Procedure works as intended but error message still shows up - lisp

I've been attempting to learn programming with the book "Structures and Interpretation of Computer Programs. To do the exercises I've been using DrRacket (I couldn't find a scheme interpreter for Windows 7, and DrRacket seems pretty good), and haven't had any problems so far. But while doing exercise 1.22 I've ran into an issue. I've wrote a procedure that gives a given number (n) of prime numbers larger than a:
(define (search-for-primes a n)
(define (sfp-iter a n counter)
(cond ((and (prime? a) (= counter n))
((newline) (display "end")))
((prime? a)
(display a)
(sfp-iter (+ a 1) n (+ counter 1))))
(else (sfp-iter (+ a 1) n counter))))
(sfp-iter a n 0))
The procedure works as intended, displaying all that it should, but after displaying end it shows the following error message:
application: not a procedure;
expected a procedure that can be applied to arguments
given: #
And highlights the following line of code:
((newline) (display "end"))
What is the problem?
(I apologize for any mistakes in spelling and so, English isn't my native language, I also apologize for any error in formatting or tagging, I'm new here)

You have a couple of parenthesis problems, this fixes it:
(define (search-for-primes a n)
(define (sfp-iter a n counter)
(cond ((and (prime? a) (= counter n))
(newline) (display "end"))
((prime? a)
(display a)
(sfp-iter (+ a 1) n (+ counter 1)))
(else (sfp-iter (+ a 1) n counter))))
(sfp-iter a n 0))
In the first and second conditions of the cond, you were incorrectly surrounding the code with (). That's unnecessary, in a cond clause all the expressions that come after the condition are implicitly surrounded by a (begin ...) form, so there's no need to group them together.


Common Lisp - SLIME in infinte loop

I have started to learn Common Lisp a few days ago reading the book from Peter Seibel. I have downloaded the lispbox-0.7 for Windows and tried out some of the concepts in the SLIME REPL.
Now I'm at chapter 7. Macros and Standard Control Structures / Loops and I found this intressting do expression for the 11th Fibonacci number
(do ((n 0 (1+ n))
(cur 0 next)
(next 1 (+ cur next)))
((= 10 n) cur))
I defined following function
(defun fib (n) (do ((i 1 (1+ i)) (cur 0 next) (next 1 (+ cur next))) ((= n i) cur)))
The function does what I expected and returns the nth Fibonacci number. Now for curiosity i tried summing the first 10 fibonacci numbers using a dotimes loop
(let ((sum 0)) (dotimes (k 10) (setf sum (+ sum (fib k)))) sum)
But this expression runs indefinitly and i don't understand why. Maybe here is another concept I don't know. I tried a simpler example like
(dotimes (k 10) (fib k))
which should return NIL. But this also runs indefinitly. Can someone explain to me what I am missing?
Ok, nevermind, was not carefull enougth. the code tries to evaluate fib 0, but the test condition in do cannot be fulfilled. Thats why it runs indefinitly
fixing it by (fib (+ k 1))

