hotfixes in production need to be backported to development. A third environment for testing may also exist from time to time. Many developers work on this code at the same time, often needing to make changes to the same individual file.
In short, a classic use-case for version control software. Unfortunately, we have a stone age IT department, and we do all our development in a stock Windows XP environment with absolutely no possibility of using any other software without approval - which never happens. We are lucky to have Winzip.
So what's the best way of managing the above workflow without any real tools? At the moment we are just editing files on a Windows shared drive, making ad-hoc working copies into folders with names like "James's Copy of X", doing backups with Winzip, and calling across the room, "is anybody working on this file at the moment?"
Edit: Some clarifications:
The irony is that the system is hardly locked down at all - I could download, install and configure TortoiseHg in about 7 minutes. But I need to do this by the book.
I am also actively pursuing getting version control software through official channels, but ETA for that is 6-9 months if ever, so I'm just trying to do the best I can with what I have now.
Finally, trust me, you will be reading about this project on TheDailyWTF one day, so please help me out with what I can do now rather than what management should have done last week.
Get source control. Talk to management, refuse to work, do whatever you can to get it in.
Bring in a netbook, install a SVN server and use that. Run Git off USB drives.
Really - anything.
It is not just an industry standard now - it is irresponsible of you and your management to continue working like this.
After notifying management and explaining that this is an issue, if they do nothing, just let the inevitable happen. Something that shouldn't have been promoted to production will be (regression, bug, new feature, whatever). When they come to blame you, explain how source control can help ensure that such things do not happen again. Perhaps they will listen then.
Ok, two actual options occur to me here.
First. You have Winzip, and you appear to have web access since you're posting on Stack Overflow. Assuming you have the ability to upload files (which isn't a given, since you're still using a generic StackOverflow avatar) you could find - or build - an externally-hosted service that'll allow you to upload a ZIP file via a web browser, unzip it, and then commit the unzipped contents to a Git or Subversion repository. Stick a secure web front end on it (Apache + mod-dav-svn) and you'll have the ability to browse, review and commit changes to individual files. You won't get the benefits of local SVN/GIT capabilities like merging, but you'll have centralized project history. There could even be a quite lucrative business model in this - selling web-based SCM to developers who are stuck on IE6 and WinXP and can't install anything.
Second: You find a junior/admin in your IT team who's just as frustrated as you are at the draconian restrictions being enforced, persuade them that you know what you're doing, and get them to 'accidentally' set up a local administrator account on your workstation. WinXP is sufficiently insecure out of the box that this shouldn't be too hard to make this look like an accident.
Copy and paste the files into a seperate folder and call that folder vers_x, or get the windows backup utility to save them each day, or another backup utility to do the same? though the first post is correct, strike till vers cont is implemented.
Get git. git init on the current source "repository". Install git on everyone's pc's.
Also, the strike idea is definitely not so bad in this case.

What's the best way to take my TFS source controlled project on the road and then bring it back?

So my desktop is my primary workstation for VS2008 that's supported on the backend by TFS. I'm hitting the road for a week and I'd like to take a project with me. I'd like to checkout the entire project, copy it to my external HD and then work off that. I know that when I try to open it on my laptop that won't be connected to the network, I'll be asked to remove the source control bindings. So do I do that, and then when I come back to the office just copy all the files on top of my checked out version? I just don't wanna mess anything up. :)
You can take your TFS solution offline on your Desktop Machine. Then you copy the working directories onto your laptop (assuming your laptop has VS and everything else set up) it will allow you to continue working.
When you get back, you copy your Laptop solution root folder over your Desktop solution root folder, and then take the solution back online. Depending on the size of your solution, this might take some time, because it will do a file-by-file comparison to see what was changed (it will do this only against the files that you changed on the road, because your solution in an 'offline mode' will still keep track of which files were changed). Then a list will appear in your pending changes. You can check each of those (as you normally would) before checking them in.
You could use SvnBridge and get it out into a svn repository, and then do whatever you want with it because svn handles working offline really well, and then check it back in when you're done.
Since you have VS2008, this should mostly be handled for you. No need to make extraneous copies.
Here's a click-by-click walkthru of the new offline feature:
If you want to manually manage the offline state, Ben Ryan has several instructional posts:
Checkout the entire project if you can.
Don't remove the source bindings
Before you check-in make a copy of your local source just to be safe.