How to fetch value from custom multifield component? - aem

I have created a multifield custom widget having two fields with names ./urlLink and ./urlText.
Now i m trying to fetch the values from widget into the component's jsp with following code
String property = properties.get("./urlLink",String[].class);
for(String value: property ) {
But i am not able to get its value instead i m getting error.

If you're getting a property and it contains a string value, you need to use the method getString() - that way when you have the property, you can set the string to the value by doing something like this:
Property property = properties.get("./urlLink",String.class);
String value = property.getString();
Just a side note, if your return is supposed to be a string array, your type that you're putting the values in should be a string array.
String[] value
Check out the documentation on for Properties and getting the values inside them.

Looks like a typo: you don't prefix a property name with .\ when accessing it.
My guess is you got a NullPointerException, right? That's because there's no ./urlLink property in the value map (properties). You should check against that anyway (so that it's not thrown on a fresh page with no content).
If that doesn't help -- double check that you have the properties in the content (call your page with .xml or .infinite.json extensions, and then double check if you can read them as plain strings (you should be able to -- CRX does some magic, smart type conversions).

It's good to register custom xtype as :
// registering the custom widget with the name dualfield
CQ.Ext.reg("dualfield", CQ.Ext.form.DualField);
Then u can easily fetch the value as :
String[] data = properties.get("multi",String[].class);
Here multi is the name of widget having multifield as xtype


How can I get variable value from a text string?

I have a constants file with text values, for example:
const String loginIntro1 = "Login to account";
const String loginButton = "Login";
And I also have a Map containing similar info, for example:
{"loginIntro1":"Login to account","loginButton":"Login"}
The idea is that the Map (derived from a JSON file) takes precedence, but if the value doesn't exist, the constants value is used instead.
In my text widget, I want to grab the text by a method call, such as:
Is this even possible? How can I get the value from the constants file with a String, rather than a direct reference to the variable? Perhaps I'm missing a much simpler way of achieving this!

Can't get changed property from attachPropertyChange

I would like to know which property in the JSON model has changed when modified by a view.
For a test I took OpenUI5 walkthrough example and added the following lines in the application controller
oProductModel.attachPropertyChange( function(oEvent){
console.log("event: ", oEvent);
}, this);
When I change a property in the text input, the function in the attachPropertyChange is called but oEvent object is empty as I print it in console.
I know I could connect to text input change event, but I would like to use attachPropertyChange in case there would be multiple views of the same model.
As far as I understood, you'd like to avoid using the change event of the Input control because there is no information about which property in the model has changed. However, you can still get all the relevant information within the change handler via:
oControl.getBinding(/*controlPropertyName*/).getPath() to get the name of the bound property, or
oControl.getBindingContext(/*modelName*/).getPath(/*suffix*/) to get the path of the bound context. The getPath here awaits an optional suffix that will be appended to the context path with a "/" in between.
Combine those two APIs to get an absolute path in case the property binding was relative. E.g.:
onInputChange: function (event) {
const inputControl = event.getSource();
const property = inputControl.getBinding("value").getPath(); // "myProperty"
const absolutePath = inputControl.getBindingContext(/*modelName*/).getPath(property) // "/0/myProperty"
// ...
You can use change event for all input field in UI, and write event handling method in the controller. You will get the property as well as value in the oEvent of the event handling method easily. I hope you understood.

D3 invalid character in element

I'm getting a response in JSON format, which contains an _id that is stored as an ObjectID in Mongodb on the server side. However, I change it into a String, and it still won't let me add it. Is it because it has numbers? I need the element to be identifiable by the id, so if I can't append this way, is there any other way I can reference the element by the id?
var group ="#containerthing");
var id = response._id.toString();
var responseNode = group.append(id).attr("fill","black").attr("x", 15).attr("y", 15).attr("width", 190).attr("height", 90);
//InvalidCharacterError: String contains an invalid character
I believe that I understand your problem.
D3's .append():
If the specified type is a string, appends a new element of this type (tag name) as the last child of each selected element, or the next following sibling in the update selection if this is an enter selection. [...] This function should return an element to be appended. (The function typically creates a new element, but it may instead return an existing element.
Why .append() work fine if you pass 'foo'? Because D3 append a custom tag element. If you see in your console I'am sure that you will see <foo>...</foo>
Why .append() work wrong if you pass '5802bc044f6313c1097de4a2'? A custom tag element can't start with a number. You don't use _id, you should try to find another pattern for identify your element.
I hope that helps
The reason was that you can't start elements with numbers. I had to do:
var responseNode = group.append("n"+id).attr("fill","black").attr("x", 15).attr("y", 15).attr("width", 190).attr("height", 90);
to get it to work.

Struts 2 - Date instance become String

When I submit the form, input error is occur. JourneyDate is instance of 'Date'. But ,here it become String which is not accepted by the setter and getter.
<s:hidden name="JourneyDate" value="%{JourneyDate}"></s:hidden>
I want JourneyPlan as Date Type, but it become String.
Try intercepting the value before passing it to the getter/setter. For example send JourneyDateString from your form, create a Date from the String, and then pass that to your getter/setter. Something like:
public void setJourneyDateString(String journeyDateString)
//journeyDateString could be "2013-03-28" for example
Date journeyDate = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd").parse(journeyDateString);
The object that you've set in the value attribute will keep it's type as Date. Then you need to define corresponding setter in the action to set the value of the Date. It will convert to string if you place the value in the body of the tag.

How to update a property using Type.GetProperties() method?

I've a collection of a class' properties and would like to update each one's value by iterating over the collection through the index.
1) I create the collection of properties this way
private PropertyInfo[] GetPropertiesOfMyClass()
Type myType = (typeof(myClass));
PropertyInfo[] PropertyInfoArray = myType.GetProperties(
BindingFlags.Public |
return PropertyInfoArray;
2)Now, I'd like to set up the value of each one depending on the index this way
public void UpdateProperty(MyClass instanceOfMyClass, string valueToUpdate, int index)
//1. Get an individual property from the GetPropertyOfMyClass() using index
//2. Update the value of an individual property of the instanceOfMyClass
I'd like to be able to call UpdateProperty from a Controller like this:
UpdateProperty(instanceOfMyClass, valueToUpdate, indexOfTheProperty);
Honestly, I do not know how to involve the instanceOfMyClass in the game as GetProperty only plays with myClass.
Since I saw that I can use Name, PropertyType, ... to get information on the property. So, I've tried also GetPropertyOfMyClass()[index].SetValue(...), but I was lost in the arguments of its constructor, so I abandoned.
What I want is to be able to update the value of a property in my collection just by using the index.
Thanks for helping
Your guess was correct. You use SetValue() to update the value - this is how to do it:
GetPropertyOfMyClass()[index].SetValue( instanceOfMyClass, valueToUpdate, null);
The last argument can be null:
Optional index values for indexed properties. This value should be null for non-indexed properties.