Significant-Location change notification in iPod - iphone

My application uses location service in background. To reduce the battery drainage, i found that it is better to register for significant-location change notification. It says to get this notification device need cell radio. Now my doubt is that whether i can get significant location change notification in iPod....I searched a lot but couldn't get an exact answer..any help is greatly appreciated...

As significant Location Change Monitoring needs radio signals and iPod is not capable of having that signal so it wont work on iPod (as per my knowledge).
But you can check from this method to know whether your device is capable of this service or not
+ (BOOL)significantLocationChangeMonitoringAvailable


Ask iPhone 4 to send back geotag information to server on the background

I wonder if it is possible for iPhone 4:
I have a server which sends queries about the location of the phone (irregularly) via an iPhone app. Customer can choose a setting that allow the phone to send back geotag information (longitude and lattitude) in the background (without customers doing anything).
If it is possible, how should I do it? If not, what is the closest alternative available?
Thank you.
Yes, you can do this. You have to set the UIBackgroundModes flag in your Info.plist to indicate that you execute in the background.
See: Information Property List Keys
Note that running the GPS from the background will severely impact battery life. In addition your application may be terminated at any time if the system needs the memory.

iphone gps accuracy, can it trigger an event based on location?

I have an issue that i am having trouble to solve. We are about to develop an iphone locative application that would take you around the city with audio that would be played based on the location. I was wondering, do you know how accurate the iphone GPS will be? In terms of actual distance. I am reading 250 m on line but it looks a lot. Plus the gps in the iphone finds my location more precisley than 250 m. I know it is a generic question, but mabe you guys can give me a feedback about it, i am quite desperate and exausted. what we would live to do is, every 70-80 m, put a pin on a map with an audio file, when the user crossed the pin it would trigger an event that is the audio file. I just would love to know how accurate the gps could be so that i can start designing the experience.
Thanks a lot
I've seen iPhone's GPS as accurate as 3m (at least that's what it said on my device when testing).
There is also a new API since iOS 4.0 that you might be interested in that will enable you to set a region for the device to monitor and it will automatically generate a callback when the user crosses the virtual fenceline depending on how accurate you need that to be. This is particularly useful when the app is sent to the background since you can simply monitor the user's location using CLLocation when the app is in the foreground:
- (void)startMonitoringForRegion:(CLRegion *)region desiredAccuracy:(CLLocationAccuracy)accuracy
You can get up to 5 meters accuracy. Within the core location framework there is a property - horizontalAccurracy - that you can read at runtime to get the accuracy for a given moment
The accuracy is anywhere from 5-25m.

Can bluetooth be used with iOS Multitasking?

I'm thinking the answer to this is no, but does anyone know if a Bluetooth connection can be maintained in the background with iOS? I'm thinking I might be able to keep it around with the finite-task background API, but I haven't found anything indicating whether that's true or not. Another option would be to use GPS notifications and just reconnect every time the app gets a location changed notification.
You a right. It's a NO.
But if you use location change notification to wake up your app, you may have a short period of time to use Bluetooth.
I think that the Bluetooth connection should be maintained, but if your bluetooth application is not the foreground application it will not receive any data / commands, when it becomes foreground it will.
It is possible, I use this trick to allow an App to use foreground APIs for iBeacons to allow the app to range even when the App is in the background.
To range for iBeacons it uses a high power API and as so this is restricted to only run when the App is in the foreground and stops all delegates being called once the App enters the background.
By playing a silent audio file and adding the AirPlay capability to your plist it allows your app to run in the background just as it would if it was in the foreground.
I'm not sure if it will work for your case but as iBeacons do use the Core Bluetooth and Core Location frameworks it might just do what you are asking.
Note although this trick has not been patched by Apple in iOS8 beta 5 it is possible they will in an update.
If you're using iBeacons, there are built-in APIs for handling when you enter/exit a beacon region, and you typically get ~5 seconds to range for beacons at that point before the app is put to sleep. Theoretically, you could start a background task w/ expiration handler that might allow you to range for ~30 seconds while backgrounded, but I have not verified this is the case. I do know that the background task can be started when normal CLRegions are entered/exited while in the background, and there is functionally no difference between CLRegions and CLBeaconRegions in terms of region monitoring, so if I had to guess I would say this is more-than-likely possible.

Background GPS in iOS. Is this possible?

I was wondering if it was possible to get the location of the iPhone with an app that isnt running, or at least running in the background. What I want to do is have the iPhone send a push notification when it arrives at a certain coordinate. Is this possible? If so, could someone put me in the right direction?
Yes, it is possible. Your application can ask to be notified of significant location changes or to simply continue using the GPS while executing in the background. The former—the approach recommended by Apple—uses less power at the cost of accuracy (this blog post indicates that the updates are accurate to roughly 500m), while the latter is as accurate as the device can manage. This is all detailed in the iOS Application Programming Guide and and the Location Awareness Programming Guide.
If you simply want your application to be notified when the device moves into a particular region, you may want to look into CLLocationManager's startMonitoringForRegion:desiredAccuracy:. If the device moves into a particular geographical region, your app is launched (even if it's not running!).

iPhone alert an alarm if stolen

We are developing an enterprise application .The phones are connected to a Wifi router. The objective is to trigger an alarm if the phone moves out of the secure area .. (outside the building)
What is the best way to check if the iPhone is always inside the building .
some of the options we tried are
1.using Wifi(continous ping to wifi network),if not trigger an alarm .
2.if coordinates change (using GPS)
Are there any other means to achieve this .
You can use Location Services in iOS 4 (with the background location feature) to determine when the phone has moved to a different location.
#indragie's idea of using Location Services is a good one. If you can be sure that the WIFI SID isn't going to change, you could probe to see which access point the iPhone is currently associated to. If you are going to ping, then a better approach is to make the system service agnostic, and simply issue an HTTP query on a regular basis to your enterprise server. The server can then have a policy language on it declaring acceptable access points (from a variety of metrics). This might be set up to allow people to take their iPhones home.
Your best bet is GPS as the phone will not be able to find its location if you rely on WiFi and the device is not connected to a WiFi network.
Check out Apple's documentation for Location Awareness capabilities here
You will be able to track "significant" or standard location changes in the background, details can be found here
[edit to include]
This might be of interest to you too -
It depends on what you want to do. Just to let the iPhone user know that he/she is moving away, using Location Services is good enough.
However, if you want to have a server that makes sure all the devices are within range, then it's more complex because your application may get suspended without a notice from a background state; in other words, you may not be able to catch the moment when your application terminates and take appropriate actions. Therefore you are going to need a heartbeat system like pinging to the server in this case.