GUI Programming in LISP? [closed] - lisp

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Closed 9 years ago.
I did a fair amount of Lisp programming a few years back, but it was all really console-based things. I did use cells-gtk(2), but now that's really not maintained anymore and obviously we're Gtk3 now.
Does anyone know of a good Lisp library for GUI programming (I don't mind if which dialect).

For Common Lisp all the solutions are listed in Cliki as usual.
Personally I am quite content with ltk, but it's probably not for complex GUIs. CAPI should be the best for such.

If you are into scheme check out chicken which gets compiled to C and has very good Foreign Function Interface support to call native C code. If you go down that path , a lot of options arise.
interfacing libGTK using FFI (easyffi example)
using the SDL egg
using the XLIB egg
using the cairo egg
good luck!

If you really mean that you don't mind the dialect, then you can have a look at Racket which has GUI toolkit.

You could also consider ABCL, which is a Common Lisp that runs in the jdk, and has interfaces for calling out to Java classes. The ABCL website has one or two simple examples of Lisp programs that use Java libraries for graphics.

Clozure Common Lisp and OS X Cocoa through CCL's Objective C bridge.

For common lisp you can try the LTK library, which is a wrapper for TCL/TK. Works on linuxes and on windows(on windows with the Active State distribution of tcl/tk).


A step up from perl? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
I am curious, if I am looking for something that is a "step up" from Perl is terms of difficulty. Where would I go?
Is python higher? Ruby? Java?
Am I getting warmer?
Would adding GUIs to my perl script be a higher level of difficulty?
I love Perl but I am looking to branch out a little bit and try other things.
If you don't know C, learn C. Benefit: you can write extension to Perl making your Perl skill even more powerful. If you have already known C, learn Lisp or other functional programming language. Benefit: get into touch a totally different flavor of language, broaden your view.
You might consider a functional language like, say, Haskell. I don't know that it's harder than Perl, but it's different enough that it should expand your ideas of what programming is about.
Perl is a scripting language, Ruby, Python and PHP are scripting languages too. If it is a new challenge you are after try a common compiled language like any C derivative (C, C++, C#, Java).

Advantages of different Scheme R6RS implementations [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I'd like to start programming in Scheme but the variety of different implementations is confusing. What are some advantages or disadvantages of various implementations?
Every implementation tends to focus on something different. Racket emphasizes its large libraries as "batteries included", while Ikarus Scheme touts itself as compiling fast code. You should examine implementations based on what you want. If you're just learning Scheme, DrRacket is a good choice with its friendly interface and specific environments for various Scheme books.
Also, you probably don't need to find a R6RS implementation, when most implementations target R5RS and most textbooks were written for R5RS and earlier.
Since you're looking to learn Scheme, I recommend The Little Schemer as an introduction to thinking using Scheme's lists and recursion.
Honestly, while each one has their own quirks and modifications to the standard, they're mostly the same. The biggest differences is how it compiles. You should probably just pick one and go with it.
Racket would be a good choice because it comes with a nice debugging IDE and is easy to set up.

Large projects built on Lisp [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
What are some examples of large projects (e.g., web sites) programmed in Lisp or a Lisp framework?
Most of emacs and its many extensions/modes are written in emacs lisp.
The Orbitz travel web site runs on Lisp:
The Operating System and in fact the entire system on the various Lisp Machines was written in Lisp. In fact, while the commercial Lisp Machines often used more traditional languages such as Verilog and VHDL, on some of the more "researchy" Lisp Machines, even the CPU was written in Lisp.
Lispers just love their language. They'd rather write everything in it. (In that way, they are similar to Smalltalkers.)
There's a discussion from Lambda The Ultimate from a couple years back that's relevant.
The early versions of Reddit were written in Lisp. The Yahoo Store (formerly ViaWeb) was written in Lisp.
Flightcaster is a heavy user of Clojure. While Ruby on Rails provides the pretty face, all the "thinking" (statistical analysis / machine learning) is done in Clojure.
These bioinformatics platforms are both built on Lisp:
BioCyc (sorry, can't post a link -- try biocyc dot org)
BioBike (sorry, can't post a link -- try biobike dot org)
As was this commercial application for pharmaceutical chemists:
All are fairly large projects, at least in terms of complexity (I've worked on all three of them).
Some links from the ALU website:
GBBopen is an actively maintained AI framework, a blackboard system, in Lisp

Online tutorial on lisp [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
Any online tutorial on lisp which can teach the basics (loop, condition and etc) of this language in a short time?
Common Lisp tutorial on Wikibooks,
for beginners,
, bit more advanced,
Not a tutorial but rather a full book (but good and straight forward): Practical Common Lisp,
Steve Yegge's Emergency Elisp is not about Common Lisp, but I still find it quite good to get at feeling for the Lisp family of languages:
If you can make it through it (I wasn't able to the first time I read it), reading Paul Graham's The Roots of Lisp gives a nice overview of the very basics of the language, and how to implement it in itself, with only a few primitives.
On Lisp is another, oft-recomended and not too out of date book, again by Paul Graham, that will definitely teach you what you want to know. It's online, for free.
Personally, though, I'd recommend Clojure to you over CL. It's got a fast-growing, welcoming, smart community making cool things. Not only that, but you've got access to everything that Java does, and you're running on the JVM (it's portable and damn fast).
Good luck! is a good start - read up to chapter 3. Chapter 3 really gets you the feel. The rest of the book is good too, but I recommend reading .... next. From there, you should read ....
I chose these in order of importance and difficulty. SL being the easiest and most important, then Gentle, then PCL

What are the good "rich" IDEs for Lisp? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
What are the good "rich" IDEs for Lisp? To clarify by "rich" I mean it should have a good look-up reference, auto complete, auto inclusion, checking of various sorts, some kind of compilation support, version management, REPL, etc. I have reviewed some of the previous questions/answers (Such as What’s a good Common Lisp implementation for Windows?) but it really does not get to my need/question. I am used to Eclipse and have found (CUSP but activity/support seems light).
Don't hassle me about the phrase "rich" IDE, by saying that emacs or slime is wonderful and that it is and IDE. I have used emacs for years during college, I understand. I am wondering what else is out there (and good) more along the Visual Studio, Netbeans, or Eclipse, type UI and feature set?
A friend of mine bought a copy himself to develop Lisp programs in his sparse time. (He is very experienced in Lisp)
Lispworks also has a free personal edition.
Hm, strange seeing you dismiss Emacs+Slime as it covers most (all?) the points you've mentioned and a lot more. Note that Slime != Emacs, at all.
edit: E.g., stuff like CUSP or Lispworks are not as rich as Emacs+Slime.
I have not actually tried it but MCLIDE sounds nice. But I concur with most other: SLIME is great.