Github... Background image doesn't display when I publish my site on github - github-for-windows

I'm a beginner in web Dev.. I have a website that displays properly on localhost but when I publish and try to render it on Github, the background image doesn't show up.. What can I do to remedy this

Can you post a bit of code for us to look at?
My guess is that you have the background image referenced absolutely on the computer, and it needs to be a relative reference to render when hosted online, but I can't say for sure without having some code to look at.
A link to your github project would also help.

Edit: It looks like you perhaps renamed your startup.css to style.css and forgot to edit the html header link from startup.css, to style.css
I.e. change
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="startup.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css">
Previous suggestion (no longer likely):
As you mention Windows, one possibility is that you have mixed up Capital and small letters somewhere in the filename or path.
Simple web-servers on Windows are often forgiving (as is Windows filesystem) of these mistakes, while internet is not-


TYPO3 v9 admin panel without css styles and js

I have a problem with one of the TYPO3 installations on my server. The whole thing loads but without styles and js. Comparing the neighboring installation on the same server (which works properly), the difference appears in the file paths.
The correct path has a form:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/typo3/sysext/backend/Resources/Public/Css/backend.css?1571297500" media="all">
In an installation where the whole installation does not work, the path has a form:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/typo3temp/assets/compressed/backend-0ec6c1600f439ab982e3d6ab38b2463c.css.1574420118.gzip" media="all">
There is no such file in the specified location - only
If I remove the fragment 1574420118.gzip from the code, part of the styles is loaded.
The strange thing is that both installations have the same .htaccess file and still generate different code.
Any idea where the reason for this is?
The setting you are looking for is an installation-wide setting called versionNumberInFilename.
It appears you have this enabled in the broken install, but not in the working one.
You can change the setting under 'Admin Tools -> Settings'. If you can't get there, you can change it in your typo3conf/LocalConfiguration.php or typo3conf/AdditionalConfiguration.php file.

how can I make a site wide favicon

I'd like to make a site wide icon for my website. Using Corel Photopaint X5, but it doesn't have an .ico export option.
I can make a 1-page-only favicon by exporting a 32x32 pixel .png file and then using the command
(my code examples are always trimmed out.)
on each page. However I've many,many pages, hence the need for a site-wide one.
I've used an on-line converter to make an .ico file 16,32,48 pixels which I've uploaded to my webroot. Permissions are 755. However no luck.
For reference my webroot is: My server uses this instead of public_html.
Use this code in header :
<link rel="icon" href="favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon"/>
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon"/>

I made a new favicon, but whenever i enter in the code from my old website, it immediately goes back to the old one

I was having a problem with my favicon previously, (here is my old favicon (if you cant see it, it is a tiny blue dot in the corner of the screen)
But now, whenever I enter even a snippet of my old code, it immediately goes back to that favicon, even though I deleted all traces of it from my computer and GitHub.
My new favicon is a pug face.
Edit: ANY new website I make now has the old favicon.
Any help?
NEW EDIT: my website files are here:
Check out the favicon-cheat-sheet from Audrey Roy Greenfeld.
Especially the "Forcing a Favicon Refresh" section:
Clear the browser cache on Windows (Ctrl+F5 or Ctrl+Shift+R) and on Mac (Command + Shift + R).
Also close and reopen browser if IE.
If still stuck, try opening new tab. Or see this question
Temporarily add explicit HTML markup and append a query string. Remove this when you're done:
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="" />
<link rel="icon" sizes="16x16 32x32" href="/favicon.ico?v=2">
For large versioned deployments, if all site visitors need their favicon force-refreshed in an extreme situation:
Add explicit HTML markup (customize the sizes part) and put your version number in the filename.
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="/favicon-v2.ico" />
<link rel="icon" sizes="16x16 32x32" href="/favicon-v2.ico">

Rasperry web server with CSS

I have a raspberry pi and i want to configure a web server on it. I already configure it, I can already see it on my domain, but the website doesn't read the CSS file.
P.S The path for the CSS file is right.
TY for your help.
Possible to give more information on what sort of web server you are using? Apache? But I'm just gonna assume your rig is the same as mine. Please use the following code in your HTML.
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/css_file.css">

Problem With HTML5 Application Cache Whitelist - Won't Ignore Items

I'm trying to use HTML5 Application Cache to speed some things up on an iPhone webapp. It works great for storing images, css and JS, but the problem is that it also tries to store the HTML. I haven't been able to get it to ignore the html and stop storing it in the cache. From what I've read, I have to "whitelist" the files and directories that I want to load no matter what. I've tried listing the files I want cached explicitly, and I've tried adding a series of things under the "NETWORK:" heading. I've tried
None of them seem to work. Is there any way to ignore HTML files by MIME-Type or anything? Any advice would be appreciated.
P.S. Of course, my site is not just used that for simplicity.
I've avoided this problem by NOT referencing a manifest in each page, instead I have the following within each page :
<iframe src="cache.htm"></iframe> - with styles to hide the iframe
inside cache.htm I have :
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html manifest="cache.manifest">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Main Cache Resource</title>
based on previous tests and discussions with people in the html5 "ecosystem", each html-page that specifies a manifest is automatically cached as well.