LotusScript - How to escape double quotes in the SELECT statement? - select

I have a multiple documents which are containing the field named organization.
Almost every second document contains double quotes in this field, for example: Medical Center "James Goodwin Corp." e.t.c
I have a search query with the name of some organization, which also contains quotes and trying to use this name in the search query to find all needed documents.
I have tryed many variants and each time I am getting the query syntax error about double quotes.
Can you please give some small example or some advise how to escape double quotes in the SELECT statement?
Thank you!
Yes, I am using Replace function like this:
searchValue = Replace(docByUi.search(0),{"},{|"|})
to change this double quotes to |"|.
And I am getting an error in my select query
Or maybe I am wrong in something?
Update #2:
My query looks like this:
query = {Form="Person" & #Contains(} & docByUi.fields(0) & {;"} & searchValue & {")}
I meaned that I am already using {} to create a part-to-part query.

You can use curly braces {} in your search statement. You don't need to escape double quotes inside braces.
Here is example of your search query:
Form = "Person" & #Contains(Level0; {Filia "Department of Y"})
In your lotus script you can use | symbol to make your string:
query$ = |Form="Person" & #Contains(| & docByUi.fields(0) & |; {| & searchValue & |})|

Instead of using double quotes, use the pipe character:
Select #Contains(Organization; |"|);
Is that what you are trying to do?


Using camelCased columns in a postgresql where clause

I have a table with camelCased column names (which I now deeply regret). If I use double quotation marks around the column names as part of the SELECT clause, they work fine, e.g. SELECT "myCamelCasedColumn" FROM the_table;. If, however, I try doing the same in the WHERE clause, then I get an error.
For example, SELECT * FROM the_table WHERE "myCamelCasedColumn" = "hello"; gives me the error column "hello" does not exist.
How can I get around this? If I don't surround the column in double quotation marks then it will just complain that column mycamelcasedcolumn does not exist.
In SQL string literals are enclosed in single quotes, not double quotes.
FROM the_table
WHERE "myCamelCasedColumn" = 'hello';
See the manual for details:
The manual also explains why "myCamelCasedColumn" is something different in SQL than myCamelCasedColumn
In general you should stay away from quoted identifiers. They are much more trouble than they are worth it. If you never use double quotes everything is a lot easier.
The problem is you use double quote for strin literal "hello". Should be 'hello'. Double quotes is reserved for identifiers.

hstore value with single quote

I asked similar question here for: hstore value with space. And get solved by user: Clodoaldo Neto. Now I have come across next case with string containing single quote.
SELECT 'k=>"name", v=>"St. Xavier's Academy"'::hstore;
I tried it by using dollar-quoted string constant by reading http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/sql-syntax-lexical.html#SQL-SYNTAX-CONSTANTS
SELECT 'k=>"name", v=>$$St. Xavier's Academy$$'::hstore;
But I couldn't get it right.
How to make postgresql hstore using strings containing single quote?
It seems like there are more such exceptions possible for this query. How to address them all at once?
You can escape the embedded single quote that same way you'd escape any other single quote inside a string literal: double it.
SELECT 'k=>"name", v=>"St. Xavier''s Academy"'::hstore;
-- ------------------------------^^
Alternatively, you could dollar quote the whole string:
SELECT $$k=>"name", v=>"St. Xavier's Academy"$$::hstore;
Whatever interface you're using to talk to PostgreSQL should be taking care of these quoting and escaping issues. If you're using manual string wrangling to build your SQL then you should be using your driver's quoting and placeholder methods.
hstore's internal parsing understands double quotes around keys:
Double-quote keys and values that include whitespace, commas, =s or >s.
Dollar quoting is, as you noted, for SQL string literals, hstore's parser doesn't know what they mean.

How to update a record with literal percent literal (%) in PostgreSQL without saving it as "\%"

I need to update a record, which contains literal percent signs, using PostgreSQL in Railo. The query looks like
update foo set bar = 'string with % in it %'
It throws error as ColdFusion normally interprets it as a wildcard character. I can escape it using the following query.
update foo set bar = 'string with escaped \% in it \%'
However, the record now contains "\%" in the database and will be displayed on the page as "\%".
I found a documentation with an example of escaping percent sign in a SELECT. But it does not work for me: syntax error at or near "ESCAPE".
SELECT emp_discount
FROM Benefits
WHERE emp_discount LIKE '10\%'
Is there a better to achieve the same goal? The underlining database is PostgreSQL. Thanks!
Queryparameters escape special characters. Yet another reason to use them.

Escape character in JPQL

In JPQL what is escape character we can use to escape characters such as "'"?
Ex : I am doing something like
...where person.name='Andy'
Here it is working fine
but when the person's name is Andy's then the where clause becomes like
...where person.name='Andy's'
and it returns an error saying
It cannot figure out where string literal ends. Solution is nicely told in specification:
A string literal that includes a single quote is represented by two
single quotes—for example: ‘literal’’s’.
In your case means:
...where person.name='Andy''s'
Below is the sample code for executing query using named parameter.
Query query = entityManager.createQuery("SELECT p FROM Person p WHERE p.name LIKE :name" );
query.setParameter("name", personName);
Here, you can pass string to personName which may contain special character like "Andy's".
Also, it looks much clean & doesn't require to check parameter before query execution & altering the search string.

Use multiple words in FullText Search input string

I have basic stored procedure that performs a full text search against 3 columns in a table by passing in a #Keyword parameter. It works fine with one word but falls over when I try pass in more than one word. I'm not sure why. The error says:
Syntax error near 'search item' in the full-text search condition 'this is a search item'
SELECT S.[SeriesID],
S.[Name] as 'SeriesName',
FROM [Series] S
INNER JOIN [PackageSeries] PS ON S.[SeriesID] = PS.[PackageID]
INNER JOIN [Package] P ON PS.[PackageID] = P.[PackageID]
WHERE CONTAINS ((S.[Name],S.[Description], S.[Keywords]),#Keywords)
AND (S.[IsActive] = 1) AND (P.[IsActive] = 1)
You will have to do some pre-processing on your #Keyword parameter before passing it into the SQL statement. SQL expects that keyword searches will be separated by boolean logic or surrounded in quotes. So, if you are searching for the phrase, it will have to be in quotes:
SET #Keyword = '"this is a search item"'
If you want to search for all the words then you'll need something like
SET #Keyword = '"this" AND "is" AND "a" AND "search" AND "item"'
For more information, see the T-SQL CONTAINS syntax, looking in particular at the Examples section.
As an additional note, be sure to replace the double-quote character (with a space) so you don't mess up your full-text query. See this question for details on how to do that: SQL Server Full Text Search Escape Characters?
Further to Aaron's answer, provided you are using SQL Server 2016 or greater (130), you could use the in-built string fuctions to pre-process your input string. E.g.
#QueryString = ISNULL(STRING_AGG('"' + value + '*"', ' AND '), '""')
STRING_SPLIT(#Keywords, ' ');
Which will produce a query string you can pass to CONTAINS or FREETEXT that looks like this:
'"this*" AND "is*" AND "a*" AND "search*" AND "item*"'
or, when #Keywords is null: