Is this function handle too long for MATLAB to integrate? - matlab

I have written the following code in order to try to plot the following integral against values of r, but MATLAB gives me an error -- is fun too long? am I going wrong somewhere else?
figure(1); %f_1
r = 0:0.001:50;
q = zeros(1, size(r));
for m = 1:numel(r)
fun = #(t) ((-3*(r(m).^3)*sin(3*t) + 2*(r(m)^2)*cos(2*t) + 7*r(m)*cos(t) -2*sin(t))*(-6*(r(m)^3)*sin(3*t) + 2*(r(m)^3)*cos(3*t) - 3*(r(m)^4)*cos(4*t) - 2*(r(m)^3)*sin(3*t) + 2*(r(m)^2)*cos(2*t) + 7*(r(m)^2)*sin(2*t))) - ((3*(r(m).^3).*cos(3*t) + 2*(r(m).^2).*sin(2*t) + 7*r(m).*sin(t) - 2*r(m).*cos(t))*(-6*(r(m).^3).*cos(3*t) + 2*(r(m).^3).*sin(3*t) + 3*(r(m).^4).*sin(4*t) - 2* (r(m).^3).*cos(3*t) - 2*(r(m).^2).*sin(2*t) + 7*(r(m).^2).*cos(2*t)))./((-3*(r(m).^3).*sin(3.*t) + 2*(r(m).^2)*cos(2.*t) + 7*r(m).*cos(t) - 2*sin(t)).^2 + (3*(r(m).^3).*cos(3*t) + 2*(r(m).^2).*sin(2*t) + 7*r(m).*sin(t) - 2*r(m).*cos(t)).^2);
q(m) = quad(fun, 0, 2*pi);
The error I get is
Error using * Inner matrix dimensions must agree.
Error in #(t)......
Error in quad (line 76) y = f(x, varargin{:});

I'll show you a way you may proceed, based on a retained r and fun (I did not pick all the terms of the native function):
r = 0:0.1:50;
q = zeros(size(r));
for ii = 1:numel(r)
fun = #(t) (-3.*(r(ii).^3).*sin(3.*t) + 2.*(r(ii).^2).*cos(2.*t) + 7.*r(ii).*cos(t) -2.*sin(t));
q(ii) = quad(fun,0,2.*pi);
Since your r is quite huge (50001 elements if I remember right), I'd go for parfor insted of simple for loop, too.
As alternative solution, you could achieve the same results without any anonymous function, by following this way:
r = 0:.01:50;
fun1 = zeros(size(r));
t = 0:.001:(2*pi);
for ii = 1:numel(r)
fun1(ii) = trapz(t,(-3.*(r(ii).^3).*sin(3.*t) + 2.*(r(ii).^2).*cos(2.*t) + 7.*r(ii).*cos(t) -2.*sin(t)));


