Shortcut - VS Code on MAC - visual-studio-code

What's the shortcut for running code file in VScode? I cannot remember for the life of me
I tried Ctrl + shift + N and nothing happens

I figured it out. I had to re-install code runner and then the keyboard shortcut was 'ctrl, alt, N'


Does Vim overwrite all my VS code keyboard shortcuts?

I installed the Vim extension from vs code marketplace just today to use it. I wanted to use Vim's shorctuts for modifying the code. I was unaware that using Vim would disable me to use VS code's shortcuts like Ctrl + K , Ctrl + O which opens a folder. How can I solve this issue?

Visual studio shortcuts (Duplication)

Can someone tell me how to duplicate the line I am on as most of the people do in visual studio code and list for me some shortcuts or where I can see them?/.
Duplicate line (down/up)
Visual Studio Code.
Shift+ Alt + ↓ or Shift+ Alt + ↑
Shortcuts for Win
Shift + Option + ↓ or Shift +Option + ↑
Shortcuts for Mac
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+↓ or Ctrl+Shift+Alt+↑
Shortcuts for Linux
(some distros You need use Numpad arrows)
You can press ctrl+d to duplicate your current line.

Running a script in julia VSCode

this might sound like a very stupid question, but what is the difference between F5 command in julia vscode and Ctrl + Enter? I know, that F5 means start debbuging, but I just don't understand, why a script written by someone else openend in julia vscode can be executed only by the Ctrl + Enter command. Is it something like debbuging is only for some kind of projects and this is only a script?
Thanks for your help.
As with all things in vs code you can run them from the command palette by pressing ctrl/cmd+shift+p and typing in “Julia” will pop out the various run commands.
As for keybinds, you can check if there is one set or set your own to run this command by managing your keyboard shortcuts. cmd/ctrl+k cmd/ctrl+s will bring up the keyboard shortcut palette.

Eclipse Duplicate line keyboard shortcut on MAC

This topic is related to Eclipse copy/paste entire line keyboard shortcut
But I couldn't find a short-cut since I'm using Mac computer.
Try this:
it works.
As you said in your question the shortcut on MacOS is:
Also you can check all the shortcuts in the preferences using COMMAND + , and go to the General > Keys section.
This works with both Eclipse and IntelliJ with the Eclipse keymap setting.

Switch between opened files in MonoDevelop Unity

How can I switch between opened files in MonoDevelop opened from Unity. ALT-TAB doesn't work. Any ideas? Thanks.
ctrl + tab should do the trick
for Mac: Option + Command + LeftArrow and Option + Command + RightArrow
don't know if it has been fixed yet, but there has been problems with this keybind before (in 2.4 on windows)
As of MonoDevelop 4.0, ctrl + tab works in both Windows and Mac environments.