Error in inclusion of <QtNetwork> in cpp file of a BB10 app development - blackberry-10

I am currently working on BB10 app development.
I was trying out some demo apps given in Blackberry's Developer Portal.
I am currently working on an app based on HTTP Communication.
When I build the project it gives an error
fatal error: QtNetwork: No such file or directory.
Also in the cpp file is giving a ? in front of inclusion statement #include <QtNetwork>
saying Unresolved Inclusion : <QtNetwork>
Can anyone help me out in resolving this issue ?

QtNetwork is a module, not a class to import. Write for exemple:
#include <QNetworkAccessManager>


ionic custom plugin and its wrapper issue-ionic 3,4+

I have followed this below vlog completely and was able to create custom plugin and its wrapper and was able to successfully use in ionic v3, and 4+, but after installing the .apk file on device, I get to see error as "Plugin not found".
Please help with the guidance if any. check the below link for that vlog :
Part 1-ionic wrapper creation tutorial
Part 2-[ionic wrapper creation tutorial][2]
Screenshot of after installation of apk- "plugin not found" issue on device

SwiftUI Preview - Failed to Build Scheme, No such module "ProjectName"

I am trying build a Preview for a project that is built on SwiftUI. At first, I created the project with the name 'VOIP'. After some development and time, I connected it to the AppStore Connect and the name of the project was created differently, Let's say VoipApp. I can build the project into simulator or a device without any problem, however when I try to preview a SwiftUI View, it says No such module VOIP at project navigator. But as I said it just happens when I try to preview.
Here is the diagnostics;
no such module \'VOIP\'
SchemeBuildError: Failed to build the scheme "VOIP"
no such module 'VOIP'
Compile /Users/myuser/Projects/VOIP/VOIPTests/VOIPTests.swift:
/Users/myuser/Projects/VOIP/VOIPTests/VOIPTests.swift:10:18: error: no such module 'VOIP'
#testable import VOIP
I tried some answers from the network, but neither of them have been worked.
The comment about recreating the scheme did not work for me. However, I found that I was able to change the module name to the value expected by SwiftUI by editing the "Product Module Name" setting:
try "Xcode > Product > Clean Build Folder"。

Why am I getting "Unable to execute dex" in my worklight app

I am new to worklight and am trying to understand the baic workflow. so i googled a little bit and found a link to start with a simple HelloWorklight project. But i am getting the following errror.
[2014-08-13 10:12:59 - Dex Loader] Unable to execute dex: Multiple dex files define Lcom/google/zxing/BarcodeFormat;
[2014-08-13 10:12:59 - IBMScanScannerAndroid] Conversion to Dalvik format failed: Unable to execute dex: Multiple dex files define Lcom/google/zxing/BarcodeFormat;
Also my eclipse says No ipv4 address found. my ip addresss is correct. Am i missing something? Please suggest me any configuration settings to be changed or something. I would be happy to see a basic app running on my phone.
I follow by
Html: i tried both the code given above and also just text "hello Worklight".
Help is greatly appreciated.
If you want to see a basic app running on your phone, you should not start with a not-basic app (like an app that utilizes a Cordova plug-in).
Instead, you should read the IBM Worklight Getting Started training modules, where you will understand how to run a Worklight app at first, and then how to run a Worklight-based Android app on your device.
Please start from there.
Additionally, the IP-related log line is simply for your information; read it thoroughly. You can ignore it if you intend to work locally at this time.
If you want to see a basic "Helo World" app running on your device, read and then use the supplied sample project in the section "Hello Worklight".

Creating a sample app with Ogre

I installed the OgreSDK for iOS. I Installed Cmake, I downloaded the Ogre SDK, and I downloaded the iPhone dependencies.
I have placed the iPhone dependencies in the OgreSDK. Then I tried to run ogre.Xcodeproject, but I got the following error: some config files are missing. I have added the files in the bin, then it ran successfully. I installed the Ogre template for XCode.
I started of creating my first application, but when I try to run, I get an
error like ogreCamera.h not found.
I have checked in the header search path, whether it contains the root of OgreSDK. It is correct, and I have added them manually.
Then I got this error ld: library not found for -lOIS
Command /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/usr/bin/clang++ failed with exit code 1
Please help me, I have been struggling with this for one day.
Thanks in advance.
There are some tutorial maybe useful to you
Good Luck

Compiling Speex successful on iPhone simulator but failed on iOS device

I tried to compile Speex library on iOS following this tutorial and succeeded to do it in the iPhone simulator, but the build fails on a real device. I get some errors like "Use of undeclared identifier __m128", which looks like there are some problems with compiling C/C++ sources on a real device. I would be very thankful if someone could propose a solution.
Here is also my source code:
Fixed the problem:
Needed to uncomment #define _USE_SSE in config.h , after that lib compiles and runs successfully.
Many thanks to Cliff's tutorials:
You can find a precompiled Speex library for iOS on github here:
You'll also need the Ogg library. You can find that here:
If you don't like using precompiled libraries, each of the above repositories now contain scripts to allow you to reproduce the builds. These rely on some additional utility scripts:
I have just updated the repository for arm64!