Why do hashCode & equal need non-static fields to be generated? - eclipse

I am curious about this Error I get while testing out Eclipses' functionality:
I tried to use the command "generate hashCode & Equals", but because the class only has static methods it rejected it. How does this work(i.e. hashCode()/equals() needing non-static methods ? )?
thank you

hashCode and equals methods are belonging to a concrete object and need members belonging to the object to compute any meaningful value.
Eg. if you want to compare two instances of the same class, you do that by comparing their "computed values" through their equals and/or hashCode methods.
Static methods and members belong to the class and not to the concrete instance uniquely.

hashCode is supposed to generate a unique identifier for each instance of the class and equals compares this instance to another instance to see if they are equal or not. By definition, these methods are necessary for each instance of this class, so the method cannot be static. Also, these methods are inherited from Object as non-static methods and you cannot change that.


Difference between objects, attributes, variables and class instance

I am having trouble understanding my professor's lecture notes because my brain seem to treat objects, attributes, variables and class instance as interchangeable. I really appreciate any help in distinguishing these 4 terms. Thank you!
this would be helpful for u Visit https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-difference-between-instance-variable-and-class-variable
Class variables are declared with keyword static and Instance variables are declared without static keyword.
Class variables are common to all instances of a class. These variables are shared between the objects of a class. Instance variables are not shared between the objects of a class. Each instance will have their own copy of instance variables.
As class variables are common to all objects of a class, changes made to these variables through one object will reflect in another. As each object will have its own copy of instance variables, changes made to these variables through one object will not reflect in another object.
Class variables can be accessed using either class name or object reference. Instance variables can be accessed only through object reference.
You don't mention the programming language at question.
Usually a class is a model or template that declares
how a certain category of objects look like.
You give a class a name and you mention if it inherits
members from another class or not.
You define also the class members.
These can be variables that hold data (object state)
and methods (class defined functions) that define
the object behaviour.
When you instantiate a class using the declared model
, you get an object, that is a concrete class instance.
This is a concrete entity, think of it as a new variable in memory,
whose data type is the class (instead of for example
integer or string data types), whose value is its state
in a defined moment in time (the state being the
combination of all of its data member variables values
at that moment). This object has to have an identity,
because it exists in memory and it is a different entity
from the other objects you can instantiate from this or
any other class. The data member variables hold specific
values for each instance. These are not shared between
Now the member methods can be shared between instances
because they have no state, so they are equal for every object.
They are called with some arguments
and they do some action that changes the object state, or
is at least tightly related with the concrete object.
But they are common to every object. The methods usually
know what concrete object they act upon by means of a special
name like 'this' or 'self', that references to 'itself'.
Objects are usually assigned to variables upon creation,
storing a reference to its identity that allows the
remaining code to manipulate them.
You use these variables to refer to the concrete object
outside the code of the classes, and use 'this' or 'self'
to refer to it from inside the classes.
Frequently you access object members qualifying with the
object name. Like in 'player.run()', or 'player.total_score'.
That is if player is a variable to which you assigned a
class Player instance. This can look like player = new Player
or player = Player().
Attributes is just another name given to data members.
Sometimes attributes and also methods can be public or private,
meaning code outside the class can use them, or only
the class code can have access.
Sometimes you see data members or attributes referred as
properties. When you access an attribute, you are accessing
a property. In some languages like Python, property can mean
something a little different but close related anyway...
Now also depending on the language things can be like described
(C++, Java) or you can have everything being treated as objects,
including the class definitions (Python).
You should also search the internet or SO about
inheritance, overriding, class diagrams, and other things class
This is all no more than the ability of defining your own data types
beoynd the language builtin types.
You can think of variables as names for boxes (memory containers in a certain address) holding values. But sometimes you want to manipulate
not the values but the addresses themselves. This time you say you have
references (to addresses). Sometimes variables are just names for those
references. References are also known as pointers. But you could do math with pointers (increment, decrement, add a fixed value to...) that you usually don't do with references.

How can I express in Scala class configuration option?

In the title I provided use-case for the following behavior: the field should be publicly mutable and immutable for the class's own methods. Consider also that I essentially want single line per field, because the number of fields may be great. Also I want to have no-arg constructor.
The nearest I can think of that could satisfy what you want is to have a trait which only has accessor methods, and an implementation class that allows mutations. Pass the class type around wherever you need to be able to alter values, but reference it only as the trait wherever the values should be unalterable.

