Change default URL from /web/guest - liferay-6

How to change the liferay url from /web/guest to another. In my Liferay Control Panel Communities (in Portal) the option is not there (it is not visible)

Add/Change the below property in your
# This sets the default home URL of the portal.


Typo3 8 - realurl - how to display page id instead of full path slug

I have a fresh installation of Typo3 8.7, wanted to upgrade from 4.7.
In both I have installed the RealURL extension for displaying a human readable url.
Problem is in 8.7 the resulted url contains the full path slug name, compared with the 4.7 installation where it display the page ID (the desired output).
New site page url (same page):
Old site url:
Is there any configuration I'm missing?
Thank you!
RealUrl has a configuration file. It is configured in the extension's settings (in TYPO3 v8 accessible via the extension manager). The default is typo3conf/realurl_conf.php.
If that file does not exist and the option "automatic configuration" is active, it will regenerate the file.
I don't know the setting to use page IDs as slugs, but on the old system this setting should be in there.
You can make changes to the file or (recommended) use a hook ($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SC_OPTIONS']['ext/realurl/class.tx_realurl_autoconfgen.php']['extensionConfiguration']['yourExt']) to have your config merged with the auto-configuration.

How to add insert the custom actions inside the existing Active Workspace Page?

I am new to Siemens' Teamcenter Active workspace, An Angularjs based framework for Product LifeCycle Management [PLM]. I need to do some customization in the existing UI.
I have Teamcenter / Active Workspace installed on IIS and access it using the URL like http://hostname:8080/awc12/#/ [Default URL of the basic Installation of Teamcenter Active worksapce]
I have created another Active workspace module using generateModule script provided by "Active workspace environment" and deployed on the IIS server and access it as an http://hostname:8080/myModule/#/mySubLocation
I want to insert a button on the Panel of the basic installation http://hostname:8080/awc12/#/com.siemens.splm.clientfx.tcui.xrt.showObject?uid=xxx
Upon clicking this button I want to launch newly created module http://hostname:8080/myModule/#/mySubLocation as a Modal dialog
What steps do I need to take so that I can achieve adding the new button and opening a modal with my module page?
Where can I find the list of APIs that are exposed by Teamcenter Active workspace
Is there any document/site where I can find some Hello World applications with code?
Siemens provides this PDF on "Configuration and Extensibility" for Active Workspace 4.3:
And this location also might contain useful information:

TYPO3 Service Unavailable (503)

I installed a copy of a TYPO3 project. So, I'm using an existing TYPO3 database.
When running the home page of the site, I get the 'standard error':
Service Unavailable (503)
The page is not configured! [type=0][]. This means that there is no TypoScript object of type PAGE with typeNum=0 configured.
More information regarding this error might be available online.
which refers to following site:
But when I modify the setup of the template of the root as given in the link. I get an empty page with "HELLO WORLD" and the whole website is gone.
The old root setup code was:
config.contentObjectExceptionHandler = 0 = page:description = page:keywords
How can I solve this problem without losing the rest of the website? Using TYPO3 8.7
Addition to the db install I also copied the extension folders to the typo3conf/ext folder and edited the PackageStates.php with the path to the extensions.
I see the extensions in the extensions tab the status is 'local'.
1st: make sure you have the correct configuration of all domains (as it is a copy it can not run with the same domain, otherwise you will switch between servers unpredictably.
2nd: enter list mode and look for multiple template records in your web root page. Multiple records will result in ignoring all but one record. maybe you just edit the wrong one. Normally the content is not lost but only inaccessible for the moment.
3rd: have you activated all the extensions which are active in the source installation? especially any site extension, which probably include the configuration for the TypoScript page object.
4th: you can use the TSOB (TypoScript Object Browser) and the template analyzer to view the active or resulting typoscript.

JBoss EAP 6.2 remove the management user

I have added a management user using script. I see no option to remove it. How should it be done?
You can edit the file in your domain or standalone's configuration directory to remove the line associated with the user.

Add a template from a non-storefront cartridge to Demandware Content Slot Configuration?

I'm using the Demandware Business Manager to create a new content slot configuration for a pre-existing content slot following the Demandware DiD Instructor Guide (pg. 152). My issue is that I'm being told to add a content slot configuration to "merchant-product" using a template that is in the "training" cartridge. However, when I try to add a template, the pop up (from clicking [...]) only allows me to view templates that are within the storefront cartridge.
This template is in the "training" cartridge because the instructions indicated to put it in the "training" cartridge instead of the "storefront" cartridge. I have included the "training" cartridge in my site settings as per the instructions. Why does this cartridge not appear as an available cartridge to use templates from?
How do I add this (non-storefront) cartridge in so that I may use a template from it?
Please follow the instruction below.
Go to your Sandbox - Business Manager.
On the left nav, navigate to Sites -> Manage Sites -> [Select your
Site/Store Name e.g. SiteGenesis]
Click on it, then you will see some tabs some as General, Settings,
Cache, and Security.
Go click Settings tab.
On the Cartridges text field, you will something like this:
Add your cartridge name having this separation of colon symbol.
Saves Changes and apply.
Make sure to clean your cache after doing this.
Try again to access your cartridge outside of storefront app and let me know.
To solve please copy slots folder under templates/default/ folder.