I am trying to export some text from Python into a Libre/OpenOffice Writer document which I created according to these instructions.
For example, using
cursor.setPropertyValue("CharHeight", 20)
cursor.setPropertyValue("CharWeight", 150)
document.Text.insertString(cursor, "This Is Heading One", 0)
I can make a line of text look like a heading, but it's just text and not an actual heading. What property values do I have to modify to generate a heading line that's picked up for the TOC?
In general, where is the documentation for the properties, and how to navigate the Writer document in general? I'm having a very hard time digging up anything at all!
I guess this hasn't attracted much interest on stackoverflow :) Neither has it in the forum over at LibreOffice.
Fortunately, the folks over at OpenOffice had a few good pointers, and a thread with above questions and more is here. I'm going to keep discussing various aspects of document creation over there.
I try to add a thumbnail to a JPEG picture using libexif.
For now I'm borrowing the code from exif (the command line tool that is shipped by the libexif team).
However I noticed the XMP tags get deleted from the metadata. There is an old bugreport here.
I tried to see how to achieve this anyway with libexif but I don't really understand how to get the XMP from input file and put it in the output file. I just want to copy all XMP data, I don't need to extract anything of it.
I saw there is a TAG EXIF_TAG_XML_PACKET in exif_tag.h but couldn't figure out how to read/write this tag.
A related solution is in this SO answer but it looks complicated. I'm not familiar coding in C.
Is it actually possible to keep all XMP when using only libexif API? Have things changed in recent years on that? How would you write this in code?
I believe it should be somewhat straightforward. XMP fields are described in the ISO/Adobe standard. Regular Kotlin/Java/Android file I/O and some string manipulation should be all that is required.
I would start out by becoming intimately familiar with ISO 16684-1:2019. Then, write a method for your jpeg file class that grabs all the XMP fields. Store those fields in a temp file (to prevent difficult to recover data loss in the event of your code or libexif crashing). Hand the file off to libexif. Generate the thumbnail. Finally, when that's done you can restore the XMP fields. If the thumbnail is stored in an XMP field as well (and it sounds like it is), it may be easier to concatenate that field with the other ones which were already grabbed, updating the temp file so that it contains EVERY XMP field, before adding all of the XMP fields back to the jpeg.
Unfortunately, I do not currently have the time to read a 50 page ISO standard, synthesize the information, and then write the code to implement the solution. Here's a link to the standard at least, to get you started.
I am using R/exams to generate Moodle exams (Thanks Achim and team). I would like to make an introductory page to set the scenario for the exam. Is there a way to do it? (Now, I am generating a schoice with answerlist blank.)
João Marôco
Usually, I wouldn't do this "inside" the exam but "outside". In Moodle you can include a "Description" in the "General Settings" when editing the quiz. This is where I would put all the general information so that students read this before starting with the actual questions.
If you want to include R-generated content (R output, graphics, data, ...) in this description I would usually include this in "Question 1" rather than as a "Question 0" without any actual questions.
The "description" question type could be used for the latter, though. However, it is currently not supported in exams2moodle() (I'll put it on the wishlist). You could manually work around this in the following steps:
Create a string question with the desired content and set the associated expoints to 0.
Generate the Moodle XML output as usual with exams2moodle().
Open the XML file in a text editor or simply within RStudio and replace <question type="shortanswer"> with <question type="description"> for the relevant questions.
In the XML file omit the <answer>...</answer> for the relevant questions.
Caveat: As you are aware it is technically possible to share the same data across subsequent exercises within the same exam. If .Rnw exercises are used, all variables from the exercises are created in the global environment (.GlobalEnv) and can be easily accessed anyway. If .Rmd exercises are used, it is necessary to set the envir argument to a dedicated shared environment (e.g., .GlobalEnv or a new.env()) in exams2moodle(..., envir = ...). However, if this is done then no random exercises must be drawn in Moodle because this would break up the connections between the exercises (i.e., the first replication in Question 1 is not necessarily followed by by the first replication in Question 2). Instead you have to put together tests with a fixed selection of exercises (i.e., always the first replication for all questions or the second replication for all questions, ...).
I'm still trying to learn iText and have a few of the concepts down. However I can't figure out what TabStop is or how to use it. My particular problem is that I want to fill the end of all paragraphs with a bunch of dashes. I believe this is called a TabStop and I see the class in the itext jar but I have no clue on how to use it. I must be searching the wrong thing on google, but I've come up with nothing. The iText in Action book also doesnt seem to even know of the existance of this class so any help is much appreciated!
Please take a look at the ChunkTest class in iText's test suite. It contains several use cases of the tab stop functionality. For instance:
java.util.List<TabStop> tabStopsList = new ArrayList<TabStop>();
tabStopsList.add(new TabStop(100, new DottedLineSeparator()));
tabStopsList.add(new TabStop(200, new LineSeparator(), TabStop.Alignment.CENTER));
tabStopsList.add(new TabStop(300, new DottedLineSeparator(), TabStop.Alignment.RIGHT));
p = new Paragraph(new Chunk("Hello world", f));
p.setTabSettings(new TabSettings(tabStopsList, 50));
addTabs(p, f, 0, "la|la");
The TabStop functionality was introduced after the iText in Action books were written. They'll be documented in one of the new books.
For another example, see http://developers.itextpdf.com/examples/itext-building-blocks/tabbing-examples
We are facing an error of "This method or property is not available because the clipboard is empty or not valid" in one of our Lotus Notes applications. The code basically opens a document, selects all the text, copies it and then pastes it in MS Word document. It does this continuously for a bunch of documents. I found this link which basically suggests adding Application.CutCopyMode = False to the code to resolve the issue.
I need to know can this property be accessed and set via UI for MS Word?
In the example you reference, that Keyword is actually part of the Excel object model, not the Word object model. So you are unlikely to find it in Word's UI. Perhaps you are doing something with Excel as well, or perhaps it is a keyword in the relevant Lotus object model as well?
The OP mentioned a link, http://www.tech-archive.net/Archive/Word/microsoft.public.word.vba.general/2007-06/msg00446.html
that suggested changing variables names, but that that did not work.
The linked article also suggests "sleeping for a few milliseconds between copying and pasting"
I'm using toLocalizedTime to output a date, as below
<span tal:content="python:here.toLocalisedTime(date.get('start_date'))"/>
This outputs eg. 2007/08/02, I'm just curious as to how one would alter the output so that it reads 02/08/2007
I'm not having much luck finding much info on toLocalizedTime, would someone point me in the right direction?
This depends on whether you have English selected as the site language (Site Setup >> Language). If so, then the default settings are used. You can change the defaults by dropping down into the ZMI, then into 'portal_properties', then 'site_properties'. The fields to change are either 'localTimeFormat' or 'localLongTimeFormat' depending on whether you pass in 'long_format=1' to the toLocalisedTime function.
If on the other hand, you have translations set up, the format may instead be pulled from the translation file for the locale selected. I'm not sure what is the easy way to change the format in this case (other than switching the site back to English). I guess you can register your own translation file but I've never needed to do that so you're going to have to look up the details.
Date string formatting follows the Python rules (http://docs.python.org/library/time.html#time.strftime).
Perhaps even more detail than you need:
is defined in the plone browser view at...
which looks up the 'translation_service' utility, to call its 'ulocalized_time' function, defined at...
which itself calls the 'ulocalized_time' function defined at...
As always, you can learn interesting things by grepping the source code ;-)
For an up to date answer for Plone 4.3 (after going through the source code)
These fields are now in the registry found at:
Then filter on "i18nl10n", which should give you the 4 fields you need to change.