Java: help understanding the use of interfaces as a data type?

I am having trouble understanding with some of the code snippets about this part of the Java tutorial: http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/java/IandI/interfaceAsType.html
public Object findLargest(Object object1, Object object2) {
Relatable obj1 = (Relatable)object1;
Relatable obj2 = (Relatable)object2;
if ((obj1).isLargerThan(obj2) > 0)
return object1;
return object2;
public interface Relatable {
// this (object calling isLargerThan)
// and other must be instances of
// the same class returns 1, 0, -1
// if this is greater than,
// equal to, or less than other
public int isLargerThan(Relatable other);
In the first example, why am I downcasting Object types into Relatable types? What happens if the first method doesn't include the first two statements?
Let's say I wrote a Rectangle class that implements the Relatable interface and has the "findLargest" method. If I know that I'm comparing two Rectangle objects, why not just make the first method downcast the objects into Rectangles instead?
You cast the Objects into Relatable types because otherwise you cannot use the methods declared in the Relatable interface. Since Object does not have the isLargerThan method, you would get a compiler error without casting. Honestly, in my opinion the findLargest method as shown here was not very well designed; a better illustration of the purpose of Interfaces would be to ask for Relatable objects as the parameters like so:
public Object findLargest(Relatable object1, Relatable object2) {
//implementation not shown to save space
This way, the user must pass Relatable objects, but they can pass any object whose class implements Relatable (such as Rectangle)
"If I know that I'm comparing two Rectangle objects..."True, if you know that you are comparing two Rectangle objects, there is little use for an interface, but the purpose of interfaces is to allow you to create a generic "type" of object that can be used to define common features of several different classes.For example, what if you also had a Circle class and a Square class (both of which implemented Relatable)? In this case, you do not necessarily know the exact type of object you have, but you would know that it is Relatable, so it would be best to cast to type Relatable and use the isLargerThan method in a case like this.
Interfaces define a set of methods which every class which the interface implements has to implement. The downcast is necessary to get access to these methods.
You don't know if you are comparing rectangles with this interface. You could get any Relatble passed. This is one of the cases generics come in handy.
1.In the first example, why am I down casting Object types into Relatable types? What happens if the first method doesn't include the first two statements?
Every object has some basic functionality and you want a specific object write now. You are down casting your object into a "Relatable" so you can use the "isLargerThan" method(an object wont have it since it has only basic common stuff).
If you didn't down cast, you would not pass compilation.
2.Let's say I wrote a Rectangle class that implements the Relatable interface and has the "findLargest" method. If I know that I'm comparing two Rectangle objects, why not just make the first method downcast the objects into Rectangles instead?
Since you want to create something generic.
Lets say you have a Student and a Driver. Both of them are People. You can create an interface called IPeople and make both the Student and the driver implement it.
IPeople will have a method called "getAge()" that each of them will implement.
IPeople will have all the functionality that you need for "People". That's how you create cross object functionality under the "same hat".

what its mean by class, object, instance, attribute in object oriented programing ?

i have learned class is a blueprint of structurally identical items, and the items created using class are called instances.
please let me know what are the difference between class, object, instance and attribute in object oriented programming concept. is the object, instance, attribute same?
Typically they are used like so:
class - blueprint for creating object instances; defines properties and methods
object - synonymous with instance usually (sometimes improperly equated with class)
instance - an actual manifestation of a class; the class defines what properties and methods the instance has while the instance holds the values of the object attributes
attribute - typically synonymous with "property" (an object member whose value can be set), but in some dynamic languages this can also include "methods" (an object member which can be called)
Yes, you're definition of a class is correct. You can create multiple objects of the same class. Each object is an instance of the class. The term instance can not only mean the object is an instance of the class, but it can also relate to polymorphism. There is a keyword, in java it is called instanceof. With it, you can not only tell if an object is an instance of the class, but if the object is an instance of a superclass. So, instance, can also be more type-oriented. Attributes are members of the class, like its variables.

Concept of Object, class and member function

So far this is what I understand objects are, I need feedback to know if I'm correct.
A class is made up of member functions. A class also defines types like int does.
An object is defined by that class and then the object calls the member functions within that class (only in the class it was defined by).
Need to know if I'm missing anything or if I'm wrong about something. Thanks
A class is made up of member functions.
Not necessarily, classes can contain data members too.
A class also defines types like int does.
Then the object calls the member functions within that class
Once, you go through the concepts of inheritance, you will understand that, an object can call methods of its base classes