Display image from Graphviz without creating an intermediate file? - command-line

I would like to display a graph without writing a file first.
Suppose I have a command foo that produces this on standard out:
digraph foogrph {
a -> b;
a -> c;
What I would like to do is pipe foo into dot and then pipe the results into a command that will display the image in a graphical environment.
foo | dot -Tpng | <display command>
I have found a workaround that involves temporary files. In OSX, I can do the following:
foo | dot -Tpng > temp && open temp
But I still have to remove the file from the filesystem.
How can I display an image that is being written to standard out?

With ImageMagick's display command, these work on Ubuntu 12.10 (and most likely other OSes, too):
dot abac.dot -Tsvg | display
dot abac.dot -Tpng | display
SVG has the advantage of smoothly scaling with the window (if that's what you want).

On OSX & iTerm2, you can do the following (assuming imgcat is installed)
dot abac.dot -Tpng | imgcat

On Linux you can also just use -Tx11:cairo to display a direct X11 window.

To complete the accepted answer (which is totally OK), if one want to also avoid using a .dot file :
echo 'digraph { a -> b }' | dot -Tpng | display
(this is for linux only, also I first tried eog that doesn't seem accepting pngs through pipes)
Adapted from rom the documentation of graphviz command line usage.


How to write in two columns like a table in Linux man pages?

I'm creating a custom man page for my C library, and I'd like to do a thing like this
LIST OF FUNCTIONS |<--- terminal window side
Function Description |
function1 function1's description |
function2 function2's description |
which is longer than the |<--- here if the text
first one | overlaps out of the window,
function3 function3's description | it auto-aligns to Description
... ... |
How could I do that?
I think that it's a combination of https://tldp.org/HOWTO/Man-Page/q3.html and then use GROFF - https://www.linuxjournal.com/article/1158
.B foo
frobnicates the bar library by tweaking internal
symbol tables. By default it parses all baz segments
and rearranges them in reverse order by time for the
.BR xyzzy (1)
linker to find them. The symdef entry is then compressed
using the WBG (Whiz-Bang-Gizmo) algorithm.
All files are processed in the order specified.
There is a command on the linuxjournal site with the following:
$ groff -Tascii -man coffee.man | more
The groff man page starts with the following:
The man macro package for groff is used to produce manual pages
(“man pages”) like the one you are reading.

Using shell commands in knitr and displaying output

I am trying to implement shell commands in knitr and display the output in the knitted pdf document as shown here:
```{r shell commands, engine="sh"}
wc -wlmc en_US.blogs.txt
I am not sure whether this is even being evaluated, as there is no output.
just realized that I can call this with system(), which will print to device! Therefore,
system("wc -l en_US.blogs.txt")
will print to the display.
Use intern=TRUE to return result of system() as character vector, then cat with past and collapse. Example.
x <- system("tree", intern=TRUE)
cat(paste(x, collapse="\n"))
places tree of working directory in output document using knitr.

Sending commands to FWTools via Matlab?

I am trying to use Matlab to send commands to FWTools in order to project a bunch of .shp files.
I am able to start FWTools from Matlab but I cant figure out how to send it commands without my interaction.
So far FWTools starts and my matlab command window and acts like the FWTools shell. I type commands and it will run, but I want to be able to send them in my .m file. Once FWTools starts up, my script will not continue to the next line of code.
My code so far:
cmd = 'ogr2ogr -s_srs "EPSG:4326" -t_srs "EPSG:3006" out_sweref99tm.shp in_wgs84.shp';
system('C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe \K "d:\FWTools2.4.7\setfw.bat" ')
sprintf('%s',cmd) % try to send cmd to matlab command window aka FWTools
I also tried to put the cmd into my system call but that returned an error since it appears that I am trying to call FWTools with a super long string afterwards :(
cmd = 'ogr2ogr -s_srs "EPSG:4326" -t_srs "EPSG:3006" out_sweref99tm.shp in_wgs84.shp';
system(['C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe \K "d:\FWTools2.4.7\setfw.bat" ',cmd])
The reason I am using FWTools is that I am projecting from WGS84 to SWEREF99TM and (from my understanding) its not easy to get the final projection via Matlab's mapping toolbox. Please correct me if I am wrong as I would love to keep it to Matlab.
And if possible, I would like to stay in Matlab and not move to Python.
The call of C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe is not necessary.
Try this:
cmd = 'ogr2ogr -s_srs "EPSG:4326" -t_srs "EPSG:3006" out_sweref99tm.shp in_wgs84.shp';
system(['d: && cd d:\FWTools2.4.7\ && setfw.bat ',cmd])
or if you actually need to pass your parameters after the first call and not with:
system(['d: && cd d:\FWTools2.4.7\ && setfw.bat && ',cmd])
Maybe you can post a screenshot of how it looks like when you do it manually.
requested explanation:
The && operator is implicating that the following command is executed "in the next line". It's like you press enter in the cmd window and then you have to type the next command.
For example cd d:\FWTools2.4.7\ does never work directly, as the default is usually "c:". So firstly have to type d: and in the next step you change to your folder cd d:\FWTools2.4.7\

Replace matches of one regex expression with matches from another, across two files

I am currently helping a friend reorganise several hundred images on a database driven website. I have generated a list of the new, reorganised image paths offline and would like to replace each matching image reference in the sql export of the database with the new paths.
EDIT: Here is an example of what I am trying to achieve
The new_paths_list.txt is a file that I generated using a batch script after I had organised all of the existing images into folders. Prior to this all of the images were in just a few folders. A sample of this generated list might be:
A sample of my_exported_db.sql (the database exported from the website) might be:
The result I want is my_exported_db.sql to be:
Some pseudo code to illustrate:
1/ Find the first image name in my_exported_db.sql, such as 'snom_xyz.jpg'.
2/ Find the same image name in new_paths_list.txt
3/ If it is present, copy the whole line (the path and filename)
4/ Replace the whole path in in my_exported_db.sql of this image with the copied line
5/ Repeat for all other image names in my_exported_db.sql
A regex expression that appears to match image names is:
and one to match image names, complete with path (for relative or absolute) is:
I have looked around and have seen that Sed or Awk may be capable of doing this, but some pointers would be greatly appreciated. I understand that this will only work accurately if there are no duplicated filenames.
You can use sed to convert new_paths_list.txt into a set of sed replacement commands:
sed 's|\(.*\(/[^/]*$\)\)|s#data\2#\1#|' new_paths_list.txt > rules.sed
The file rules.sed will look like this:
Then use sed again to translate my_exported_db.sql:
sed -i -f rules.sed my_exported_db.sql
I think in some shells it's possible to combine these steps and do without rules.sed:
sed 's|\(.*\(/[^/]*$\)\)|s#data\2#\1#|' new_paths_list.txt | sed -i -f - my_exported_db.sql
but I'm not certain about that.
If the images are in several directories under data/, make this change:
sed "s|image/\(.*\(/[^/]*$\)\)|s#[^']*\2#\1#|" new_paths_list.txt > rules.sed

How to extract strings from plist files for translation (localization)?

I need to prepare list of strings for translation of my iPhone application.
I have extracted strings from *.m files using genstring and from the XIB files using ibtool command.
But I have also lots of texts to translate in plist files (String field types enclosed in string tag).
Is there a nice bash script / command to extract those strings into a flat txt file?
I could review and filter it so my translators can work with nice list but not with alien looking XML file.
I made a custom shell script which tries to figure out the values needed. You can then use the localize.py script in a modified way (see below) to automatically create the translation files. (The line break where somehow very important) If there more entities to be translated, the shell script can be modified accordingly
rm -f $2
sed -n 'N;/<key>Title<\/key>/{N;/<string>.*<\/string>/{s/.*<string>\(.*\)<\/string>.*/\/* \1 *\/\
"\1" = "\1";\
/p;};}' $1 >> $2
sed -n 'N;/<key>FooterText<\/key>/{N;/<string>.*<\/string>/{s/.*<string>\(.*\)<\/string>.*/\/* \1 *\/\
\"\1" = "\1";\
;}' $1 >> $2
sed -n 'N;/<key>Titles<\/key>/{N;/<array>/{:a
/<string>.*<\/string>/{s/.*<string>\(.*\)<\/string>.*/\/* \1 *\/\
\"\1" = "\1";\
;};};}' $1 >> $2
the localize.py script needed some modification. Therefore I created a small package containing the localizer for the source code and for the plist Files. The new script even supports Duplikates (meaning it will kick them)
We recently made a small online application to do that, please take a look on: http://www.icapps.be/plist-translator/
I can't think of any command off the top of my head. However, plists are glorified xml files and there are various parsers available for them.
It shouldn't be too difficult to create a simple python script to get all the strings from the file.
Does this help?
We much prefer paying clients who use our translation system with our translators, but you can translate yourself in our GUI at no charge.