How can I switch between opened files in MonoDevelop opened from Unity. ALT-TAB doesn't work. Any ideas? Thanks.
ctrl + tab should do the trick
for Mac: Option + Command + LeftArrow and Option + Command + RightArrow
don't know if it has been fixed yet, but there has been problems with this keybind before (in 2.4 on windows)
As of MonoDevelop 4.0, ctrl + tab works in both Windows and Mac environments.
What's the shortcut for running code file in VScode? I cannot remember for the life of me
I tried Ctrl + shift + N and nothing happens
I figured it out. I had to re-install code runner and then the keyboard shortcut was 'ctrl, alt, N'
look at this Video, at 3:24 he uses a hotkey to open a "console". How can I do this on Windows?
Thanks in advance!
You can do as,
ctrl + shift + p
This topic is related to Eclipse copy/paste entire line keyboard shortcut
But I couldn't find a short-cut since I'm using Mac computer.
Try this:
it works.
As you said in your question the shortcut on MacOS is:
Also you can check all the shortcuts in the preferences using COMMAND + , and go to the General > Keys section.
This works with both Eclipse and IntelliJ with the Eclipse keymap setting.
When I upgraded to NetBeans 8.2 on two separate Windows 7 computers I've lost possibility to use Ctrl + PageUp and Ctrl + PageDown, which switch tabs.
I had to reassign the shortcuts to other, far worse combinations. It's just these shortcuts don't work any longer in NB 8.2, however they're listed in the settings page.
Note: the same shortcut works in Notepad++, so it's not some OS issue.
Any ideas on that one? Thanks :)
i ran into the same issue using netbeans 8.2 on ubuntu 16.04
for me, the problem was the Nimbus look-and-feel. running with "--laf Metal" or omitting the laf entirely fixed the problem for me. i'm not able to test on win7, but it's worth experimenting with the laf value
If you're running Ubuntu as a Parallels VM on Mac, this worked for me:
Go to your VM's "Configure..." menu
Select "Mouse & Keyboard"
Click "Open shortcuts preferences..." button
Select "Application shortcuts"
Uncheck "Show Previous Tab" and "Show Next Tab" (yes, it's counterintuitive)
Make sure you have your keyboard shortcuts set in Netbeans for Ctrl+Tab & Ctrl+Shft+Tab
I just upgraded by eclipse PDT and can't use the keyboard shortcut
command + shift + c to comment /uncomment
any help would be great.
So i'm not really sure what happend when I upgraded but the solution is as follows-
head over to - - and download the file "org.eclipse.php.ui_2.2.1.v20101001-2300.jar"
open up your eclipse folder - /Applications/ecplise/plugins
replace the "org.eclipse.php.ui_2.2.1.v20101001-2300.jar" with the one you just downloaded
open terminal
navigate to your eclipse folder - /Applications/eclipse
type "./eclipse -clean"
This fixes up your keyboard short cut but in my case I need to re-map from command + / to command + shift + c
Thanks to slomojo for this-
7. Go to windows -> preferences -> general settings -> keys and update the following
hope this helps.
Have a look in Eclipse > Preferences > General Settings > Keys
The shortcut may have been overridden by another one.
Single line
Toggle of same keys
comment Cmd + Shift + C
uncomment Cmd + Shift + C
comment Cmd + /
uncomment Cmd + \ (note the backslash)
Hope this helps!
Mai 2022 on my MacBook Pro 2019 => select the code you want to comment or uncomment and do the following: press command 7 to comment and command 7 to uncomment