Get the maximum value of a list with three numbers

I'm learning Lisp now, and I'm trying to do an exercise that asks me to get the maximum value of a list, the syntax is totally different from most programming languages I've learned, so I'm having some difficulties.
My code:
(defun test(y)
((and (first y) (> (second y)) (> (third y)))
(format t "numero maximo ~d" (first y))
((and (second y) (> (first y)) (> (third y)))
(t (format t "numero maximo ~d" (second y))
((and (third y) (> (second y)) (> (first y)))
(t (format t "numero maximo ~d" (third y))
I'm receiving this error: incomplete s-expression in region
Your code is too complex, it tries to take elements from a list, compare them, and print something. Like in other languages, use smaller functions and, particularly with a new language, test often in order to avoid having to debug something too large.
Your code, automatically indented with Emacs, looks as follows:
(defun test(y)
((and (first y) (> (second y)) (> (third y)))
(format t "numero maximo ~d" (first y))
((and (second y) (> (first y)) (> (third y)))
(t (format t "numero maximo ~d" (second y))
((and (third y) (> (second y)) (> (first y)))
(t (format t "numero maximo ~d" (third y))
And the editor complains about unbalanced parentheses:
In (> (second y)), the > function is given only one argument
All your cond clauses are in fact nested inside the first clause. Using an editor that highlights matching parentheses helps a lot here. The syntax should be:
(test-1 ...)
(test-2 ...)
(t ...))
If your test involves calling predicates, then it looks like:
((and (f1 ...) (f2 ...)) ;; <-- test
... ;; <-- code
) ;; end of first clause
) ;; end of cond
But note that you do not need to put comments for closing delimiters, the indentation and the automatic highlighting of parentheses should help you avoid mistakes.
Let's try a rewrite.
First of all, you can write a function that just compares numbers, not thinking about lists or formatting; here is a very straightforward max-of-3 implementation (without cheating and calling the built-in max function):
(defun max-of-3 (x y z)
(if (> x y)
(if (> x z) x z)
(if (> y z) y z)))
Evaluate the function, and test it on multiple inputs, for example in the REPL:
CL-USER> (max-of-3 0 2 1)
Then, you can build up the other function, for your list:
(defun test (list)
(format t
"numero maximo ~d"
(max-of-3 (first list)
(second list)
(third list))))
If you need to do more error checking ahead of time, like checking that the lists is well-formed, you should probably define other auxiliary functions.
If I understood the question and answer, I might be able to provide a solution or two that returns the max, regardless of the length of the list. So, these solutions are not limited to a list of three.
This illustrates a way to test where "max-lst" is the Lisp function under test:
(defconstant test-case
(list 1 2 0 8 7 6 9 4 5))
(defun run-test ()
(max-lst test-case))
Solution 1
This solution uses recursion. If you like loops better, Lisp has several loops. The Lisp function "max" is not used:
(defun max-lst (lst-in)
(cond ((null (second lst-in))
(first lst-in))
((> (first lst-in) (second lst-in))
(list* (first lst-in) (rest (rest lst-in)))))
(list* (rest lst-in))))))
Solution 2
If you have no objection to using the Lisp function "max," here is a solution using max.
Note that max is not limited to two arguments.
(max 5 6 4 7 3)
will return 7.
In this solution, the function "max" is passed to the function "reduce" as an argument. The "reduce" function takes a function and a list as arguments. The function is applied to each adjacent pair of arguments and returns the result. If you want the sum, you can pass the + argument.
(defun max-lst-using-max (lst-in)
(reduce #'max lst-in))
Alas, I fear that I provide these solutions too late to be pertinent to the original poster. But maybe someone else will have a similar question. So, perhaps this could help, after all.

SICP - Multiplication through addition

I am using the book SICP and attempting to solve this exercise:
1.2.4 Exponentiation
Exercise 1.18. Using the results of exercises 1.16 and 1.17, devise
a procedure that generates an iterative process for multiplying two
integers in terms of adding, doubling, and halving and uses a
logarithmic number of steps
I am trying to solve this with the following code:
(define (double x)
(+ x x))
(define (halve x)
(floor (/ x 2)))
(define (* a b)
(define (iter count accumulate)
(cond ((= count 1) accumulate)
((even? a) (iter (halve count) (+ accumulate (double b))))
(else empty)))
(iter a 0))
As you might see, I am trying to deal with even numbers first.
I am using the SICP wiki as my solutions-guide. They suggest some tests to see if the code works:
(* 2 4)
(* 4 0)
What I do not get is that my code passes on these two first tests, dealing only with even numbers.
However, when I try some big numbers which are multiples of two, the code fails. I checked the result using Python. For instance,
>> 1267650600228229401496703205376
>> 316912650057057350374175801344
a = 2**100
b = 2**98
>> 401734511064747568885490523085290650630550748445698208825344
When I use my function inside Dr. Racket with these values I get a different result:
(* 1267650600228229401496703205376 316912650057057350374175801344)
My result is: 63382530011411470074835160268800, which is wrong, as Python built-in functions suggest.
Why this is happening?
The recursive step seems wrong, and what's that empty doing there? also, what happens if b is negative? this solution should work:
(define (mul a b)
(define (iter a b acc)
(cond ((zero? b) acc)
((even? b) (iter (double a) (halve b) acc))
(else (iter a (- b 1) (+ a acc)))))
(if (< b 0)
(- (iter a (- b) 0))
(iter a b 0)))
For example:
(mul 1267650600228229401496703205376 316912650057057350374175801344)
=> 401734511064747568885490523085290650630550748445698208825344

if: Bad syntax error (Scheme programming)