Solving optimal control problems, ode45 vs fmincon

Good afternoon!
First things first, I looked for similar questions for a while, but (probably because of my inexperience) I've found nothing similar to what I'm going to ask.
I'm using matlab for the first time to solve this kind of problems, so I'm not sure of what to do. A brief explenation:
I'm doing a project for my Optimal Control course: I have to replicate the results of a paper about employment, and I'm stuck with the plots. I have the following data:
five variable functions (U(t), T(t), R(t), V1(t) and V2(t))
four control functions(u1(t), u2(t), u3(t), u4(t))
constraints on the control variables (each u must be between 0 and 1)
initial values for U, T, R, V1 and V2 (in t=0, in particular V1 and V2 are constant over time)
final values for the λ coefficients in the hamiltonian
(note: for the controls, I've already found the optimal expression, which is in this form: ui = min{1, max{0,"expression"}}. If needed, I can give also the four expressions, neglected to
synthesize a little)
Under professor's suggestions, I've tried to use fmincon, that theoretically should give me directly the information that I need to plot some result using only the cost function of the problem. But in this case I have some issues involving time in the calculations. Below, the code that I used for fmincon:
syms u
%note: u(5) corresponds to U(t), but this is the only way I've found to get
%a result, the other u(i) are in ascending order (u(1) = u1 and so on...)
g = #(u) 30*u(5) + (20/2)*(u(1))^2 + (20/2)*(u(2))^2 + (10/2)*(u(3))^2 + (40/2)*(u(4))^2;
%initial guesses
u0 = [0 0 0 0 100000]; %
A = [];
b = [];
Aeq = [];
beq = [];
lb = 0.0 * ones(1,2,3,4);
ub = 1.0 * ones(1,2,3,4);
[x,fval,output,lambda] = fmincon(g, u0, A, b, Aeq, beq, lb, ub);
Whit this code, i get (obviously) only one value for each variable as result, and since I've not found any method to involve time, as I said before, I start looking for other solving strategies.
I found that ode45 is a differential equation solver that has the "time iteration" already included in the algorithm, so I tried to write the code to get it work with my problem.
I took all the equations from the paper and put them in a vector as shown in the mathworks examples, and this is my matlab file:
syms u1(t) u2(t) u3(t) u4(t)
syms U(t) T(t) R(t) V1(t) V2(t)
syms lambda_u lambda_t lambda_r lambda_v1 lambda_v2
%all the parameters provided by the paper
delta = 500;
alpha1 = 0.004;
alpha2 = 0.005;
alpha3 = 0.006;
gamma1 = 0.001;
gamma2 = 0.002;
phi1 = 0.22;
phi2 = 0.20;
delta1 = 0.09;
delta2 = 0.05;
k1 = 0.000003;
k2 = 0.000002;
k3 = 0.0000045;
%these two variable are set constant
V1 = 200;
V2 = 100;
%weight values for the cost function (only A1 is used in this case, but I left them all since the unused ones are irrelevant)
A1 = 30;
A2 = 20;
A3 = 20;
A4 = 10;
A5 = 40;
%ordering the unknowns in an array
x = [U T R u1 u2 u3 u4];
%initial conditions, ordered as the x vector (for the ui are guesses)
y0 = [100000 2000 1000 0 0 0 0];
%system set up
f = #(t,x) [delta - (1 + x(4))*k1*x(1)*V1 - (1 + x(5))*k2*x(1)*V2 - alpha1*x(1) + gamma1*x(2) + gamma2*x(3);...
(1 + x(4))*k1*x(1)*V1 - k3*x(2)*V2 - alpha2*x(2) - gamma1*x(2);...
(1 + x(5))*k2*x(1)*V2 - alpha3*x(3) - gamma2*x(3) + k3*x(2)*V2;...
alpha2*x(2) + gamma1*x(2) + (1 + x(6))*phi1*x(1) + k3*x(2)*V2 - delta1*V1;...
alpha3*x(3) + gamma2*x(3) + (1 + x(7))*phi2*x(1) - delta2*V2;...
-A1 + (1 + x(4))*k1*V1*(lambda_u - lambda_t) + (1 + x(5))*k2*V2*(lambda_u - lambda_r) + lambda_u*alpha1 - lambda_v1*(1 + x(6))*phi1 - lambda_v2*(1 + x(7))*phi2;...
-lambda_u*gamma1 + (alpha2 + gamma1)*(lambda_t - lambda_v1) + k3*V2*(lambda_t - lambda_r - lambda_v1);...
-lambda_u*gamma2 + (alpha3 + gamma2)*(lambda_r - lambda_v2);...
(1 + x(4))*k1*x(1)*(lambda_u - lambda_t) + lambda_v1*delta1;...
(1 + x(5))*k2*x(1)*(lambda_u -lambda_r) + k3*x(2)*(lambda_t - lambda_r - lambda_v1) + lambda_v2*delta2];
%using ode45 to solve over the chosen time interval
[t,xa] = ode45(f,[0 10],y0);
With this code, I get the following error:
Error using odearguments (line 95)
returns a vector of length 10, but the length of initial conditions vector is 7. The vector returned by
and the initial conditions vector must have the same number of elements.
Error in ode45 (line 115)
odearguments(FcnHandlesUsed, solver_name, ode, tspan, y0, options, varargin);
Error in test (line 62)
[t,xa] = ode45(f,[0 10],y0);
For which I can't find a solution, since I have used all the initial values given in the paper. The only values that I have left are the final values for the lambda coefficients, since they are final values, and I am not sure if they can be used.
In this case, I can't also understand where I should put the bounds on the control variable.
For completeness, I will provide also the link to the paper in question:
Can you help me figure out what I can do to solve my problems?
P.S: I know this is a pretty bad code, but I'm basing on the basics tutorials on mathworks; for sure this should need to be refactored and ordered in various file (one for the cost function and one for the constraints for example) but firstly I would like to understand where the problem is and then I will put all in a pretty form.
Thank you so much!
Generally you confused something with Vectors. In initial conditions you declared 7 values:
%initial conditions, ordered as the x vector (for the ui are guesses)
y0 = [100000 2000 1000 0 0 0 0];
But you declared 10 ODE's:
%system set up
f = #(t,x) [delta - (1 + x(4))*k1*x(1)*V1 - (1 + x(5))*k2*x(1)*V2 - alpha1*x(1) + gamma1*x(2) + gamma2*x(3);...
(1 + x(4))*k1*x(1)*V1 - k3*x(2)*V2 - alpha2*x(2) - gamma1*x(2);...
(1 + x(5))*k2*x(1)*V2 - alpha3*x(3) - gamma2*x(3) + k3*x(2)*V2;...
alpha2*x(2) + gamma1*x(2) + (1 + x(6))*phi1*x(1) + k3*x(2)*V2 - delta1*V1;...
alpha3*x(3) + gamma2*x(3) + (1 + x(7))*phi2*x(1) - delta2*V2;...
-A1 + (1 + x(4))*k1*V1*(lambda_u - lambda_t) + (1 + x(5))*k2*V2*(lambda_u - lambda_r) + lambda_u*alpha1 - lambda_v1*(1 + x(6))*phi1 - lambda_v2*(1 + x(7))*phi2;...
-lambda_u*gamma1 + (alpha2 + gamma1)*(lambda_t - lambda_v1) + k3*V2*(lambda_t - lambda_r - lambda_v1);...
-lambda_u*gamma2 + (alpha3 + gamma2)*(lambda_r - lambda_v2);...
(1 + x(4))*k1*x(1)*(lambda_u - lambda_t) + lambda_v1*delta1;...
(1 + x(5))*k2*x(1)*(lambda_u -lambda_r) + k3*x(2)*(lambda_t - lambda_r - lambda_v1) + lambda_v2*delta2];
Every line in above code is recognized as one ODE.
But that's not all. The second problem is with your construction. You mixed symbolic math (lambda declared as syms) with numerical solving, which will be tricky. I'm not familiar with the exact scientific problem you are trying to solve, but if you can't avoid symbolic math, maybe you should try dsolve from Symbolic Math Toolbox?

