Google Analytic not updated in iOS Cordova 2.0.0 App - iphone

I am working on iOS App using Cordova 2.0.0, and I want to use Google Analytics, So I followed this github link step by step, but Unfortunately GA not updated, The only difference that
in the link Readme file "Make sure you are running Cordova(PhoneGap) 1.5.0"
and I use Cordova 2.0.0
but I see that the repo is updated to 2.0.0 and my App is work right but GA not updated
and here it is the code that I call in OnDeviceReady method, to start the GA and add event
var googleAnalytics = window.plugins.googleAnalyticsPlugin;
googleAnalytics.trackEvent("category", "action", "label goes here", 666);
Can any one help or face the same problem?

Kindly the follow the below link,its very helpful and also worked for me.


Is IONIC 5 stable to start a mobile application?

Am confused to start a project in ionic on which version?
Before answering this please check date of the question asked.I dont want to make it a long tread
As stated here and here:
The 5.0.0 is only for the CLI commands, NOT the framework itself. Ionic team gives you commands like start and generate which are wrappers on the angular CLI commands. This update doesn’t not affect your apps
The update should not affect your mobile app building.
UPDATE 04/2020
Version 5 of the ionic framework has been released. You can find all the information regarding the new version here and here.
Ionic version 5.0.0-beta.1 still, in the Pre-release stage, I think they planned to release this version at the beginning of the new year.
you can read more about ionic releases and versions in their repo here

Local notifications not working in Ionic 3

I am new to Ionic 3 and I implemented Local notifications using plugin and it works just as expected, but every time I push my changes and take a pull again, I need to re-install the plugin and build again.
Any solutions?
Referring to this link, the correct way to install local notification plugin for Ionic 3 is by using ionic cordova plugin add de.appplant.cordova.plugin.local-notification
Most Ionic 3 users have CLI version 3 and above. Hope this help to others too!
As mentioned in the first comment in my question itself, the problem was resolved, so I am closing this topic by posting an answer.
I got the fix, it was this line in my package.json file that was causing the problem:
"cordova-plugin-app-event": "file:node_modules/cordova-plugin-app-event"Changing the path of the plugin fixed the issue.

onesignal plugin initialization

Hello I am facing problem during onesignal init, please help how to solve this error. I can't find anything related to onesignal in my config.xml file. I installed onesignal plugin in my ionic app as per documentation provided and it installed successfully.
I am developing Ionic app on android platform.
There are a few troubleshooting steps that could help resolve this issue:
Double check that you have followed all of the OneSignal setup
instructions for your platform correctly.
Take a look at your
application log to see if there are any errors explained there.
Take a look at the troubleshooting guides here

Add push notifications to Visual Studio Cordova Project

I tried to follow this article on MSDN magazine enter link description here to add iOS push notifications. However the sample code they provide enter link description here is outdated(using VS2013). I tried to migrate the project to VS2015 by following enter link description here but still cannot get it to work.
Can anyone provide a working sample code in VS2015? Thanks!
You need to configure the notification hub to send notifications to your iOS app.
Here is a sample how to do this in step by step walk-through:
Hope this helps.
I've updated the sample to Visual Studio 2015 in my fork:
To get it to work, I also needed to add the Whitelist plugin, which is now a requirement to access remote services from a Cordova app.
I am waiting to merge it back into the upstream fork until after I can get it tested on iOS (it does work now on Android). As mostafa points out, you do also need to follow the steps to configure push notification for iOS, which includes doing a bunch of stuff in Xcode on the Mac.

Updating Ionic Apps in real time

I'm a web developer, new to Ionic.But I can't find out how can I update my app on the server,like a website,and without having user redownload the app.Is there any solutions?
There's an available plugin you can use Cordova-hot-code-push
This plugin provides functionality to perform automatic updates of the web based content in your application.Basically, everything that is stored in www folder of your Cordova project can be updated using this plugin.
supported platforms: Android 4.0.0 or above.
iOS 7.0 or above. Xcode 7 is required.
It has a great wiki too.
Yes, as of recently there is a solution for this. Ionic calls it Ionic Deploy, and you can see the official documentation about it here.
However, one must note that this is still in Alpha version and they don't recommend it for production, but since they're very apt in shipping new features, I'm sure this will be even production ready very soon.