why browsers editing shortcut is the same as emacs default shortcut? - emacs

Things like ctrl-a , ctrl-e , ctrl-f, ctrl-b, ctrl-n, ctrl-p, ctrl-k, ctrl-d.
When you edit in a normal html form in any browser I know (IE not included), the shortcuts above works the same as in emacs ?
(When I say normal form , I mean a html form without any interactive js stuff. )
Thank you for answering.

Because these are the key-bindings that God intended for us to use.

It is because your browser uses the readline library. The keybindings depend on the OS Actually. You can even configure the keybindings editing the ~/.inputrc file. You can read more at the readline manual here


Using Emacs as external editor of Xilinx ISE, how to change the related buffer to current buffer when click a design file?

It has been like one year or so since I started to learn Emacs, and I do like its power and flexibility as a general text editor. When I had tried its Auctex mode for LaTeX/TeX, I knew I will never go back to read which TeX editor I should use. When I had tried its Pyhon mode, I knew I will never be bothered to choose a Python editor/IDE. Well, the same feeling for the VHDL mode of Emacs.
I do not intend to implement Emacs as a whole FPGA design solution (although I tried that). Instead, I prefer to use Emacs just as an external editor (Xilinx ISE in my case) and follow the design sequence according to the ventor's specific IDE. So according to this Editor Options, I set the editor options in my ISE {C:\Program Files (x86)\emacs\bin\emacsclient.exe} +$2 $1. However if I use runemacs.exe as suggested by Xilinx, everytime I clicked a file in ISE a new Emacs will be started. With the emacsclient.exe it helps a bit.
When I clicked a file in ISE now, its corresponding buffer will be opened in Emacs. But the buffer remains invisible and I have to C-x b to it by my self.
Also if I clicked the error information in ISE's console, the file containing the error will be opened in the background of Emacs with the cursor in the error position.
While it is not a big deal if I compare the benefits and drawbacks brought by Emacs VHDL mode, I do like Emacs can change the file I opened in ISE to the current buffer. So the question is how to set Emacs or Xilinx ISE to change Emacs's current buffer to the one I opened or clicked in ISE?
I suppose it should be some configuration related to Emacs rather than settings in ISE (obvious there is not too much choice in ISE's options). It maybe a simple question but it's beyond my current knowledge of Emacs configuration. I really appreciate if someone here could help me on this issue. Thank you guys in advance:)
P.S. Sorry for my poor English expression. Hopefully you can understand my quesition.
With some configuration it's possible to tell Emacs to switch to the related buffer. However, you might want to consider opening a new window (frame in Emacs term) when you call the editor in ISE.
The command line parameter -c tells Emacs client to open a new frame
{C:\Program Files (x86)\emacs\bin\emacsclient.exe} -c +$2 $1

Autocompletion from the keyboard in Emacs CEDET/semantic

Looking a the different methods for completion in CEDET semantic (fresh version from the Bazaar repository), I see I have the following options (keyboard bindings as suggested by Alex Ott in his config file)
C-c ? (semantic-ia-complete-symbol)
C-return (semantic-ia-complete-symbol-menu)
C-c , l (semantic-analyze-possible-completions)
However, none of them seem to give me the option to choose between the possible completions conveniently using the keyboard.
For example, (semantic-ia-complete-symbol-menu) opens a menu where I can choose between the different options, but as far as I can tell it requires me to use the mouse (I tried C-n, C-p, M-n, M-p to navigate the menu with no success).
On the other hand (semantic-ia-complete-symbol) opens another buffer with the options. I can also use the mouse to choose the desired autocompletion, but I would like to use the keyboard instead.
Also, in previous versions of CEDET, there was a variable (semantic-complete-inline-analyzer-displayor-class) that allowed me to choose between several options for autocompletion (e.g. (semantic-displayor-ghost), or a more elegant overlay as a tooltip), but this variable does not seem to exist anymore.
In case it matters, I work mostly with C++ files.
The only method that seems to allow me to cycle through autocompletions is C-c , space (semantic-complete-analyze-inline), where I can use TAB to autocomplete, but it doesn't show a menu of possible autocompletions that I can choose from.
In new versions of CEDET it's recommended to use auto-complete or similar packages. You can add ac-semantic to ac-sources, and then auto-complete will use Semantic as source of data for completions. The new version of Emacs/CEDET articles, mentions this setup & shows necessary code. Please try it

Localizing Emacs shortcuts

I recently started using Emacs for editing. When I edit english-language files (like program sources) - everything is fine. But when I start editing in my native language, I run into problems.
For example, normally we have C-e shortcut to go to the end of the line. But when I switch my native keyboard layout, emacs starts to complain that "C-у is not defined".
Is there a way to instruct it to map native characters to ascii characters, when entering commands?
Emacs has its own input system. Emacs 24 goes beyond by supporting right to left languages(both displaying and input). it can be accessed by pressing C-\

Some standard Emacs keybindings don't work on my Linux box

On my macbook everything worked nicely, but on my Archlinux box, with dwm as a window manager, the following keybindings don't work:
It is kind of a pain to work without these bindings. I should note that many other Meta key bindings work fine.
Does anyone know how to fix this?
They're probably being intercepted by your window manager. I don't know dwm, but I'd try googling "dwm resetting keyboard shortcuts".
(A quick read of the results suggests dwm may need to be recompiled to do this, see http://dwm.suckless.org/)

How to enable completiion in Coda like Textmate & Notepad++?

Textmate & Notepad++ can complete all words which appeared in the current document, how to enable this in Coda?
e.d. I have typed "some_text" in a document, then when I type "some_" then press ESC - "some_text" should appear in the suggestions list.
Auto-complete in Coda is automatically enabled, and as far as I know, it can't be disabled. It is a lot like Dreamweaver with auto-complete, it will show you your starting tags and should automatically close some tags.
As for words, I'm pretty sure that it doesn't do that.