Post On Facebook Wall From Windows Phone - facebook

I want my application to post something on Facebook wall. My application is supposed to run on WP7.
Is there any way of opening a web browser with a default Facebook (hosted on Facebook server) publishing form? I see different websites opening a new window with that form when Share button is clicked and then you click Publish and here you go - the post is on the wall :)
WebBrowserTask is pretty limited and seems to be able to send only GET data but even then... I don't know what kind of data and how named it should be sent. Anyone?

Why not use the Facebook Developer's Toolkit to post via API instead of trying to use a browser?

You can try Post to Facebook user wall using Facebook.dll in WP7.

If you want to post on someone other than the user's wall, then the Facebook SDK is required. But if you just want to quickly add the option to share something to Facebook, you could just open a new WebBrowserTask and have it go to, and just add u and t to the URL. u being the URL to share, and t being the Title.
But from what's been said it seems the SDK is what your going to want.


Do I really need to submit an app request to facebook in order to use the fb-api?

I have a site where I need to manually specify the content (and Url since some parameters need to be added depending on which facebook share link i press) in the facebook share-dialouge. I've got it to work now as developer but do I really need to submit an app request for the "app" and thereby create an "my app page" on facebook for the "app"? (I have a business page for my business)
All I want to do is use the facebook api to share my page content. Please give me an explanation for dummies because I'm getting really tired of Facebook right now.
(No I can't use addThis)
Thanks for the help!
Not sure if you don't confuse some stuff. have a look at to get an overview about sharing on the FB platform.
You can use the Social Plugins for your Use Case I guess:
Share Button:
Share Dialog:

Open IOS Application which uses sharekit via fbconnect and/or sharekit from facebook app or facebook website

Does anyone of you know if it is possible to open a App which uses sharekit from a Facebook request by clicking on the request either in the facebook app, or in the browser?
I could not find anything about this in the web.
To be more precise i want my app which uses sharekit to send a request to a facebook-friend. This facebook friend should then be able to open the same app by clicking on the request either in the facebook app on his mobile device or by clicking on the request on the facebook browser page which is opened on his mobile device.
I already know how to share things in facebook via sharekit, but to get it "the other way round" seems to be difficult. I could not find anything helpful in the web so far.
Greets and many thanks in advance,
Yes. Your will will need to register itself as a protocol handler, and the link clicked on from Facebook app would need to use the url scheme you define.
Keep in mind if the recipient does not have the app installed, or they do this on their desktop machine, they will get a message that the phone is unable to open that URL.
See this tutorial:

Facebook Application - Like Button

I'd like to develop a Flash/Flex based application that I'll integrate withing my Page on Facebook.
I've seen on many applications that in order for a user too see more stuff on the application, user first of all has to click LIKE button on my page.
I've searched but couldn't find right thing I've been looking for, probably I don't know how to search for it correctly.
Maybe you could help me out to find right source for that.
I don't think Liking the app really matter.
What you might be looking for is authorization from the facebook users. For instance if your app need to post status update on the user's wall, you'll need to get authorisation from him/her first.
You should probably read this (rather generic) intro on facebook's developer website:
This might be a helpful read too:
Finally, haven't done it in AS3 but apparently Adobe has an as3 version of the facebook sdk available:
what you are reffering to is liking a page beofore being able to interact with an application that has been embedded into a page. A page tab app.
You need to parse the signed_request that facebook passes to your application and once you have parsed it you will be able to see if the user has liked your page or not.
Here is a link to some more information about singed_requests

Post wall message on facebook account

I am trying to implement some functionality in a blackberry app, that I saw in other application.
Basically it's a window that has a message, and a Facebook icon. When you click on the icon it launches a new window, this window asks the user for permissions(user and password), and then the message is posted in the user's wall.
So my question is how can I replicate that?. I have been looking at the graph api, but I just can't figure out how to do all of this in one step. I mean just typing the url in the browser, and some post data.
Thanks a lot.
Have you looked at the Facebook BlackBerry SDK project? Facebook BlackBerry SDK

Facebook Connect for iPhone - Request to like a page

I'm not sure if this is possible but using Facebook Connect for iPhone, can you request to like a facebook page? If this means showing the FB dialog box that is fine!
Many thanks
If you haven't resolved this one, here is a neat tutorial: