Need ServiceConfiguration.cscfg to populate web.config sessionstate and connection strings - entity-framework

I need to propagate connection string changes for entity framework, membership (which are both in the connectionstrings section of web.config) and session state (which is in sessonstate's sqlconnectionstring) in web.config when I adjust these settings in windows azure's service configuration.
During development we test our app as a standard webforms app, but once it is deployed it is running in azure. So we need to allow for the site running in both non-azure and an azure context. That's why we're just relying upon the values in web.config for now.Since these connection strings are not called directly in my code writing a utility class which grabs from azure service config if that is available or otherwise grabs from web.config is not a possibility for these values.
I realize that editing web.config would cause a disruption in service - and i only plan to do this during off hours.

I believe that the best approach is to wrap your configuration information in a service. Then, in the service, use RoleEnvironment to determine which settings to use. For example
public static class Config
public static string ConnStr
if (RoleEnvironment.IsAvailable)
return RoleEnvironment.GetConfigurationSettingValue("ConnStr");
return ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ConnStr"];
If that doesn't work, and you need to change the actual web.config (for instance, using named connection strings), then you'll need to modify the config at runtime. In your role start, do something like the following:
var config = WebConfigurationManager.OpenWebConfiguration(null);
var connStrs = WebConfigurationManager.OpenWebConfiguration(null).GetSection("connectionStrings") as ConnectionStringsSection;
connStrs.ConnectionStrings["ConnStr"].ConnectionString = RoleEnvironment.GetConfigurationSettingValue("ConnStr");
To handle when the configuration changes after the role is running, just call the same code as above from the RoleEnvironment.Changing event.
Good luck,


.net core not connecting to the changed database in appsettings.json connectionstrings in visual studio debug

I am working on a .net core project, I wanted to change the connectionstring of the database in appsettings.json.
I had created a duplicate database and named it originalname_fake01 and made a clone of the original database for testing.
I have also changed the database name in appsettings.developement.json. Everything seems fine but when I run the application in debug mode in visual studio. the data was being pulled from the original database rather than the changed database name in appsettings.json.
Here is my appsettings connectionstrings code:
Old connectionstring was
"connectionStrings": {
changed connection string (new)
"connectionStrings": {
I am not able to understand why it is connecting to the old database rather than the new database even after changing the connectionstring.
Any help would be appreciated.
If you want the development settings to override the production settings you need to use the same names and full path. Your connection string should be named MyConnectionString, not MyConnectionString if you want the DbContext to pick it automatically.
JSON setting files have no special meaning in .NET Core, they are just files. Every provider produces key/value pairs in the form Section1:Subsection1:Attribute1, Value. Newer provider values override earlier values. Providers can be JSON or XML file readers, INI file readers, databases etc. In all cases, the settings are flattened to path/value pairs.
The file
"connectionStrings": {
"MyConnectionString": "Server=localhost;port=3306;database=mydb;user=root;password=rt123;"
Produces a value named connectionStrings:MyConnectionString whose value is Server=localhost;port=3306;database=mydb;user=root;password=rt123;. To override this you need to specify a setting with the same path.
The default Host builder specifies some default settings providers. From the docs, those are :
= Secret Manager when the app runs in the Development environment.
Environment variables.
Command-line arguments.
Settings specified lower down the list override previous ones. This means that on a development machine, the connectionStrings:MyConnectionString in appsettings.Developoment.json overrides the element with the same name in appsettings.json.
This also means that we can override the connection string with an environment variabl or a command-line argument, eg
dotnet run /connectionStrings:MyConnectionString Server=localhost;port=3306;database=mydb;user=root;password=rt123;
I have finally able to find the problem in the dbcontext.cs modelbuilder. There is a code line which has strongly typed Schema Name.
protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)
I changed it use the new schema as below:
I don't understand why we need to give schema name in both connectionstring and in modelbuilder. I Guess we should avoid explicit schema name targeting in ModelBuilder so that, whenever the connectionstring is changed. it will target the database correctly.
Anyways, the problem is solved as the application is connecting to the intended database.
You are almost there. In your changed connection string (new) setting, change the FakeConnectionString to MyConnectionString. If you have same keys in appsettings.json and in appsettings.development.json then latter will override the former.
"connectionStrings": {
"MyConnectionString": "Server=localhost;port=3306;database=mydb_fake01;user=root;password=rt123;"
P.S. This is applicable to any environment not only to development
There is also a file named "secrets.json" which overrides all other appSettings configuration. Make sure it has correct Database name.
The file named "secrets.json" worked for me as the default connection string was hardcoded there pointing to the old database. Editing the connection string (Initial Catalog=dbName) to point to the current database name fixed the problem. Thanks!
sample content of "secrets.jason":
"ConnectionStrings:DefaultConnection": "Data Source=TestSource;Initial Catalog=dbName;Integrated Security=True;MultipleActiveResultSets=True"

