Facebook realtime.. How are different objects batched together - facebook

Facebook realtime docs specify that the callback data is of the following format
"object": "user",
"entry": [
"uid": 1335845740,
"changed_fields": [
"time": 232323
}, {
"uid": 1234,
"changed_fields": [
"time": 232325
If two different objects, say 'user' and 'page' are to be sent back, does facebook
Batch them together?
Send them separately?

Different objects are sent in different requests. But if there are many user requests then it will batch those user requests and send it. And also you can have different end points for user and page. The format of page request is also different.
It looks something like this
"object": "page",
"entry": [
"id": "408518775908252",
"time": 1360643280,
"changes": [
"field": "feed",
"value": {
"item": "like",
"verb": "add",
"user_id": 5900878


How to properly pass the session_id to GA4 via Measurement protocol

GA4 purchase events are sent from client server via measurement protocol. But there is no session_id parameter in the queries, because of that source and medium is lost. We tried to pass the session_id parameter in MP request, but no data were received.
Example of submitted request:
"timestamp_micros": "1664522406546590",
"non_personalized_ads": false,
"events": [
"name": "purchase_balance_top_up",
"params": {
"user_id": "11111111",
"crm_id": "11111111",
"balance": 990,
"payment_method": "paymore"
"client_id": "1119492379.1652295143",
"session_id": "1664522264",
"user_id": "11111111"
Attaching a screenshot of the raw data from BigQuery on events sent by MP.
Screenshot of the raw data from BigQuery
Help, how to properly pass the session_id? Or how to make sure that events don't lose source param?
We found a solution to the problem. It's simple. The parameter "session_id" must be passed inside the array "params" of the event.
Here is an example of the correct event data array to be sent via measurement protocol:
"timestamp_micros": "1664522406546590",
"non_personalized_ads": false,
"events": [
"name": "purchase_balance_top_up",
"params": {
"user_id": "11111111",
"crm_id": "11111111",
"balance": 990,
"payment_method": "paymore",
"session_id": "1664522264"
"client_id": "1119492379.1652295143",
"user_id": "11111111"
Actually we are sending purchase events similarly with such request:
"client_id": "xxx.xxx",
"user_id" : "xxxx",
"non_personalized_ads": false,
"user_properties": {
"user_id_dimension": {
"value": "xxxx"
"events": [{
"name": "purchase",
"params": {
"currency": "USD",
"transaction_id": "T_12345",
"value": 12.21,
"engagement_time_msec": 10,
"session_id": "XXXXXXXXXX",
"items": [
"item_name": "Top-up"
but we are not sending timestamp_micros. And we send 'user_id_dimension' as user property with the same value as 'user_id' parameter to observe user id further in Exploration reports. We've created user-scoped custom dimension in GA4 interface with dimension name User ID and this user property 'user_id_dimension'. Everything works

How to delete user by email id using azure SCIM api in databricks?

I need to know if there is a way to delete a user from databricks using email only using SCIM api? As of now I can see it can only delete user by ID which means I need to first retrive the ID of the user and then use it to delete.
I am using this api from powershell to delete users by email.
If you look into the documentation for Get Users command of SCIM Users REST API, you can see that you can specify the filtering condition for it. For example, to find specific user, you can filter on the userName attribute, like this:
GET /api/2.0/preview/scim/v2/Users?filter=userName+eq+example#databricks.com HTTP/1.1
Host: <databricks-instance>
Accept: application/scim+json
Authorization: Bearer dapi48…a6138b
it will return a list of items in the Resources section, from which you can extract user ID that you can use for delete operation:
"totalResults": 1,
"startIndex": 1,
"itemsPerPage": 1,
"schemas": [
"Resources": [
"id": "8679504224234906",
"userName": "example#databricks.com",
"emails": [
"type": "work",
"value": "example#databricks.com",
"primary": true
"entitlements": [
"value": "allow-cluster-create"
"value": "databricks-sql-access"
"value": "workspace-access"
"displayName": "User 1",
"name": {
"familyName": "User",
"givenName": "1"
"externalId": "12413",
"active": true,
"groups": [
"display": "123",
"type": "direct",
"value": "13223",
"$ref": "Groups/13223"

Why I do not receive the attachments in the Facebook Messenger webhook request?

Since yesterday (29/10/2020) i'm having this problem only on one of the pages linked to my app, the others work correctly:
The attached messages that the webhook receives from Facebook do not contain the attachment field.
Only messages with stickers contain the "attachment" field. All others (image, video, audio etc.) No.
What I expect (as facebook documentation) is:
"id": "682498302938465",
"time": 1518479195594,
"messaging": [
"sender": {
"id": "<PSID>"
"recipient": {
"id": "<PAGE_ID>"
"timestamp": 1518479195308,
"message": {
"mid": "mid.$cAAJdkrCd2ORnva8ErFhjGm0X_Q_c",
"attachments": [
"type": "<image|video|audio|file>",
"payload": {
but I only receive:
"object": "page",
"entry": [
"id": "119320008135788",
"time": 1604051633128,
"messaging": [
"sender": {
"id": "XXXXXX"
"recipient": {
"id": "XXXXXX"
"timestamp": 1604051632953,
"message": {
"mid": "m_7DRP...."
This only happens on one page from 29/10/2020
Does anyone have the same problem / know why it happens?
The Facebook support team has confirmed my problem, and is investigating.
I am now solving using the graph api to get the desired message information using the mid
GET /v8.0/{message-id} HTTP/1.1
Host: graph.facebook.com
https://graph.facebook.com/v8.0/' + mid + '?fields=message%2Cfrom%2Csticker%2Ctags%2Cid%2Cattachments.limit(10)%7Bid%2Cimage_data%2Cmime_type%2Cname%2Cfile_url%2Cvideo_data%7D&access_token=XXXXXX

ACRCloud external meta data and IDs not returning

When making valid requests to http://ap-southeast-1.api.acrcloud.com/v1/identify I get successful responses, however both external_ids and external_metadata always come back as empty objects.
Example response:
"external_ids": {},
"play_offset_ms": 97480,
"external_metadata": {},
"label": "Universal Music Ltd.",
"release_date": "2012-01-01",
"album": {
"name": "The Love Club EP"
"title": "Royals",
"duration_ms": "190185",
"genres": [
"name": "Pop"
"acrid": "b748d828aba29c699f732bd660123bae",
"result_from": 3,
"artists": [
"name": "Lorde"
Anyone know why all my identifications wouldn't contain this data?
Please select the 3rd party ID integration while creating the projects.

facebook real-time page api response analysis

i'm getting callbacks from facebook and response like this ;
"object": "page",
"entry": [
"id": "2407411660blabla",
"time": 1450266812,
"changes": [
"field": "feed",
"value": {
"item": "comment",
"verb": "add",
"comment_id": "787904161316072_blabla",
"post_id": "240741166032377_blabla",
"parent_id": "240741166032377_blabla",
"sender_id": 1020447568blabla,
"created_time": 1450266812,
"message": "blalba lba lba bla",
"sender_name": "Mehmet Tubay Saban"
As you can see , there are two array in this json;
1- entry[]
2- changes[]
Sometimes "entry array" has 1 or more items and some times "changes array" has 1 or more items , what is different between entry and changes array of objects ?
It seems to be based on the "time" value.
If several actions has the same "time" value they will appear in the changes[] array.