(define generalized-triangular
(lambda (input n)
(if (= n 1)
(+ (input n) (generalized-triangular (- n 1))))))
This program is designed to take a number and a function as inputs and do the following..
f(1) + f(2) + f(3)+ … + f(N).
An example input would be:
(generalized-triangular square 3)
The Error message:
if: bad syntax;
has 4 parts after keyword in: (if (= n 1) 1 (+ (input n) (generalized-triangular (- n 1))) input)
The error is quite explicit - an if form can only have two parts after the condition - the consequent (if the condition is true) and the alternative (if the condition is false). Perhaps you meant this?
(if (= n 1)
(+ (input n) (generalized-triangular input (- n 1))))
I moved the input from the original code, it was in the wrong place, as the call to generalized-triangular expects two arguments, in the right order.
For the record: if you need to execute more than one expression in either the consequent or the alternative (which is not the case for your question, but it's useful to know about it), then you must pack them in a begin, for example:
(if <condition> ; condition
(begin ; consequent
(begin ; alternative
Alternatively, you could use a cond, which has an implicit begin:
(cond (<condition> ; condition
<expression1> ; consequent
(else ; alternative
Literal answer
The code you posted in your question is fine:
(define generalized-triangular
(lambda (input n)
(if (= n 1)
(+ (input n) (generalized-triangular (- n 1))))))
The error message in your question would be for something like this code:
(define generalized-triangular
(lambda (input n)
(if (= n 1)
(+ (input n) (generalized-triangular (- n 1)))
The problem is input. if is of the form (if <cond> <then> <else>). Not counting if itself, it has 3 parts. The code above supplies 4.
Real answer
Two tips:
Use DrRacket to write your code, and let it help you with the indenting. I couldn't make any sense of your original code. (Even after someone edited it for you, the indentation was a bit wonky making it still difficult to parse mentally.)
I don't know about your class, but for "real" Racket code I'd recommend using cond instead of if. Racket has an informal style guide that recommends this, too.
here's the tail-recursive
(define (generalized-triangular f n-max)
(let loop ((n 1) (sum 0))
(if (> n n-max)
(loop (+ n 1) (+ sum (f n))))))
Since you're using the racket tag, I assume the implementation of generalized-triangular is not required to use only standard Scheme. In that case, a very concise and efficient version (that doesn't use if at all) can be written with the racket language:
(define (generalized-triangular f n)
(for/sum ([i n]) (f (+ i 1))))
There are two things necessary to understand beyond standard Scheme to understand this definition that you can easily look up in the Racket Reference: how for/sum works and how a non-negative integer behaves when used as a sequence.

Scheme/Racket: do loop order of evaluation

The following procedure is valid in both scheme r6rs and Racket:
;; create a list of all the numbers from 1 to n
(define (make-nums n)
(do [(x n (- x 1)) (lst (list) (cons x lst))]
((= x 0)
I've tested it for both r6rs and Racket and it does work properly, but I only know that for sure for DrRacket.
My question is if it is guaranteed that the step expressions ((- x 1) and (cons x lst) in this case) will be evaluated in order. If it's not guaranteed, then my procedure isn't very stable.
I didn't see anything specifying this in the standards for either language, but I'm asking here because when I tested it was evaulated in order.
They're generally not guaranteed to be evaluated in order, but the result will still be the same. This is because there are no side-effects here -- the loop doesn't change x or lst, it just rebinds them to new values, so the order in which the two step expressions are evaluated is irrelevant.
To see this, start with a cleaner-looking version of your code:
(define (make-nums n)
(do ([x n (- x 1)] [lst null (cons x lst)])
[(zero? x) lst]))
translate to a named-let:
(define (make-nums n)
(let loop ([x n] [lst null])
(if (zero? x)
(loop (- x 1) (cons x lst)))))
and further translate that to a helper function (which is what a named-let really is):
(define (make-nums n)
(define (loop x lst)
(if (zero? x)
(loop (- x 1) (cons x lst))))
(loop n null))
It should be clear now that the order of evaluating the two expressions in the recursive loop call doesn't make it do anything different.
Finally, note that in Racket evaluation is guaranteed to be left-to-right. This matters when there are side-effects -- Racket prefers a predictable behavior, whereas others object to it, claiming that this leads people to code that implicitly relies on this. A common small example that shows the difference is:
(list (read-line) (read-line))
which in Racket is guaranteed to return a list of the first line read, and then the second. Other implementations might return the two lines in a different order.