Play Framework how to set jdbc properties after startup

In my play application the database settings are not known before startup of the application. I have to read them from an environment variable after automatic deployment and start of the application.
The platform the app is deployed on is cloudfoundry. And there is a environment variable called VCAP_SERVICES (that is a json string). Here are all services listed e.g. the database service including the credentials
Is there a prefered way to do so? In means of still being able to use stuff like:
DataSource ds = DB.getDatasource();

Web app with EF + database first not working on Azure

I have a ASP.NET MVC application which uses EF (v6) as data access layer. My application works fine on IIS Express and also when deployed to the server running IIS 7.5.
The problem is that I'm getting the following exception when I deploy it to Azure (Web Sites).
Code generated using the T4 templates for Database First and Model First development may not work correctly if used in Code First mode. To continue using Database First or Model First ensure that the Entity Framework connection string is specified in the config file of executing application. To use these classes, that were generated from Database First or Model First, with Code First add any additional configuration using attributes or the DbModelBuilder API and then remove the code that throws this exception.
I've searched the web and I made sure my connection string starts with "metadata=" + checked my db context class' constructor to be sure it contains the correct name (in my case it's "name=PsDataEntities"))
My connection string looks like this: <add name="PsDataEntities" connectionString="metadata=res://*/PsDataModel.csdl|res://*/PsDataModel.ssdl|res://*/PsDataModel.msl;
provider connection string="data source=SERVER_NAME;initial catalog=DB_NAME;user id=UID;password=PWD;
MultipleActiveResultSets=True;App=EntityFramework"" providerName="System.Data.EntityClient" />
Anybody had the same problems?
Any help is appreciated
I did a few more tests (like changing metadata in the connection string to use fully qualified names instead of '*') without success, then I decided to set my metadata (regarding .csdl/.ssdl/.msl) programatically with the help from this post. Application now works correctly when deployed to Azure.

How to handle EF code-first migrations from my local machine when deploying to Azure?

I finally figured out how to get web.config transformations working, so that locally I have one connection (the one in my default web.config), and then when I publish to Azure, the "debug" transformation is applied so that an Azure-SQL database connection string is used.
That much is working, but now I'm running into a problem with database migrations.
In my Configuration:
protected override void Seed(MG.Context.MentorContext context)
System.Data.Entity.Database.SetInitializer(new MigrateDatabaseToLatestVersion<MentorContext, Configuration>());
if (!WebSecurity.Initialized)
"User", "UserId", "Username", autoCreateTables: true);
Now, when I'm running locally and want to update my local database, I open up Package Manager Console and type in 'update-database' and everything works wonderfully.
Sometimes I want to update the remote Azure-SQL database though - so in the past I've done this:
Update-Database -ConnectionString "azure connection string here" -verbose
which was working when I was manually updating my local web.config. Now that I'm using the above transformations, even though I specify a connectionString, DefaultConnection in my Seed method resolves to the un-transformed connection string (my local db), so the Membership tables never get created on the Azure database.
This can be solved by manually updating the default web.config, but that defeats the purpose of using these transformations.
How can I have these transformations applied so that the Seed method of my EF migrations uses the Azure connection strings - OR - how can I tell update-database to use the azure connection string?
I'm trying to avoid manually swapping the connection strings if I can.
You mention a Web.config and "publishing" to Azure; are you using Azure Web Sites?
If so, look at this article. In short, if you configure a connection string on the K/V store of Azure Web Sites with the same name as your connection string, the value you set on Azure will automatically take precedence:
Connection strings work in a similar fashion, with a small additional
requirement. Remember from earlier that there is a connection string
called “example-config_db” that has been associated with the website.
If the website’s web.config file references the same connection string
in the configuration section, then Windows Azure
Web Sites will automatically update the connection string at runtime
using the value shown in the portal.
This should ensure that you Seed method attempts to connect to the right database.

