monitor and mutex synchronization in c - mutex

I will implement merge sort using mutexes and monitors in C but I couldn't find a good source. How can I implement mutex and monitor in C.
I am using Linux(Ubuntu).

Inter process communication (IPC) is supported by operation system. In linux you are given pthread library and System V semaphores.
Unless you say what operating system you use, there is not much more help you can get.


The reason(s)/benefit(s) to use realtime operating system instead of while-loop on MCU

I'm working on a wheeled-robot platform. My team is implementing some algorithms on MCU to
keep getting sensors reading (sonar array, IR array, motor encoders, IMU)
receive user command (via a serial port connected to a tablet)
control actuators (motors) to execute user commands.
keep sending sensor readings to the tablet for more complicated algorithms.
We currently implement everything inside a global while-loop, while I know most of the other use-cases do the very same things with a real-time operating system.
Please tell me the benefits and reasons to use a real-time os instead of a simple while-loop.
The RTOS will provide priority based preemption. If your code is off parsing a serial command and executing it, it can't respond to anything else until it returns to your beastly loop. An RTOS will provide the abstractions needed for an instant context switch based on an interrupt event. Otherwise the worst-case latency of an event response is going to be that of the longest possible excursion out of the main loop, and sometimes you really do need long-running processes. Such as, for example, to update an LCD panel or respond to USB device enumeration. Preemption permits you to go off and do these things safe in the knowledge that a 16-bit timer running at the CPU clock isn't going to roll over several times before it's done. While for simple control jobs a loop is sufficient, the problem starting with it is when you get into something like USB device enumeration it's no longer practical and will need a full rewrite. By starting with a preemptive framework like an RTOS provides, you have a lot more future flexibility. But there's definitely a bit more up-front work, and definitely a learning curve.
"Real Time" OS ensures your task periodicity. If you want to read sensors data precisely at every 100msec, simple while loop will not guarantee that. On other hand, RTOS can easily take care of that.
RTOS gives you predictibility. An operation will be executed at given time and it will not be missed.
RTOS gives you Semaphores/Mutex so that your memory will not be corrupted or multiple sources will not access buffers.
RTOS provides message queues which can be useful for communication between tasks.
Yes, you can implement all these features in While loop, but then that's the advantage! You get everything ready and tested.
If your while loop works (i.e. it fulfills the real-time requirements of your system), and it's robust, maintainable, and somewhat extensible, then there probably is no benefit to using a real-time operating system.
But if your while-loop can't fulfill the real-time requirements or is overly complex or over-extended (i.e., any change requires further tuning and tweaking to restore real-time performance), then you should consider another architecture.
An RTOS architecture is one popular next step beyond the super-loop. An RTOS is basically a tool for managing software complexity. It allows you to divide a complex set of software requirements into multiple threads of execution. When done properly, each individual thread has a relatively simple set of requirements and becomes easier to implement. And thread prioritization can make it easier to fulfill the real-time requirements of the application. These are basically the benefits of employing an RTOS.
An RTOS is not a panacea, however. An RTOS increases the overall system complexity and opens you up to new types of bugs (such as deadlocks). It requires knowledge and experience to design and implement an RTOS based program effectively. Consider alternatives such as Multi-Rate Main Loop Tasking or an event-based state machine architecture (such as QP). These alternatives might be simpler, easier to understand, or more compatible with your way of designing software.
There are a couple huge advantage that a RTOS multitasker has:
Very good I/O performance: an RTOS can set a waiting thread ready as soon as an I/O action that it requested has completed, so latency in handling reads/writes/whatever can be low. A looped, polled design cannot respond to I/O completions until it gets round to checking the I/O status, (either directly or my polling some volatile flag set by an interrupt-handler).
Indpendent functionality: The ease of implementing isolated subsystems for serial comms, actuators etc. may well be one for you, as suggested in the other answers. It's very reassuring to know that any extra delay in, say some serial exchange, will not adversely affect timing elsewhere. You need to wait a second? No problem: sleep(1000) and you're done - no effect on the other subsystems:) It's the difference between 'no, I cannot add a network server, it would change all the timing and I would have to retest everything' and 'sure, there's plenty of CPU free, I already have the code from another job and I just need another thread to run it'.
There ae other advanatges that help offset the added annoyance of having to program a preemptive multitasker with its critical sections, semaphores and condvars.
Obviously, if your hardware has multiple cores, the RTOS helps - it is designed to share out available CPU execution cycles just like any other resource, and adding cores means more cycles.
In the end, though, it's the I/O performance and functional isolation that's the big win.
Some of the suggestions in other answers may help, either instead of, or together with, an RTOS. When controlling multiple I/O hardware, eg. sensors and actuators, an event-driven state-machine is a very good idea indeed. I often implement that by queueing all events into one thread, (producer-consumer queue), that has sole access to the state data and implements the state-machine, so serializing actions.
Whether the advantages are worth the candle is between you and your requirements:)
RTOS is not instead of while loop - it is while loop + tools which organize your tasks. How do they organize your tasks? Assign priorities to them, decide how much time each one have for a job and/or at what time it should start/end. RTOS also layers your software, i.e harwdare related stuff, application tasks, etc. Aside of that gives you data structures, containers, ready to use interfaces to handle common tasks so you don't have to implement your own i.e allocate some memory for you, lock access for some resources and so on.

Which kind of inter process communication (ipc) mechanism should I use at which moment?

I know that there are several methods of inter-process communication (ipc), like:
Message Queue
Named pipe
Shared memory
Message passing
Memory-mapped file
However I was unable to find a list or a paper comparing these mechanism to each other and pointing out the benefits of them in different environemnts.
E.g I know that if I use a file which gets written by process A and process B reads it out it will work on any OS and is pretty robust, on the other hand - why shouldn't I use TCP Socket ? Has anyone a kind of overview in which cases which methods are the most suitable ?
Long story short:
Use lock files, mutexes, semaphores and barriers when processes compete for a scarce resource. They operate in a similar manner: several process try to acquire a synchronisation primitive, some of them acquire it, others are put in sleeping state until the primitive is available again. Use semaphores to limit the amount of processes working with a resource. Use a mutex to limit the amount to 1.
You can partially avoid using synchronisation primitives by using non-blocking thread-safe data structures.
Use signals, queues, pipes, events, messages, unix sockets when processes need to exchange data. Signals and events are usually used for notifying a process of something (for instance, ctrl+c in unix terminal sends a SIGINT signal to a process). Pipes, shared memory and unix sockets are for transmitting data.
Use sockets for networking (or, speaking formally, for exchanging data between processes located on different machines).
Long story long: take a look at Modern Operating Systems book by Tanenbaum & Bos, namely IPC chapter. The topic is vast and can't be completely covered within a list or a paper.

What's the best way to handle incoming messages?

I'm writing a server for an online game, that should be able to handle 1,000-2,000 clients in the end. The 3 ways I found to do this were basically:
1 thread/connection (blocking)
Making a list of clients, and loop through them (non-blocking)
Select (Basically a blocking statement for all clients at once with optional timeout?)
In the past I've used 1, but as we all know, it doesn't scale well. 2 is okay, but I have mixed feelings, about one client technically being able to make everyone else freeze. 3 sounds interesting (a bit better than 2), but I've heard it's not suitable for too many connections.
So, what would be the best way to do it (in D)? Are there other options?
The usual approach is closest to 3: asynchronous programming with a higher-performance select alternative, such as the poll or epoll system calls on Linux, IOCP on Windows, or higher-level libraries wrapping them. D does not support them directly, but you can find D bindings or 3rd-party D libraries (e.g. Tango) providing support for them.
Higher-performance servers (e.g. nginx) use one thread/process per CPU core, and use asynchronous event handling within that thread/process.
One option to consider is to have a single thread that runs the select/pole/epoll but not process the results. Rather it queues up connections known to have results and lets a thread pool feed from that. If checking that a full request has been read in is cheap, you might do that in the poll thread with non-blocking IO and only queue up full requests.
I don't know if D provides any support for any of that aside from (possibly) the inter-thread communication and queuing.

Windows message pump

This is just a technical question to improve my understanding of OS architecture.
I understand when the Application.Run() method is executed, a new form with its message pump is created. From MSDN and other online articles, I understand its thread safe nature and even understand that the Windows OS components like HAL layer, core OS services and applications on the top of the hierarchy all communicate between one another using messaging too.
Is this custom only to Windows or does this happen in the Linux environment too?
Can this be thought of as a semaphore? Or does the definition and context of a semaphore only make sense in a multi-threaded environment?
Please advice.
There are many ways how processes can communicate, together called IPC - inter-process communication. From historical reasons, in UNIX-like systems use other mechanisms for communicating between processes than the message loop. UNIX processes are usually communicating through pipes (one can think about them as temporary files which can be only written in one process and read in another one), signals (code preempting the actual execution of some process) or process return values (similar to function returning). There are many other ways how to communicate (sockets, shared memory, files) but these are the most usual.
As for the semaphores: I am not sure how should these be related to message passing, semaphores objects designed for allowing programmers to create critical sections of code. Because in UNIX can be semaphore shared even between different processes (not only different threads in one process), they make sense in any multi-process OS (which is almost every today's OS), even with no threading support.
Well, semaphores can be used even with fibrils - userspace threads which are not preempted by exhausting their time quantum, as threads do, but which yield control to another fibril manually (for example when the fibril is about to begin a long blocking operation such as reading data from harddisk, it may request the data and instead of blocking switch to another fibril which wants CPU).
Unix systems have the message queues:
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/ipc.h>
#include <sys/msg.h>
int msgsnd(int msqid, const void *msgp, size_t msgsz, int msgflg);
ssize_t msgrcv(int msqid, void *msgp, size_t msgsz, long msgtyp, int msgflg);
which are much less used than Windows messages but operate in a very similar fashion. Also a very similar concept, the Go language nicely implements the CSV (communicating sequential processes), which is an excellent multitasking paradigm, because does not suffer from exponential complexity growth. I would recommend Unix system programmers to use message queues more.
Windows messages are also somewhat similar to Unix signals, but Unix signals (usually) don't have arguments, are very limited in number (often only 32, compared to thousands of Windows messages) and the signal handlers have to execute in a weird suspended environment, which makes them much less practical. Nonetheless, signals are much more popular in Unix programming than message queues.
Regarding semaphores
Rather than using semaphores (which have an attached counter), you should first try to use mutexes, which are more lightweight and usable for synchronizing threads inside the same process.

How does _mm_mwait work?

How does _mm_mwait from pmmintrin.h work? (I mean not the asm for it, but action and how this action is taken in NUMA systems. The store monitoring is easy to implement only on bus-based SMP systems with snooping of bus.)
What processors does implement it?
Is it used in some spinlocks?
Every time a CPU on a multicore chip tries to write a specific memory address, all other CPUs, which have this particular memory address in their caches, have to be notified of that change. This notification could be used to implement the wakeup from MWAIT on modern CPUs independent of them having a single or separate memory busses.
What processors does implement it?
MWAIT is part of SSE3.
Is it used in some spinlocks?
This is contrary to the definition of a spinlock - the CPU is not busy.