MATLAB : Simpson's 1/3 Rule

I've created a code for the Simpson's rule but I think I got the function wrong. I have no other sources to refer to (or they're too difficult to be understood). Here is my code:
function s = simpson(f_str, a, b, h)
f = inline(f_str);
n = (b-a)/h;
x = a + [1:n-1]*h;
xi = a + [1:n]*h;
s = h/3 * (f(a) + f(b) + 2*sum(f(x)) + 4*sum(f(xi)));
Can anybody help see where is the wrong part?
Assuming that the h in your function is the step size:
function s = simpson(f_str, a, b, h)
% The sample vector will be
xi = a:h:b;
f = inline(f_str);
% the function at the endpoints
fa = f(xi(1));
fb = f(xi(end));
% the even terms.. i.e. f(x2), f(x4), ...
feven = f(xi(3:2:end-2));
% similarly the odd terms.. i.e. f(x1), f(x3), ...
fodd = f(xi(2:2:end));
% Bringing everything together
s = h / 3 * (fa + 2 * sum(feven) + 4 * sum(fodd) + fb);

ODE solver using Lobatto IIIA with table of coefficients

So I'm trying to figure out how to solve a given equation y'=-y+2te^(-t+2) for t in [0,10], step of 0.01 and y(0)=0.
I am supposed to solve it using the Lobatto IIIA method following a Butcher tableau:
Coefficients table
So far, this is what I got:
function lob = Lobatto_solver()
h = 0.01;
t = 0:h:10;
y = zeros(size(t));
y(1) = 0;
f = #(t,y) -y + (2*t*(exp(-t+2)));
% Lobatto IIIA Method
for i=1:numel(y)-1
f1 = f(t(i), y(i));
f2 = f(t(i)+(1/2)*h, y(i) + (5/24)*h*f1 + (1/3)*h*f2 + (-1/24)*h*f3);
f3 = f(t(i)+h, y(i) + (1/6)*h*f1 + (2/3)*h*f2 + (1/6)*h*f3);
y(x) = y(i) + h*((-1/2)*f1 + (2)*f2 + (-1/2)*f3);
It obviously makes no sense from the point when I equal f2 to itself, when the variable is still undefined.
Any help would be much appreciated :)
You will need a predictor-corrector loop, in the simple case the corrector uses the slope-equations as basis of a fixed-point iteration. In the code below I use also the value of an explicit Euler step, in principle you could initialize all slopes with f1.
function lob = Lobatto_solver()
h = 0.01;
t = 0:h:10;
y = zeros(size(t));
y(1) = 0;
f = #(t,y) -y + (2*t*(exp(-t+2)));
% Lobatto IIIA Method
for i=1:numel(y)-1
f1 = f(t(i), y(i));
f3 = f(t(i)+h, y(i)+h*f1)
f2 = (f1+f3)/2;
for k=1:3
f2 = f(t(i)+(1/2)*h, y(i) + (5/24)*h*f1 + (1/3)*h*f2 + (-1/24)*h*f3);
f3 = f(t(i)+h, y(i) + (1/6)*h*f1 + (2/3)*h*f2 + (1/6)*h*f3);
y(i+1) = y(i) + h*((-1/2)*f1 + (2)*f2 + (-1/2)*f3);
The graph shows that the result (blue) is qualitatively correct, the exact solution curve (green) is shifted so that two distinct curves can be seen.

