Can we use phonegap/Ionic hybride app for mobile website - ionic-framework

Does phonegap or Ionic framework can be used for mobile website.
Actually I am planing to build mobile app. But confused to pick one of them (phonegap/Ionic).
So, please guide me which one is better. And please guide which one is best for both mobile app and mobile website.

Yes you can. In ionic2 you can do
ionic platform add browser
ionic build browser
Example of website using ionic

At first Phonegap is now called Cordova.
Cordova builds an native App using HTML, Javascript and CSS.
With the ionic framework you can Create and Design "Apps" with HTML, Typescript and Sass. Ionic is perfect if you want your App our mobile website to look like an normal native App. Ionic uses Cordova to build the App. I used Ionic myself to build a website.
Ionic gives you the option to build for a browser (ionic build browser).
Then you get the computed HTML, Javascript and CSS.
Please excuse my English, i´m from Germany ;)


How can i design this page in ionic 4

how can I design that page in ionic 4? I'm still new to ionic. its a bank app I am building with ionic 4, below is the image of the page.
You should start here, read through documentation.
Your app looks like a tabs based app so it would be easiest to start with a tabs ionic project.
Therefore, run ionic start myBankAppName tabs --cordova to use cordova as your native cross-platform engine or ionic start myBankAppName tabs --capacitor to use capacitor for the same purpose.
After that consult the relevant components that you need at
Have fun! ;)

cannot use Ionic DevApp with React

Since Ionic React does not support Cordova, is it possible to use Ionic DevApp to view Ionic App on mobile device? If Ionic DevApp is not supported with React based project, any suggestions on how to view and test Ionic Apps on a mobile device without really publishing the app?
I am currently running into the same issue. There seems to be no documentation from the Ionic team on this?

Does Ionic compile the Code to Native?

I've searched some times here but could't find an Answer to this.
Does someone know this and can explain how Ionic handles it?
Does Ionic compile the Code to Native? NO
Ionic is for developing Hybrid apps.
What are Hybrid apps?
Hybrid apps are essentially websites embedded in a mobile app through
what we call a webview. They are developed using HTML5, CSS, and
Javascript, and execute the same code regardless of the platform in
which they run. They can, with tools like PhoneGap and Cordova, use
the native features of a device, like GPS or camera.
What are Native apps?
Native apps are developed in the language required by the platform it
targets, Objective-C or Swift for iOS, Java for Android, etc. The code
written is not shared across platforms and their behavior varies. They
have direct access to all features offered by the platform without any
Here is a nice article about it.
Cordova converts the project into a native which has only ONE Page, that is a WebView (WKV WEB View in iOS, etc). And all of the ionic code is run on that webview. Basically an ionic/cordova app is a website which looks like an app!

What makes nativescript better than ionic

im new to mobile development and i see ionic framework has very big community BUT
i know that ionic uses webview while nativescript generates native components
my question now what nativescript can do ionic cannot do?
in other words what is the powerful points in nativescript that does not exists in ionic
thanks in advance.
Ionic is hybrid, running inside webview which has problem with performance at particular things like even simpler animation, not fully accessible API of native part
Nativescript runs as native app, controlled by JS code but can be used even with native code or even as addon to native app and full access to API of native code

Ionic web output

I would like to develop a website and mobile apps(android, ios) with same functionality. I want to reuse the web page code for mobile platforms.
Is ionic good for me?
Can I add different looking / functionality for my web page or it have to be same?
Yes the ionic mobile platform good for you because you
are website developer so you have knowledge about JavaScript, jQuery,
css, AngularJs, HTML right, and in using Ionic platform this is
technology we are used for developing mobile application only. You have
to get some knowledge about Cordova plugins because PhoneGap, Ionic is
totally plugins based architecture.