How To automatically update resourse link in eclipse when files moved to other location - eclipse

I have imported website template in eclipse using file->import->General->Archive File..Template contains html files and also resource folder which contains CSS Javascript etc.I want to put html file in user folder and resource files in user_resource folder. But the problem i get is eclipse doesn't automatically update links in html file to the resource file.Do i manually update all the links in HTML file or is there any way like dreamweaver to update the links when file get moved to other location? For example i have link
<link href="user/assets/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet" />
it should automatically update to
<link href="../user_resource/assets/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet" />
when assets folder move to user_resource folder.
Any help would be appriciated

I have not used dreamweaver much. But I find these links may be useful to solve the problem if someone know how to use dreamweaver.
Try it out...


Github Pages doesn't load css file

As the title says, <link rel="stylesheet" href="./css/style.css" />
This is the path for CSS file, and for unknown reason GitHub pages can't load CSS file.
I had this problem before, and resolved it with making new branch, but after one day this problem occurs again. Any ideas?

Github... Background image doesn't display when I publish my site on github

I'm a beginner in web Dev.. I have a website that displays properly on localhost but when I publish and try to render it on Github, the background image doesn't show up.. What can I do to remedy this
Can you post a bit of code for us to look at?
My guess is that you have the background image referenced absolutely on the computer, and it needs to be a relative reference to render when hosted online, but I can't say for sure without having some code to look at.
A link to your github project would also help.
Edit: It looks like you perhaps renamed your startup.css to style.css and forgot to edit the html header link from startup.css, to style.css
I.e. change
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="startup.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css">
Previous suggestion (no longer likely):
As you mention Windows, one possibility is that you have mixed up Capital and small letters somewhere in the filename or path.
Simple web-servers on Windows are often forgiving (as is Windows filesystem) of these mistakes, while internet is not-

Unable to add favicon to my jsp

I am unable to add a favicon to my jsp page. Adding the favicon as a link to a specific path did not work for me.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Here you can see my WebContent folder with what I tried, as well as the path to the icon I used.
You should put the favicon inside the Web-Content folder directly (not in the image folder) if you want the best compatibility with most browsers.
The link would then be: <link rel="shortcut icon" href="home_logo_vPK_icon.ico?" type="image/x-icon" />
Also, did you refresh the cache before testing? If not, reset the cache, or you will not see your changes.
Finally, it could also be your icon. Try using a favicon generator.

How can i upload my tempates to concrete5?

I am using c5 for social networking of my members. For front page i have my own templates in which all my css/images/javascript files are involved.How can i upload my template and change the theme.I just want to use my theme.How can i connect all this?
Why don't you create a theme. In your root/themes/, create a folder and name it basically whatever you want, as long as it's not the same as the name of one of the other themes. in that folder, create a default.php and view.php, as well as an "elements" folder where you can store your theme's header.php and footer.php, examples of which can be found in your root/concrete/themes/greensalad.
You could just copy that greensalad folder from root/concrete/themes/ to root/themes/, then change the name of the folder to a unique name for your custom theme -- root/themes/my_custom_theme, for example. After that, modify the new folder's contents however you want to. that's what i would do.
once you've created a theme that includes the required default.php and view.php, as well as your header.php and footer.php, you can create folders inside root/themes/my_custom_theme to store your root/themes/my_custom_theme/js, root/themes/my_custom_theme/css, root/themes/my_custom_theme/images, etc.
Lastly, you have to install your new theme. You can do that on your dashboard at, or, if you don't have pretty urls enabled,
After that you should see your custom theme there, at, under "installed themes."
you can grab your .js files from your root/themes/my_custom_theme/js/, and your .css files from your root/themes/my_custom_theme/css/, by including something like the following in your custom theme's header.php, footer.php or default.php.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo $this->getThemePath(); ?>/css/my_custom_style.css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo $this->getThemePath(); ?>/js/my_custom_script.js"></script>

How to link javascript / css files in main app directory in IOS from html file in ApplicationStorageDirectory in Adobe Air

I'm using Adobe Air for IOS offline app, and I want to implement a download updates (html files + js,css) feature from within the application. The files would be displayed in a StageWebView component.
Since Apple doesn't allow saving files inside the installation directory, I must use ApplicationStorageDirectory instead to download files into.
I want those download html files to link to .js / .css files already installed within the main application directory (e.g. at
The reason for that is I want to minimize the number of the downloaded (shared) files as much as possible. Is this possible?
What I need is something like the following:
Inside ApplicationStoarageDirectory (/Library/Application Support/):
I need it to link to a css file located inside ApplicationDirectory (installation directory), something like:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="**../../**CSS/Templates.css" type="text/css" media="screen, mobile" title="main" charset="utf-8">
Thank you.
I had to copy everything I need in another place (application storage directory) and load from there.