Can't get changed property from attachPropertyChange - sapui5

I would like to know which property in the JSON model has changed when modified by a view.
For a test I took OpenUI5 walkthrough example and added the following lines in the application controller
oProductModel.attachPropertyChange( function(oEvent){
console.log("event: ", oEvent);
}, this);
When I change a property in the text input, the function in the attachPropertyChange is called but oEvent object is empty as I print it in console.
I know I could connect to text input change event, but I would like to use attachPropertyChange in case there would be multiple views of the same model.

As far as I understood, you'd like to avoid using the change event of the Input control because there is no information about which property in the model has changed. However, you can still get all the relevant information within the change handler via:
oControl.getBinding(/*controlPropertyName*/).getPath() to get the name of the bound property, or
oControl.getBindingContext(/*modelName*/).getPath(/*suffix*/) to get the path of the bound context. The getPath here awaits an optional suffix that will be appended to the context path with a "/" in between.
Combine those two APIs to get an absolute path in case the property binding was relative. E.g.:
onInputChange: function (event) {
const inputControl = event.getSource();
const property = inputControl.getBinding("value").getPath(); // "myProperty"
const absolutePath = inputControl.getBindingContext(/*modelName*/).getPath(property) // "/0/myProperty"
// ...

You can use change event for all input field in UI, and write event handling method in the controller. You will get the property as well as value in the oEvent of the event handling method easily. I hope you understood.


How can customData can be binded with JavaScript

In the affected application is a responsive table whose ColumnListItems are added via JavaScript code. Now the lines should be highlighted by the highlighting mechanism depending on their state. The first idea was to control the whole thing via a normal controller function. I quickly discarded the idea, since the formatter is intended for such cases. So I created the appropriate Formatter function and referenced it in the JavaScript code. The call seems to work without errors, because the "console.log" is triggered in each case. Also the transfer of fixed values is possible without problems. However, the values I would have to transfer are located within customData of each line...
No matter how I try to form the path I get an "undefined" or "null" output.
I have already tried the following paths:
The code from Controller.js (with consciously differently indicated paths):
var colListItem = new sap.m.ColumnListItem({
highlight: {
parts: [{
path: "/mAggregations/items/0/mAggregations/customData/0/mProperties/value"
}, {
path: "/edited"
formatter: Formatter.setIndication
cells: [oItems]
// first parameter to pass while runtime to the formatter"editable", false);
// second paramter for the formatter function"edited", false);
The code from Formatter.js:
setIndication: function (bEditable, bEdited) {
var sReturn;
if (bEditable && bEdited) {
// list item is in edit mode and edited
sReturn = "Error";
} else if (bEditable || bEdited) {
// list item is in edit mode or edited
sReturn = "Success";
} else {
sReturn = "None";
return sReturn;
The goal would also be for the formatter to automatically use the value of the model in order to avoid its own implementation of a listener, etc.
I hope one of you has a good/new idea that might bring me a solution :)
Many thanks in advance!
You cannot bind against the customData. Because the customData is located in the element, it is like a property.
Thats why you defined it here on colListItem:"key", value)
You only can bind against a model.
So I see three solutions
Store the information in a separate local JSON model whereof you can speficy your binding path to supply the values to your formatter
Do not supply the information via a binding path to the formatter, but read a model/object/array from a global variable in the controller holding the information via this (=controller) in formatter function
Store the information in the customData of each element and access the element reference in the formatter function via this(=ColumnListItem).data().
Passing the context to the formatter similar to this formatter: [Formatter.setIndication, colListItem]
Cons of 1. and 2: you need a key for a respective lookup in the other model or object.
From what I understand I would solve it with solution 3.

