Groovy debugger out of sync - eclipse

I am having a difficulty while attempting to debug some code in grails. It is difficult to put into text, so I have posted a screencast showing exactly what the problem is here. In short, while I am debugging the debugger starts jumping from place to place and not following the program logic I have in place. The only other similar question I have found is a year old, had no solution, and can be found here.
The best guess I have so far is that the debugger is displaying the text I have typed in, but is actually executing an older version of the class file which it has cached somewhere. Therefore, I tried:
cleaning the project
manually deleting all of the class files from the target folder and from the target-eclipse folder
Searching my entire hdd for additional files with similar names
removing my project from the workspace and re-adding it
closing and reopening the IDE
grails refresh-dependencies
Importing the project into a new IDE (I was using GGTS, I switched to IntelliJ)
None of those solutions had any effect. I realized that the issue was in a .groovy file, and I was writing almost pure Java, so I deleted the .groovy file, and re-created the class in a .java file. That solved my problem. Unfortunately I am having the problem again, and this time it is in a controller that heavily relies on the grails framework, so that solution is not an option. Other than also being in a .groovy file, another similarity is that the code breaks on an if statement.
My next steps:
Verify that the application is not executing the code I see by using print functions to monitor actual execution flow.
comment out the entire function and re-add functionality one line at a time to see if I can see what breaks it.
Delete the .groovy file, and re-create it as another .groovy file.
Any help is appreciated, and since I can't find any answers online I will continue to update this question as I learn more.

See my comment on the jira issue that you raised. You have found a problem with the groovy compiler and how it calculates line numbers. This is not a problem with executing the wrong class files or using a broken debugger. The debugger is doing exactly what it is expected to do. It is the compiler that is providing erroneous line number information.
The next step, as described in the issue, is to provide a simple project that recreates the bug. I tried to do so myself, but could not. So, please supply something that we can work with. Then we can notify the groovy compiler team.


VSCode Debugging with Mocha and ESM Breaking in ESM "compiled" File Instead of Original

I've been using the ESM module with VSCode and my Mocha unit tests for a long time now, a couple of years at least. Recently when I launch an individual test file in VSCode and set a breakpoint in the test file, it no longer breaks in the original file, but rather breaks in the "ESM compiled" file. I don't really know how ESM works enough to talk about it very well, but the file is compiled/transpiled/transformed in some way with all the imports converted to non-ESModule code. I'm able to step through, and it continues to step through other files as well, but each new file opened is this newly "ESM compiled" version instead of the original file, like it used to be. I only just noticed this recently. So I decided to install and older version of VSCode and see if it still happened, and it turns out it doesn't. With version 1.45.x it works as usual, but with anything newer, I get all these "ESM compiled" files opening up when I step through code.
Does anyone know why this is happening? Is there any new setting I can set in the newer VSCode versions that would cause this to not happen? It's really more of an annoyance than anything. I can still get my work done, but it's not as streamlined as it used to be. I will probably end up just downgrading permanently until I can find a way to make it not occur in the new version.
So, if anyone has experienced this, or knows of something new in VSCode that would cause this, I'd really appreciate some help. Thanks.

Xcode is marking all symbols as 'undeclared type' yet they are visible and the project compiles fine

Just to get some context here is a screenshot, though you probably gathered this from the title:
Xcode is marking all symbols as undeclared, usually this would be because it doesn't exist or isn't imported, but in this case it was working fine 20 minutes ago and weirdly the project compiles and runs with no problems.
When I compile the errors go away but there is no syntax highlighting, as soon as I start to edit the file the errors all come back. I can work if I remember the exact signatures for anything that I need to use but with the lack of code completion and errors this is very hard.
Notably this is only a problem in a few source files, its not even the whole project. Nothing has changed that I am aware of that could cause this.
Before anyone suggests it, I have tried cleaning, deleting derived data/build folder, restarting Xcode etc...
My colleague is seeing the exact same issue on his machine.
So I managed to fix the offending source files, I just compared their attributes to those of a working source file and it turns out that the problem files included the tests project in their target membership and the working file did not. I'm not sure why this is causing the issue as other projects use automated testing without a problem. Nonetheless this solved it for me, at least until I start writing test cases...

