Rubymine: How do i make it so that when i type # in double quoted string, it auto fills #{} - rubymine

When i'm in a double quoted string
if i type #, I would like rubymine to autofill with #{cursor_here}
which would allow me to type first_name inside and then tab out of the brackets so i can quickly keep typing.
first_name = "Mark"
sentence = "Hi my name is #{first_name}"
How do i do this?

I figured it out.
Preferences | Editor | General | Smart Keys |
Under the Ruby section, check the box "Start ruby interpolation in strings on #.


Postgres Full-Text Search with Hyphen and Numerals

I have observed what seems to me an odd behavior of Postgres' to_tsvector function.
SELECT to_tsvector('english', 'abc-xyz');
'abc':2 'abc-xyz':1 'xyz':3
SELECT to_tsvector('english', 'abc-001');
'-001':2 'abc':1
Why not something like this?
'abc':2 'abc-001':1 '001':3
And what should I do to be able to search by the numeric portion alone, without the hyphen?
Seems the text search parser identifies the hyphen followed by digits to be the sign of a signed integer. Debug with ts_debug():
SELECT * FROM ts_debug('english', 'abc-001');
alias | description | token | dictionaries | dictionary | lexemes
asciiword | Word, all ASCII | abc | {simple} | simple | {abc}
int | Signed integer | -001 | {simple} | simple | {-001}
Other text search configurations (like 'simple' instead of 'english') won't help as the parser itself is "at fault" here (debatable).
A simple way around it (other than modifying the parser, which I never tried) would to pre-process strings and replace hyphens with m-dash (—) or just blanks to make sure those are identified as "Space symbols". (Actual signed integers lose their negative sign in the process.)
SELECT to_tsvector('english', translate('abc-001', '-', '—'))
## to_tsquery ('english', '001'); -- true now
db<>fiddle here
This can be circumvented with PG13's dict-int addon's absval option. See the official documentation.
But in case you're stuck with an earlier PG version, here's the generalized version of a "number or negative number" workaround in a query.
select regexp_replace($$'test' & '1':* & '2'$$::tsquery::text,
'''([.\d]+''(:\*)?)', '(''\1 | ''-\1)', 'g')::tsquery;
This results in:
'test' & ( '1':* | '-1':* ) & ( '2' | '-2' )
It replaces lexemes that look like positive numbers with "number or negative number" kind of subqueries.
The double cast ::tsquery::text is just there to show how you would pass a tsquery casted to text.
Note that it handles prefix matching numeric lexemes as well.

LotusScript - How to escape double quotes in the SELECT statement?

I have a multiple documents which are containing the field named organization.
Almost every second document contains double quotes in this field, for example: Medical Center "James Goodwin Corp." e.t.c
I have a search query with the name of some organization, which also contains quotes and trying to use this name in the search query to find all needed documents.
I have tryed many variants and each time I am getting the query syntax error about double quotes.
Can you please give some small example or some advise how to escape double quotes in the SELECT statement?
Thank you!
Yes, I am using Replace function like this:
searchValue = Replace(,{"},{|"|})
to change this double quotes to |"|.
And I am getting an error in my select query
Or maybe I am wrong in something?
Update #2:
My query looks like this:
query = {Form="Person" & #Contains(} & docByUi.fields(0) & {;"} & searchValue & {")}
I meaned that I am already using {} to create a part-to-part query.
You can use curly braces {} in your search statement. You don't need to escape double quotes inside braces.
Here is example of your search query:
Form = "Person" & #Contains(Level0; {Filia "Department of Y"})
In your lotus script you can use | symbol to make your string:
query$ = |Form="Person" & #Contains(| & docByUi.fields(0) & |; {| & searchValue & |})|
Instead of using double quotes, use the pipe character:
Select #Contains(Organization; |"|);
Is that what you are trying to do?

PostgreSQL tuple format

Is there any document describing the tuple format that PostgreSQL server adheres to? The official documentation appears arcane about this.
A single tuple seems simple enough to figure out, but when it comes to arrays of tuples, arrays of composite tuples, and finally nested arrays of composite tuples, it is impossible to be certain about the format simply by looking at the output.
I am asking this following my initial attempt at implementing pg-tuple, a parser that's still missing today, to be able to parse PostgreSQL tuples within Node.js
create type type_A as (
a int,
b text
with a simple text: (1,hello)
with a complex text: (1,"hello world!")
create type type_B as (
c type_A,
d type_A[]
simple-value array: {"(2,two)","(3,three)"}
for type_B[] we can get:
It gets even more complex for multi-dimensional arrays of composite types.
Since it feels like there is no specification at all, I have started working on reversing it. Not sure if it can be done fully though, because from some initial examples it is often unclear what formatting rules are applied.
As Nick posted, according to docs:
the whitespace will be ignored if the field type is integer, but not
if it is text.
The composite output routine will put double quotes around field
values if they are empty strings or contain parentheses, commas,
double quotes, backslashes, or white space.
Double quotes and backslashes embedded in field values will be
and now quoting Nick himself:
nested elements are converted to strings, and then quoted / escaped
like any other string
I give shorted example below, comfortably compared against its nested value:
a=# create table playground (t text, ta text[],f float,fa float[]);
a=# insert into playground select 'space here',array['','bs\'],8.0,array[null,8.1];
a=# insert into playground select 'no_space',array[null,'nospace'],9.0,array[9.1,8.0];
a=# select playground,* from playground;
playground | t | ta | f | fa
("space here","{"""",""bs\\\\""}",8,"{NULL,8.1}") | space here | {"","bs\\"} | 8 | {NULL,8.1}
(no_space,"{NULL,nospace}",9,"{9.1,8}") | no_space | {NULL,nospace} | 9 | {9.1,8}
(2 rows)
If you go for deeper nested quoting, look at:
a=# select nested,* from (select playground,* from playground) nested;
nested | playground | t | ta | f | fa
("(""space here"",""{"""""""",""""bs\\\\\\\\""""}"",8,""{NULL,8.1}"")","space here","{"""",""bs\\\\""}",8,"{NULL,8.1}") | ("space here","{"""",""bs\\\\""}",8,"{NULL,8.1}") | space here | {"","bs\\"} | 8 | {NULL,8.1}
("(no_space,""{NULL,nospace}"",9,""{9.1,8}"")",no_space,"{NULL,nospace}",9,"{9.1,8}") | (no_space,"{NULL,nospace}",9,"{9.1,8}") | no_space | {NULL,nospace} | 9 | {9.1,8}
(2 rows)
As you can see, the output again follows rules the above.
This way in short answers to your questions would be:
why array is normally presented inside double-quotes, while an empty array is suddenly an open value? (text representation of empty array does not contain comma or space or etc)
why a single " is suddenly presented as \""? (text representation of 'one\ two', according to rules above is "one\\ two", and text representation of the last is ""one\\\\two"" and it is just what you get)
why unicode-formatted text is changing the escaping for \? How can we tell the difference then? (According to docs,
PostgreSQL also accepts "escape" string constants, which are an
extension to the SQL standard. An escape string constant is specified
by writing the letter E (upper or lower case) just before the opening
single quote
), so it is not unicode text, but the the way you tell postgres that it should interpret escapes in text not as symbols, but as escapes. Eg E'\'' will be interpreted as ' and '\'' will make it wait for closing ' to be interpreted. In you example E'\\ text' the text represent of it will be "\\ text" - we add backslsh for backslash and take value in double quotes - all as described in online docs.
the way that { and } are escaped is not always clear (I could not anwer this question, because it was not clear itself)

How to drop quotation for TEXTs in pgAdmin?

For some reason my PgAdmin by default adds " " to any string.
for example:
select 'a'::citext as name
if I copy the contact from the column it gives "a".
I want it to give only a. without the " ". How can I set it ?
I'm using pgAdming 1.18.1
In the Preference panel, under the "Query tool -> Result grid" option, you can see several options.
The option: "Result copy quote character" has the default value double quote (")
You can change it to an empty string to obtain what you need.

Search text between symbol

I have this text (taken from concatenated field row)
Astronomic Event 2013/1434H - Aceh ....
How do We search it by 2013 or 1434h keywords?
I have tried below code but it resulting no row.
to_tsvector result:
'2013/1434h':8,12 'aceh':1 'bin.....
Sample Case:
WITH sample_table as
(SELECT to_tsvector('Astronomic Event 2013/1434H - Aceh') sample_content)
FROM sample_table, to_tsquery('2013') q
WHERE sample_content ## q
How do We search it by 2013 or 1434h keywords?
It seems like you want to replace:
to_tsquery('1434h') q
to_tsquery('1434h | 2013') q
Side note: the to_tsquery() syntax is extremely capricious. It doesn't allow for much if any fantasy, and many of the assumptions in Postgres are everything but end-user friendly.
More often than not, you'll be better off using plainto_tsquery(), which allows any amount of garbage to be thrown at it. Thus, consider pre-processing the string before issuing the query. For instance, you could split the string, and OR the original parts together:
where sc.text_index ## (plainto_tsquery('1434h') || plainto_tsquery('2013'))
Doing so will make your code a bit more complex, but it won't rely on your users needing to understand that (contrary to what they're accustomed to in Google) they should enter 'quick & brown & fox & jumps & lazy & dog' instead of plain 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog'.
Edit: I ended up actually trying your sample query, and it seems you're actually running into a parser issue:
# SELECT alias, description, token FROM ts_debug('Astronomic Event 2013/1434H - Aceh');
alias | description | token
asciiword | Word, all ASCII | Astronomic
blank | Space symbols |
asciiword | Word, all ASCII | Event
blank | Space symbols |
file | File or path name | 2013/1434H
blank | Space symbols |
blank | Space symbols | -
asciiword | Word, all ASCII | Aceh
(8 rows)
It looks like you might need to write (or find) and configure an app-specific parser. Having never done this personally, the best I can do is to highlight that Postgres allows this and includes a sample:
Alternatively, change your tsvector-related trigger so that it matches e.g. \d{4}/\d+[a-zA-Z] or whatever seems most appropriate, and adds spaces accordingly, before converting it to a tsvector. Something as simple as the following might do the trick if you never need to store file names:
SELECT alias, description, token
FROM ts_debug(replace('Astronomic Event 2013/1434H - Aceh', '/', ' / '));