fminsearch error: DOUBLE cannot convert the input expression into a double array

I am encountering a problem during an optimization exercise. I am trying to use fminsearch() in matlab to solve it. The following error is generated when the code is run:
The following error occurred converting from sym to double: Error
using symengine (line 59) DOUBLE cannot convert the input expression
into a double array. If the input expression contains a symbolic
variable, use VPA.
Error in fminsearch (line 190) fv(:,1) = funfcn(x,varargin{:});
Error in Optimization (line 22) sol2 = fminsearch(J, x0);
The script I use can be seen below. The f is the minimization problem where g1 & g2 are constraints. The p is there so that I can turn it into for loop later.
syms x1 x2 x3 x4;
syms p;
f = x1.^4 - x3.^2 + x1*x3 + x2*x4 - 5*x2 + 3;
g1 = x1.^2 + x2.^2 + x3.^2 + x4.^2 - 1;
g2 = x1 + x3 - 1;
x0 = [2 2 2 2];
p = 3;
J = #(x1,x2,x3,x4) sym(f + p * g1.^2 + g2.^2);
sol2 = fminsearch(J, x0);
This Stackoverflowpost has the same problem but in another perspective.According to this post it might be a problem with allocating the in a valid way. I tried a few different ways to solve my problem. I have tried matlabFunction() and putting the function in a seperate file.
If the input expression contains a symbolic variable, use the VPA function instead?
Thanks in advance for the help.
fminsearch is designed for numerical minimization. There is little point in using symbolic math in this case (it can be used, but it will be slower, complicate your code, and the results will still be in double precison). Second, if you read the documentation and look at the examples for fminsearch, you'll see that it requires a function that takes a single vector input (as opposed to four scalars in your case). Here's how you could rewrite your equations using anonymous functions:
f = #(x)x(1).^4 - x(3).^2 + x(1).*x(3) + x(2).*x(4) - 5*x(2) + 3;
g1 = #(x)x(1).^2 + x(2).^2 + x(3).^2 + x(4).^2 - 1;
g2 = #(x)x(1) + x(3) - 1;
x0 = [2 2 2 2];
p = 3;
J = #(x)f(x) + p*g1(x).^2 + g2(x).^2;
sol2 = fminsearch(J, x0)
this returns
sol2 =
0.149070165097281 1.101372214292880 0.326920462283209 -0.231885482601008
Using symbolic math and subs:
syms x1 x2 x3 x4;
f = x1^4 - x3^2 + x1*x3 + x2*x4 - 5*x2 + 3;
g1 = x1^2 + x2^2 + x3^2 + x4^2 - 1;
g2 = x1 + x3 - 1;
x0 = [2 2 2 2];
p = sym(3);
J = #(X)subs(f + p*g1^2 + g2^2,[x1 x2 x3 x4],X);
sol2 = fminsearch(J, x0)
which returns identical results.

Matrix indexing error in MATLAB

I keep getting this error in Matlab:
Attempted to access r(0,0); index must be a positive integer or
Error in ==> Romberg at 15
I ran it with Romberg(1.3, 2.19,8)
I think the problem is the statement is not logical because I made it positive and still got the same error. Anyone got some ideas of what i could do?
function Romberg(a, b, n)
h = b - a;
r = zeros(n,n);
for i = 1:n
h = h/2;
sum1 = 0;
for k = 1:2:2^(i)
sum1 = sum1 + f(a + k*h);
r(i,0) = (1/2)*r(i-1,0) + (sum1)*h;
for j = 1:i
r(i,j) = r(i,j-1) + (r(i,j-1) - r(i-1,j-1))/((4^j) - 1);
function f_of_x = f(x)
f_of_x = sin(x)/x;
There are two lines where you're using 0 to index, which you can't in Matlab:
r(i,0) = (1/2)*r(i-1,0) + (sum1)*h;
r(i,j) = r(i,j-1) + (r(i,j-1) - r(i-1,j-1))/((4^j) - 1);
when j==1 or i==1.
I suggest that you run your loops starting from 2, and replace the exponents i and j with (i-1) and (j-1), respectively.
As an aside: You could write the loop
for k = 1:2:2^(i)
sum1 = sum1 + f(a + k*h);
k = 1:2:2^i;
tmp = f(a + k*h);
sum1 = sum(tmp);
if you write f_of_x as
In MATLAB, vectors and matrices are indexed starting from 1. Therefore, the very first line of your code is invalid because the index on r is 0.
You have zero subscripts in
r(i,0) = (1/2)*r(i-1,0) + (sum1)*h;
This is impossible in MATLAB -- all indices start form 1.