Get newly created id of a record before redirecting page

I would like to retrieve the id of a newly created record using javascript when I click on save button and just before redirecting page.
Do you have any idea please ?
Thank you !
One way to do this in Sugar 7 would be by overriding the CreateView.
Here an example of a CustomCreateView that outputs the new id in an alert-message after a new Account was successfully created, but before Sugar gets to react to the created record.
extendsFrom: 'CreateView',
// This initialize function override does nothing except log to console,
// so that you can see that your custom view has been loaded.
// You can remove this function entirely. Sugar will default to CreateView's initialize then.
initialize: function(options) {
this._super('initialize', [options]);
console.log('Custom create view initialized.');
// saveModel is the function used to save the new record, let's override it.
// Parameters 'success' and 'error' are functions/callbacks.
// (based on clients/base/views/create/create.js)
saveModel: function(success, error) {
// Let's inject our own code into the success callback.
var custom_success = function() {
// Execute our custom code and forward all callback arguments, in case you want to use them.
// Execute the original callback (which will show the message and redirect etc.)
// Make sure that the "this" variable will be set to _this_ view when our custom function is called via callback.
custom_success = _.bind(custom_success , this);
// Let's call the original saveModel with our custom callback.
this._super('saveModel', [custom_success, error]);
// our custom code
customCodeOnCreate: function() {
console.log('customCodeOnCreate() called with these arguments:', arguments);
// Retrieve the id of the model.
var new_id = this.model.get('id');
// do something with id
if (!_.isEmpty(new_id)) {
alert('new id: ' + new_id);
I tested this with the Accounts module of Sugar, but it should be possible to implement this for all other sidecar modules within Sugar.
However, this will not work for modules in backward-compatibility mode (those with #bwc in their URL).
Note: If the module in question already has its own Base<ModuleName>CreateView, you probably should extend from <ModuleName>CreateView (no Base) instead of from the default CreateView.
Be aware that this code has a small chance of breaking during Sugar upgrades, e.g. if the default CreateView code receives changes in the saveModel function definition.
Also, if you want to do some further reading on extending views, there is an SugarCRM dev blog post about this topic:
I resolved this by using logic hook (after save), for your information, I am using Sugar 6.5 no matter the version of suitecrm.
Thank you !

Can choices in a list be changed after it has been been rendered?

I have a w2ui form that contains a w2ui Drop List of choices. The choices will be different depending on what the user selected to bring up the form. My question is: can the contents of a Drop List be changed after it has been rendered?
With standard HTML controls, I would do something like this:
$("#mySelect option[value='xyz']").remove();
$("#mySelect").append('<option value="abc">abc</option>');
Can these kinds of operations be done with a w2ui Drop List? Any example code?
In w2ui 1.5 you can use $jQueryElement.w2field() to access the w2fild object - and then manipulate it.
var field = $("#my_input").w2field();
field.options.items = ["my", "new", "items"];
// optionally: pre-select first item
// if you do NOT use "setIndex" you need to call "refresh" yourself!
// field.refresh();
Note: setIndex() internally calls refresh() - so as stated above, you do not need to call refresh yourself in that case.
If you want to completely clear/empty your field, you can call field.reset().
Edit: after clarification that it's about a form field:
// Note: ``this`` refers to the w2form
// ``field[8]`` refers to a field of type "select"
this.fields[8].options.items = ["my", "new", "items"];
this.record = {
field_select: 'new'

Restangular extendModel on new object

Restangular offers a feature, extendModel, which lets you add functionality onto objects returned from the server. Is there any way to get these methods added to an empty / new model, that hasn't yet been saved to the server?
I wanted to do the same thing but didn't find an example. Here's how I ended up doing it:
models.factory('User', function(Restangular) {
var route = 'users';
var init = {a:1, b:2}; // custom User properties
Restangular.extendModel(route, function(model) {
// User functions
model.myfunc = function() {...}
return model;
var User = Restangular.all(route);
User.create = function(obj) {
// init provides default values which will be overridden by obj
return Restangular.restangularizeElement(null, _.merge({}, init, obj), route);
return User;
Some things to be aware of:
Use a function like _.merge() instead of angular.extend() because it clones the init variable rather than simply assigning its properties.
There is a known issue with Restangular 1.x that causes the Element's bound data to not be updated when you modify its properties (see #367 and related). The workaround is to call restangularizeElement() again before calling save(). However this call will always set fromServer to false which causes a POST to be sent so I wrote a wrapper function that checks if id is non-null and sets fromServer to true.

How to fetch value from custom multifield component?

I have created a multifield custom widget having two fields with names ./urlLink and ./urlText.
Now i m trying to fetch the values from widget into the component's jsp with following code
String property = properties.get("./urlLink",String[].class);
for(String value: property ) {
But i am not able to get its value instead i m getting error.
If you're getting a property and it contains a string value, you need to use the method getString() - that way when you have the property, you can set the string to the value by doing something like this:
Property property = properties.get("./urlLink",String.class);
String value = property.getString();
Just a side note, if your return is supposed to be a string array, your type that you're putting the values in should be a string array.
String[] value
Check out the documentation on for Properties and getting the values inside them.
Looks like a typo: you don't prefix a property name with .\ when accessing it.
My guess is you got a NullPointerException, right? That's because there's no ./urlLink property in the value map (properties). You should check against that anyway (so that it's not thrown on a fresh page with no content).
If that doesn't help -- double check that you have the properties in the content (call your page with .xml or .infinite.json extensions, and then double check if you can read them as plain strings (you should be able to -- CRX does some magic, smart type conversions).
It's good to register custom xtype as :
// registering the custom widget with the name dualfield
CQ.Ext.reg("dualfield", CQ.Ext.form.DualField);
Then u can easily fetch the value as :
String[] data = properties.get("multi",String[].class);
Here multi is the name of widget having multifield as xtype