Entity Framework Code First ignoring connection string, using IIS instead

I have a web app that I've created using Entity Framework Code First. In setting it up I have managed to match my DB connection string to my DBContext by specifying the full namespace and class of the DBContext as the name of the connection string.
<add name="MyClassProject.EfDbContext" connectionString="Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=MyDatabase;Integrated Security=true;User Id=MyUsername;Password=MyPassword;" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"/>
Initially when I set up the project, I just had it created in c:\inetpub\wwwroot, and just ran it through Visual Studio. Everything worked fine.
Now I'm trying to have the code build to a separate website folder, and have the website run as it's own website and app pool in IIS. I've set up the website, and my hosts file but when I went to run it I received the following error.
Cannot open database "MyDatabase" requested by the login. The login failed.
Login failed for user 'IIS APPPOOL\MyAppPool'.
I'm wondering why this is happening, as I seem to be specifying the security username and password to use for the DB in my connection why is it trying to connect as the app pool that my website is running in?
Also, how can I fix this, without having to give MyAppPool (or Network Service if I changed it to that) DB permissions in SQL Server?
Update: I should've mentioned that I initialise my DBContext class using:
namespace MyClassProject
public class EfDbContext : DbContext
public EfDbContext() : base ("MyDatabase")
I found the issue.
When I initialise my DBContext class with : base("MyDatabase"), it overrides the connection string specified in the web.config.
Removing that from my DBContext class, with the database already existing, the site now works in IIS.
However, if I don't have the database created already, (or if I have my database initialiser use DropCreateDatabaseWhenModelChanges or DropCreateDatabaseAlways so that it'll needs to recreate the DB), the initialiser will fail, as it'll try to use an SQL user that doesn't have permissions to create the DB.
My way around it is to use the : base("MyDatabase") and run from Visual Studio initially so the database is created.
Then remove it from code, add the specified user to the DB security in SQL Server, and it'll allow my site to run in IIS thereafter.
Remove Integrated Security=true;. That is the setting that passes the current user off.
When using Integrated Security, the DB is given a token from the user who is currently running the process. In all likelihood, you run Visual Studio from your user account, which likely has Admin permissions on your SQL Server instance.
When IIS runs your app, it uses something called an Application Pool (or App pool). You can have multiple apps in a single pool to be managed together. The app pool also runs under a special user account named for the pool. App pool users exist under a container called "IIS AppPool", so the local user for the DefaultAppPool is IIS AppPool\DefaultAppPool. If you want to grant access to a resource on your local system (including file permissions), you can also grant it to the app pool user or local group IIS_IUSRS to grant it to all app pools.
Remember that these are local accounts, so they will not cross network boundaries. To grant permissions on a different server, you'll need to either use a domain user (or even better, a domain Managed Service Account) or you can set the app pool user to NETWORK SERVICE and then you can grant permissions to MyDomain\MyWebServer$ (the dollar sign is important).
You can use Web.config Transform to have Local connection stirng different from Remote (say in Release mode). To start using it you need to publish your Web App using One-Click Publish from Visual Studio. That's really very handy way to publish web apps!
Looks like that's what you're looking for.
Or set connection string name base on a condition:
public EfDbContext() : base (GetConnectionStringName())
private static GetConnectionStringName()
return RunLocally() : "LocalDatabase" : "RemoteDatabase";
private static bool RunLocally()
// implement some how