Accidentally published CompositeC1 with precompile on

I accidentally published Composite C1 from Visual Studio with "Precompile during publishing" when I first set it up and have now come to realize that several plugins do not work with precompile turned on. Unfortunately I have no idea how to reverse this. I've tried several things to no avail. I usually end up with a 500.0 error. If I go to the admin interface everything is working properly, and I can even preview the pages, but from the customer side all I get is a 500.0 error.
Of course I could republish from the Visual Studio project I have, but that project has the default template on it. I've tried copying what appears to be changed on the server to the original project but I end up with a 500 error. I've tried removing all the precompiled stuff on the server but I end up with a 500 error. I'm pretty lost.
At this point I'm willing to do anything. Is there a doc explaining how to copy the content to a newly downloaded copy, kind of like an upgrade doc but "side-grading"? I am using the most current version at the time of writing this 4.2 Update 1
Thank you
Solved use the PackageCreator suggested by wysocki's answer. It was not exactly straight forward to create the package. The errors can very cryptic at times. So here are some of the issues I encountered and how I got past them:
wysocki was correct to suggesting starting with a bare bones installation even though my original project was started with the Venus theme. I tried both ways.
I encountered issues with the MasterLayout and the Page Template Features which are currently not supported by the PackageCreator, although they may be supported in future versions. The solution was to add the missing elements to the fresh C1 project from the original C1 installation in the App_Data/PageTemplates and App_Data/PageTemplateFeatures folders.
A few times I ran into an issue where I added the same page or function twice to the PackageCreator. This was obviously my fault, but it should be mentioned that you can add the same site element twice which throws and error on import. Make sure you are careful to only getting one of each when creating the package to be exported.
If you are getting and error and it uses and Id like "4061397b-ee9e-4512-984d-f2b2d41eb654" I've found that it was very helpful to extract the zip file you are trying to import and then search the extracted folders for that Id. The lines with the Id usually have more information on them that will help you to identify exactly what content page or whatever the error is being generated from.
If you are using installed packages in your project like SimpleSearch for example, make sure you don't add it's functions to the PackageCreator. Install them separately.
I had an issue where I somehow had an element in the Data section that didn't have a "type". The error simply "The type cannot be empty". This was obviously tough to find so I suppose the lesson is, less is more. If you think your project might have a few elements that are unnecessary, don't add them at first and see if the project you import them into complains about missing them. It's much easier to troubleshoot missing elements than it is to figure out which element is causing the issue that you really didn't need.
Is there a doc explaining how to copy the content to a newly downloaded copy
You can try and export content / templates / anything else related to a "package" via Composite.Tools.PackageCreator.
Its latest version gives you quite a lot of flexibility in what you can export ("package") - please its user manual.
Once the package is made and downloaded, you can go on and install it on a new website. If you export / import a lot of content / templates etc, it makes sense to have a "Bare Bones" site as the new one.
All the starter sites like "Neptune", "Venus" are installed as a bunch of packages in specific order during Composite C1's initial setup.

