OpenStack API CreateInstance - rest

After I create an instance on OpenStack with the REST API Using the Nova endpoint the operation succeeds with the server id reference. If I immediately try to get any of the details of the network interfaces (using the /servers/server-id/ips) I get nothing, not even an error message that the resource is busy. If I put an arbitrary 30 second wait, I'll get the details. Is there any API call that can use on OpenStack to get a "is ready" state after a creation?
If there is no operation to determine that the server is ready, then is there a recommended wait time in the documentation?

You should wait for the instance to be in the "active" state. That's when the instance has been fully built, including network. You're probably hitting the instance while its still in the "building" state.


OpenSearch 1.3 > 2.3 upgrade, CloudFormation fails on domain update

I recently updated our CDK code to move our OpenSearch cluster from version 1.3 to 2.3. The cluster itself seems to have upgraded to a healthy state and is still accessible / usable by our application, but CloudFormation failed when attempting to update our domain resource with:
Resource handler returned message: "Resource handler returned message: "Invalid request provided: DP Nodes are OOS, Tags operation is not allowed"
This kicked the stack into UPDATE_ROLLBACK_FAILED, which is not allowed. The cluster cannot be downgraded back to 1.3.
I'm struggling to find any information about this error it's kicking out and not quite sure how to resolve it to unblock the CloudFormation stack.
Things I have tried:
Digging through CloudWatch logs only revealed information pertaining to queries.
Forcing the rollback to occur without Domain resource. This got me back to an UPDATE_COMPLETE state, but each subsequent deploy of this stack will cause it to fail again since the core issue is not resolved.
This was an odd presentation of a permissions issue. As I was reading through some docs, I stumbled upon this section, which discusses changes to tag-based access control.
This lead me start looking into CloudTrail a bit and stumbled upon the exact error that was firing when this deploy happened. It was a little odd because the assumed role granted admin access to CloudFormation, but the last line of this event record caught my eye:
"sourceIPAddress": "",
"userAgent": "",
"errorCode": "ValidationException",
"errorMessage": "DP Nodes are OOS, Tags operation is not allowed",
"eventSource": "",
Upon adding to the trust relationship of that role, the deploy fully re-ran successfully.
Hopefully this helps someone else.

Create Service broker for Play Framework Api

I have created a sample play framework api which has one endpoint.
Which just return me number that have passed.
I am able successfully deploy the service. Next want this service to Act like service broker
For same want to register this as by using below command
cf create-service-broker play-demo-broker admin admin --space-scoped
This command it giving me below error -
The service broker rejected the request. Status Code: 404 Not Found
Not sure what is causing this issue as there not much information available for Play Framework Service broker Setup.
The play framework is implemented above the akka packages. Akka rejects paths that are not implemented.
If I an not mistaken, cf create-service-broker command access the / endpoint. If you implemented only say?number=20 endpoint, then be default all other paths, such as the empty path, are rejected by Akka.
In order to open that endpoint you need to add it into the routes.
For example you can add:
GET / controllers.ControllerName.GetEmptyPath
And implement the GetEmptyPath method in ControllerName

How to define contract for both messaging and http API using sping-contract

I have a situation where there are 2 services. Service A is exposing query API through HTTP endpoint and also is listening for incomming asynchronous command messages (service A owns both of CQRS contracts).
Service B is using both endpoints of service A: to GET data and to invoke commands.
While implementing contract (stub and tests) for HTTP flow is quite simple, configuring messaging part is a tricky for me and actually I've stucked at this one.
Docs says that there is publisher side test generation what is suitable for publishing event case where publisher owns the contract.
But how to makes it working for situation where message consumer owns the contract??
I can't figure out any solution on that one as I need to have a stub used in service A to verify if service A is properly consuming commands messages and also I need genereated tests on service B that will verify that service B if it is producing compliant command message.
I'd appreciate any help.
Many thanks in advance.
Service A is the producer of the API and the consumer of messages. It owns only contracts for HTTP. The messaging contracts are owned by Service B. Service B is the producer of messages. You should have an HTTP contract defined on the Service A side and a Stub Runner test to test if it can receive the message sent by Service B. Service B should have the messaging contract to assert whether the message is properly sent and Stub Runner test for HTTP
That might lead to a dependency cycle. If you have a cycle between your apps then, yeah, what you have to do is ignore a stub runner test on one side until the jars got uploaded.
You've asked about storing contracts in a separate repository. You can do it - here are the docs and here is an example
You've asked about not generating the tests for some reason (IMO that's a wrong thing to do). You can not use <extensions>true</extensions> in Maven but manually provide which goals you want to execute (omit the test generation). In Gradle just disable generateContractTests task AFAIR

No error when stopping non existing service with chef

Im new to chef and trying to understand why this code does not return any error while if i do the same with 'start' i will get an error for such service does not exist.
service 'non-existing-service' do
action :stop
# chef-apply test.rb
Recipe: (chef-apply cookbook)::(chef-apply recipe)
* service[non-existing-service] action stop (up to date)
Don't know which plattform you are running on if you are running on Windows it should at least log
Chef::Log.debug "#{#new_resource} does not exist - nothing to do"
given that you have debug as log level.
You could argue this is the wrong behaviour, but if the service dose not exist it for sure isen't running.
Source code
If you are getting one of the variants of the init.d provider, they default to getting the current status of a service by grepping the process table. Because Chef does its own idempotence checks internally before calling the provider's stop method, it would see there is no such process in the table and assume it was already stopped.

ServiceProxy throws ProtocolException, communication is not restored on retrying

We are seeing ProtocolExceptions while communicating with a service running in the cluster. The message and InnerException message:
System.ServiceModel.ProtocolException: You have tried to create a channel to a service that does not support .Net Framing.
---> System.IO.InvalidDataException: Expected record type 'PreambleAck', found '145'.
This service is running on a local dev cluster, and the exception is thrown after communicating successfully with the service.
The code that we use for communicating is:
var eventHandlerServiceClient = ServiceProxy.Create<IEventHandlerService>(eventHandlerTypeName, new Uri(ServiceFabricSettings.EventHandlerServiceName));
return await eventHandlerServiceClient.GetQueueLength();
We have retry logic (with increasing delay's between the attempts). But this call never succeeds. So it looks like the service is in a fault state and cannot recover from it.
We are also seeing the following errors in the logs:
connection 0x1B6F9EB0 localhost:64002-[::1]:50376 target 0x1B64F3C0: invalid frame: length=0x1000100,type=514,header=28278,check=0x742E7465
Update 14-12-2015
If this ProtocolException is thrown, retries don't help. Even after hours of waiting, it still fails.
We log the endpoint address with
var spr = ServicePartitionResolver.GetDefault();
var x = await spr.ResolveAsync(new Uri(ServiceFabricSettings.EventHandlerServiceName),
new CancellationToken());
var endpointAddress = x.GetEndpoint().Address;
The resolved endpoint looks like
This endpoint is the same as reported by the Service Fabric Explorer.
From our logs seen, it seems that this service is working (it is reachable via another API method), but this specific call never succeeds.
This typically indicate mismatched communication stack on the service and client side. Once the service is up and running, check the endpoint of the service replica via Service Fabric Explorer. If that seems fine, check that the client is connecting to the right service. Resolve the partition using the ServicePartitionResolver (, passing the same arguments that you pass to ServiceProxy.
I'm seeing the same sort of errors. Just looking at my code, I'm caching an actorproxy. I'm going to change that and remove the caching in case the cache is referencing an old instance of the service.
That appears to have fixed my issues. I'm guessing that the proxy caches the reference once it has been used and if the service changes, that reference is out of date.