Setting breakpoint w/Eclipse PDT

I am SOOOOO discouraged. This seems so simple, but being a complete novice in Drupal and Eclipse PDT I have absolutely no idea where to look. My DAYS of searching seems to indicate that I am the only person on the planet with this problem.
Eclipse IDE for PHP Developers (
WampServer Version 2.0
Apache 2.2.11
PHP 5.2.9-2
MySQL 5.1.33
Drupal 6.15
xDebug php_xdebug-2.0.5-5.2.dll
I setup my project in Eclipse to point to my Drupal directory (C:\wamp\www\drupal-6.15). I start the debugger (xdebug) and I stop at the first line of code. I can step through the code line by line -- so I think I am in the debugger, and when I terminate the app, I see the xdebug termination message in the tab heading.
But I cannot set a breakpoint in any of the PHP code files -- specifically a new .module file.
When I right click in the breakpoint column on the left in index.php (main) I see "toggle breakpoint" and the little blue circle next to the line of I think I know how to set a breakpoint. But when I try to set a breakpoint in my .module, I see a menu that asks me to "add a bookmark" and no option to set a breakpoint.
Why can I not set a breakpoint in this file? Is my project path not set up correctly? Do I need to amend my include path? I can't get Eclipse to recognize even core modules not just site/all modules. I've seen posts about "importing" files into the project, and making sure the correct php.ini file is used for configuring xdebug. I'm lost.
There are so many posts about using Eclipst PDT and xDebug and they all end with "have fun debugging" or "just set some breakpoints and off you go" -- but what if you CAN'T set a breakpoint? Any ideas about where Eclipse is lost? Where in Eclipse can you get a list of files it has included in its build?
I think I just need to know understand why Eclipse cannot find these modules within the project (i.e. drupal application) path to allow me to set breakpoints. Then I think I can carry on. So discouraging...
Thanks to anyone listening.
Thanks for the tip. I think I had seen your similar response in another post somewhere.
Actually, the solution for me was to make sure to include all of the standard Drupal file extensions in the Eclipse file associations preferences: Preferences->General->Content Types->Text->PHP Content Type. The defaults are various *.php, *.phpX, *.phtml extensions, but not the extensions used in Drupal modules -- *.info, *.inc, *.module, *.install, etc.
Simple and obvious once you figure it out. I'm surprised with all the Eclipse-xDebug-Drupal setup instructions out there that this had not shown up. Lots of details about matching project paths with server paths, but nothing about this.
I hope my struggle helps someone. I did learn a lot about Eclipse PDT along the way :-). Good luck.
Breakpoints are tricky in PDT projects:
for php files, you need to be careful
One thing that gets me a lot is that there a lot of "invalid" places where you set breakpoints. You can put the dot there in the IDE, but the debugger won't stop at it:
blank/non-code lines
on switch statements
in some types of callbacks (for example, preg_replace)
But for breakpoints in .module files, this should be related to a setup issue.
I made the following changes to my setup:
Upgraded from php 5.2.1 to php 5.2.3
Installed the Zend debugger client in Eclipse/PDT (theoretically not necessary from what I understand, but I decided to give it a try)
Made sure that the Drupal files were fully imported into my project, not just referenced as include libraries.
I did that last step after I created a tiny test case and discovered that I could get the debugger to stop on a breakpoint in an externally included file only if that file was imported into the project, not if it was referenced as part of an include library directory.
To my mind this seems like a bug - the debugger could certainly see that the files in the include library directories were source files and it let me set breakpoints in them, so it seems that it should stop on them.
(For comparison from a separate (java) IDE, IntelliJ will let you define breakpoints in jar files as long as you tell it where the source is. Once you've defined it, it will stop on it.)
I think it was principally that last step that did the trick, so I'd suggest that anyone else with a similar problem make sure that isn't an issue in their setup first, and then try the other steps.
check whether you opened your java file in java editor mode.
ie ctrl+shift+R, in this popup check the button beside OPEN option and select java editor.
The problem of not being able to set a breakpoint can occur if you have recently created a file. You must close and re-open the file for it to be recognised as a source file that can be debugged, and to enable the code highlighting.

NetBeans PHP code completion for own code

Recently I started using NetBeans 6.7 beta for PHP development instead of Textmate and MacGDBp. I am rather amazed with it's feature set and most everything worked out of the box, or was easily configured to my liking.
I am having an issue with the code completion features though; they work for built-in functions, SPL and some of my code, but not all of my code, specifically, it never works for any methods in my classes, regardless of PHPDoc comments.
I can't seem to find any decent questions, let alone answers about this specific subject anywhere. It looks like everybody else who has problems with the code completion just hasn't enabled the auto-popup feature.
So the big question is:
Is there any way to influence the code completion cache, or something I have to add to my code to make it work? I'd really like to have code completion for the methods I write.
PS: I have tried several older versions of netbeans, they all exhibit the same problem.
edit: I've put a .zip up of my current test project. get it here. It's a very young project, think a day and a half.
edit2: Below is a screenshot of what i'm looking at. As you can see, it fails to complete pretty much anything, nor does it see the PHPDoc documentation.
I've tried opening your project, and the completion seems to be working just fine for me.
The only thing I can think of is to try to delete your entire NB cache, which should be located in $HOME/.netbeans/$VERSION/var/cache/. This is a wild guess
Create a backup first, I didn't try this!
If that fails, maybe you should try creating a new project, maybe that will kick NB in the butt.
Note that in NB 7.2 beta, the cache has moved to $HOME/.cache/netbeans/$VERSION.
What worked for me was deleting the old nbproject folder (that was created in windows) and recreating the PHP project from existing sources. This is on NB 7.0.1 Mac OS X. Clearing the cache did not work for me.
Be aware of #property something syntax. If object something does not exists in your code anymore, NetBeans might have problems with proper code completion. Consider example:
/** in main file: **/
use ABC as _ ;
/** in file ABC: **/
* #property \Something $something
If you do not use $something anymore, NetBeans will most likely generate an exception, thus failing to complete the code.
What worked for me was clearing the cache, then explicitly including some key subdirectories in the Global include path. Appears that for some reason NB 6.7 wasn't recursing the directories.
Including at project level also worked
Project->Properties->Include Path
Netbeans 7.01 + Windows 7
If, for instance, you open a php file with netbeans without being part of a project, code completion doesn't work at all. What you need to do is to create a project having that file in it.
Tested this on NetBeans 7.0.1